If this is a live-action movie

Tre 2021-12-07 08:01:06

Text|Song Luo If this is a live-action movie, then the plot is approximately like this-

Judy, a white girl who came out of the small town, aspired to become a policeman since she was a child. She was admitted to the police academy through hard work and was assigned to New York, an international city known as the melting pot of races. Because she was a woman, Judy was kicked to the transportation department on the first day of work. His only job every day was to issue tickets. In order to prove herself, she issued a military order to the black police chief to find the black gardener who was missing. On the way to find someone, Judy and Nick, a black boy on the street, teamed up to find more than a dozen black people who were missing, only to find that they had completely lost their minds and became violent and crazy. As a result, public opinion has repeatedly attacked, believing that black people are bloody and warlike in their bones, and they should return to the African savannah. Even the questioning of black DNA revealed in Judy's interview caused a rift in trust between her and Nick. Then, Judy discovered that behind this case was a huge political conspiracy that intended to destroy racial harmony, and the source of the madness was poppies. In the end, the bad guys fought the law, Judy and Nick reconcile, and New York has become a paradise of racial harmony...

Today when Trump scolds the sky, today when Chinese and African Americans continue to congregate on the Peter Liang case, and today when racial issues repeatedly stir American nerves, if "Zoo City" is a live-action movie , The final outcome is justice triumphs over evil, all kinds of people dance together happily, instead of breaking apart the reality, crushing and criticizing enough, probably not only will be regarded as muddy, but also tomatoes will be thrown away. , No one will be satisfied with the result, and neither will please. But it is much safer to show in the form of a cartoon, and the audience is much more tolerant. Sure enough, the story of an ideal utopia can only be installed in the shell of a cartoon movie. Cartoon movies can add points to satirizing reality, while real movies with ideal endings will probably only lose points. This is the cleverness of Disney. After all, how many animated films can meet the sensory visual effects of young children while copying the rules and thinking of the adult world everywhere?

For example, at the beginning of the movie, the rabbit parents repeatedly instilled in Judy the value of stability is everything, giving up seemingly unrealistic dreams and submitting to the stability of reality. After all, dreams come at the cost of losing first. To dance a graceful ballet, it must be at the cost of the scars on both feet; Swift is the fastest flying bird in the sky, but at the cost of weak legs and feet. And this price is paid in advance and cannot be repaid. All children have dreams. On the road of growth, some of them give up, but some of them still persist. Judy is the latter. She is like a brave idealist. She has lost her parents’ shadow and a stable pastoral life. Her dream is to make the world a better place, even if the road to her dream is lonely, wronged, and full of suffering. . She rushed through all the hardships, but found that those efforts were not worth mentioning in the eyes of large animals. How familiar. How many Judys, how many of us, have been beaten to the head by dreams, but are still struggling to persevere. Even if the joy that I hope to achieve in the future is just a small reward after all the hard work is superimposed, I still don't want to give up.

Nick the Fox, when Disney designed this image, it seems to have highly restored the red fox Robin Hood in the 1973 animated film "Robin Hood", who is equally clever and cunning, and generally kind-hearted. The carnivores standing at the top of the food chain became targets of violence and violence when they were young. The reason for bullying Nick is simple. No herbivore would believe in the kindness of a carnivore, and DNA is his original sin. However, is the prevention of violence in the mouths of small animals not another kind of deep-rooted discrimination? After all, the harmony between the two animals is based on the deprivation of the carnivore’s nature, and the initiative has never been in the hands of the herbivore. Therefore, the discrimination of herbivores stems from the innate fear of the weak against the strong.

It is said that when the antelope sees a lion or a cheetah, it will support its hind feet, jump up and make a provocation. This type of behavior has once puzzled zoologists. Why do they want to be easily spotted and sniped by predators? One of the sayings is that they are actually telling the predator that I am stronger and healthier than my other companions, so go and catch those who are weaker than me. I attacked you and proved my strength. If you want to eat, you can eat other animals. The little animals who attacked Nick probably had the same mentality.

The sloths of the Vehicle and Transportation Administration, it is not difficult to see that they are civil servants who mirror the inefficiency of work in reality. If anyone jumps up and down like a rabbit in a hurry, I'm sorry, the other party may find a hundred reasons for you to start all over again. Last winter, I was impressed by the customs in Phuket. I waited in line for seven hours from getting off the plane to entering the country, which is not the highest record. It is said that no matter how many tourists wait, it will not affect the mood and speed of the clerks. It is really the essence of Tai Chi. Sloths can at least sell cute.

In the end, this is actually a love that crosses races? Probably my reflection arc is as long as a sloth. I have always thought that the protagonist is just a highly pure revolutionary friendship. I didn’t expect the fox's sudden sentence at the end of the film, you know that you love me, instantly make the revolutionary friendship It has been sublimated several times (this argument comes from an official interview, explaining that they are love beyond the friendship of friends). In fact, I thought it was a friend of mine, so I looked bloody. Because this is an animal city, an ideal utopian country, everything can exist, and existence is reasonable. This is probably also to restore the original intention of the film. As long as you can struggle, as long as you are tolerant, you can get happiness. Sure enough, it is still a utopian world.

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Zootopia quotes

  • Duke Weaselton: Hey, if it isn't Flopsy the Copsy.

    Judy Hopps: We both know those weren't moldy onions I caught you stealing. What were you gonna do with those Night Howlers, Weselton?

    Duke Weaselton: It's Weaselton! Duke Weaselton! And I ain't talkin', rabbit.

    [flicking his toothpick in her face]

    Duke Weaselton: And there ain't nothing you can do to make me.

    [she and Nick share a smirk; cut to Mr. Big's office]

    Mr. Big: Ice him.

  • Judy Hopps: [seeing Clawhauser packing up his belongings] What are you doing?

    Clawhauser: Um... they thought it would be better... if a predator such as myself... wasn't the first face that you see... when you walk into the ZPD.

    Judy Hopps: What?

    Clawhauser: They're gonna move me to Records. It's downstairs. It's by the boiler.