Climb out of the vent on the fifth floor warehouse to find someone squatting washing dishes

Hermina 2022-06-14 23:38:52

I've always thought that getting into an Assayas film was a fairly simple, and quite random thing.

The truth is, if you've ever been in a dilapidated building in Hong Kong, there seems to be countless small doors in a cluttered clutter of suspected smuggled goods from a certain floor to a certain room with dizzying white lamp lights. A company with an unexpectedly wide space behind it, climbed along the water pipe outside the window to the shuttered window sill of another unknown space on another floor, then jumped from the window sill, committed to walking fast in the dimness, and walked down the stairs. , passed a warehouse with a seemingly abandoned wall, a rotating exhaust fan and exposed rusted iron pipes, and then wandered in a dark office, followed intuition and felt the iron gate to a light where you twisted the door handle and found yourself on a narrow road that looked like an aisle. You pushed open a door in front of you that you had no idea where it was going to lead, and walked through two or three that seemed to be empty for a long time. The rental writing office you used, went out to a corridor with a pale cold light, and followed the stairway at the end of the corridor. You fell when you went down the stairs, and your sprained ankle made it difficult for you to think. Rotating down the stairs to the bottom of the building, you opened another small orange door that you didn't even know what was behind you, and you went straight into a crowded tea restaurant full of guests. You walked in under everyone's attention. In the kitchen, an iron door is opened again, and you see several dishwashers squatting on the concrete floor washing dishes, and you finally return to the streets of Hong Kong along the back door.

So congratulations, you've found the key to "Boarding Gate". This is a kind of peculiar architectural space feeling with unknown and mysterious rhythm variations formed in the narrow and cramped and spacious and bright, hidden and lively and noisy in Hong Kong, and the dragons born out of it see the beginning but not the end. the play structure.

Very strange, extremely wonderful, invincible strange.

It takes a surprising or surprising or surprising twist at every anticipated plot point. It will be mixed with bold and sultry erotic scenes or thrilling action scenes every time it is about to fall into the atmospheric trend of dull literary films. You can hardly describe the story direction of this film, or grasp its film structure, it is like traveling inside the psychedelic champagne mansion, you do not know where this door will lead, which road will lead Where to go, elusive, elusive.

I even suspect that Assayas came up with this movie by accident when he was wandering around in Hong Kong, in order to convey his spatial feelings in Hong Kong wtf, or he just wanted to show the heroine of this movie. The escape scene made up a story before and after.

A movie only has its soul attached to it when it arrives in Hong Kong. Without Hong Kong, this movie has almost no charm in my opinion.

Fortunately, Hong Kong is too charming, and then I gave some to Assayas.

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