The story of the master of "No Love to Tell" is often that the cause and effect are neat and invisible; the ending is open, and there are multiple layers of aftertaste.

Cassandre 2022-01-28 08:31:17

The story of the master is often that the cause and effect are neat and invisible; the ending is open and the aftertaste is multi-layered.

"No Love to Tell" tells the story of a family's love falling apart. It is a master work, and it has political ambitions, so its performance is a complete "Divorce War" + "Search and Rescue Children", but it is a big poetic metaphor, and the body is the country. The problem of the family of origin is the national problem. The theme is made from the small to the big, the most abstract and poetic. This kind of work is a typical "master to do", telling a good story, but also mapping politics, human thinking, etc.

Let's go back to the "ego" and see the basics of how the master tells a story well. The story has a strong sense of reality for both the divorce battle and the missing children. It's real comes from being logical, from a highly simulated life. The basis of the truth of the plot is the truth of the characters.

character setting:

Father, who is numb, dull, and restrained by life, has become the epitome of male urban white-collar workers who are incompetent and dull. Driven by primitive desires - looking for flowers and asking willows, but unable to take care of the results, hastily married and had children, continued derailment and accidentally pregnant young women, a vicious circle manipulated by the original sin. Because of his incompetence, his biological son eventually left home and died alone, but isn't the newborn the next fate to be abandoned by love?

Mother, a beautiful woman from a poor and violent family of origin. Destined to only pity himself in his life, he has a strong desire for material things (for a sense of security). Her love has only one centripetal force, and she is disgusted with herself, even her own flesh and blood.

A family formed by such a husband and wife, of course, does not have mutual understanding and love, because neither husband and wife have selfless spare power. The child was originally a result of love, but it became a burden, a fate, and only hides in the dark corners to fear and cry. When one extreme happens, the child disappears, the burden disappears in an instant, and the couple complaining about each other loses their balance, and then there is the pain and panic of being cut by a knife. It is too late, and the cruelty of the ending is unbelievable. Severe pain is a loss of reason, a temporary forgetting of everything. Afterwards, the author clearly expresses hints that this kind of numbness and resentment of men and women continues or re-acts.

Whether poets, novelists or film masters, as storytellers, the observation and induction of life, and the highly condensed metaphors are all in place. In the end, the master can be precise and ingenious.

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  • Zhenya: I think I've made a terrible mistake.