What is the suspenseful performance of "Butterfly Effect"?

Pasquale 2022-03-22 09:01:04

1. After watching, I found that the biggest thunder of the film lies in the perverted father of the heroine Kelly. Bypassing him, a lot of trouble will be gone.

2. A more proper (no bug and early) traversal:

Travel back to the small movie moment, and escape after cooperating with the part. Go home and tell mom and the police that Kylie’s father has a pedophile


Kelly and Tommy were sent to live with their mother

Evan and Kelly have always been in contact and may develop into a couple

Evan controls himself and doesn’t need the traversal technique to pursue perfection (the biggest logical trap here is that it’s hard for someone to control himself without traversal technique). So once he knows he can traverse (multiple times, and he can control the time point)

The danger:

After Kelly's father is released from prison, he may harm his children and informants.

3. The most human test in the film lies in:

Whether the hero Evan can control himself, do the so-called "correction of mistakes" without traversing skills in pursuit of perfection.

Because once you know that you can traverse, many times, and you can control the time point yourself, then there are few people who don't use it to make yourself live well. It is fundamentally anti-human.

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Extended Reading

The Butterfly Effect quotes

  • Title Card: It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory

  • [time traveling Evan at age 7 threatens George Miller with a lighted stick of dynamite]

    Mr. George Miller: Evan! Put that out, or you'll blow off both your hands!

    Evan at 7: Been there, done that.