Stubbornness is the only way to victory

Eloy 2022-09-06 11:23:51

The best racing documentary, bar none!

I have watched many racing documentaries, such as Forever Senna, Extreme Speed, Gentleman Driver, etc., but none of them gave me as much impact as this one. Why? Because it is talking about the scene of these drivers in front of you, about your last year, your present...

We often watch the game with our own preferences, simply hoping that our favorite team or driver will win, but we have never seen the pain, struggle and helplessness of many people behind it...

In the first episode of the film, it was mentioned that the Haas team did not tighten the tires twice because the tire technicians were not familiar with the process in the opening race in Australia, which caused the drivers to both withdraw from the race when they got the best result. I cried when I saw this scene. , In fact, I clearly remember that when we were in the race last year, we were still joking that Haas was paving the way for Ferrari? But now I see behind Haas, whether it's the team manager or the mechanic saying "im sorry", it's really heartbreaking. It's the kind of guilt that sees someone else really working hard but screwed up the whole thing because of his mistake. After the distress, tears came out at that time.

For the team, the background is important, but this is not the reason for failure. In the film, the manager of the Haas team said, "A lot of the success of the car comes from stubbornness." Yes, this sentence is also in my opinion. The most touching sentence of the game for so long is that in every game, the persistence in adversity seems to be more moving.

In fact, F1 has evolved for so long, and it is more like a political arena. We have seen Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz with abundant funds and advanced technology, and we have also seen teams like Williams that are on the verge of survival. Among the drivers, there are top drivers with super wingman like Hamilton, and there are people who are praised like Ricciardo, but always ranked second. Of course, there are also those young people who want to beat idols but are not strong The newcomers supported by the team, but they are still supporting their efforts with faith to run every game well.

Horner said there's nothing more satisfying than seeing your car, your driver crossing the finish line first, yeah, but the world of F1 is never that quiet, even if you have the best car, You have as many lows as you can, mistakes, crashes, car failures, conflicts within the team... Everything will make you fall to the freezing point in an instant, but stubbornness is your only weapon to rush to the championship!

I think everyone is a hero, even if he doesn't put the tires on, even if he keeps slipping in the same corner, even if he makes the wrong strategy, even if he hangs his head and smiles, but they are our heroes because Growth in adversity is what needs to be affirmed the most!

Hold on, my heroes, you will always be the pinnacle of my unattainable dream!

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