You and me in the vaccine incident are like her and him in this Oscar best

Candelario 2022-03-22 09:01:07

This article was first published on the public account "Shadow Detective", original articles are not allowed to be reproduced without permission.

I believe everyone is paying attention to the vaccine incident in the past few days.

At first, it was because a batch of rabies vaccine from Changchun Changsheng Enterprise had a problem.

What's wrong with this batch of vaccines? Is it useless or poisonous?

Then, two batches of DPT vaccines from Changchun Changsheng and Wuhan Biology also broke out . A total of 252,600 vaccines were injected into the bodies of more than 250,000 children.

One is a vaccine with a lethality rate of 100%.

One is the vaccine that children must get.

Human life is shut down, and public opinion is instantly ignited.

Even though the incident caused an uproar, it was the people who were trapped in the incident that were more "lively" than the incident .

Among them, there are parents who are at a loss and helpless- what should our children do? Do you want to get a vaccine?

There are media people who are smashing the inside and burning with anger -why do they harm people after earning so much money?

A programmer who traces the source and speaks with data -I spent 14 hours looking for where Changchun Changsheng has sold.

There is also a certain lawyer who uses the mess to make money and uses rewards for profit ...

This article has been deleted and I don't want to pay attention to him, so I typed it.

After several days of fermentation, following the official instructions to review, the final word seems to have made everyone feel more at ease.

Is this "sweeping screen to change China" drama coming to an end?

What is your role in it?

Is it a calm and silent bystander? Or is it a party who is exhausted?

Perhaps in this movie that also starts from the news event itself, everyone can find their own role.



2016 Oscar's best movie, best original screenplay.

Brought together "Borton version of Batman" Michael Keaton, "Hulk" Mark Ruflow, "Doctor Strange Girlfriend" Rachel McAdams, "Sweeper" Levi Schreiber, "Iron Man He "Dad" John Slattery, "Dr. Manhattan" Billy Crudup and many other actors with both strength and charm.

The role they played was a reporter for the "Focus" column of the Boston Globe.

The job of these people is to dig out social news and conduct in-depth investigations.

The new editor-in-chief, vigorous and vigorous, sent a hot potato to the team members as soon as he took office-to reinvestigate the priest's sexual assault on children.

In the eyes of senior editors, this is an attempt to make big news-to sue the church.

In the eyes of young reporters, this is cooking cold rice—because they reported it three years ago.

But at the insistence of the editor-in-chief, the reporters still took action.

Wanting to report an old news in depth is not an easy job, let alone such a sensitive social event.

Although everyone in Boston has heard about the sexual assault of priests, only a few newspapers on the market dare to report it.

The content of the report is not only very rough, but the early first-hand information is even more difficult to dig.

After visiting the witnesses again and again and flipping through the piles of old papers, the members of the "Focus" team were shocked by what they saw before them.

In past cases, molesting a child would only cost US$20,000 without even going to jail.

In fact, these poor children can't get so much money at all.

Because many victims were born in poverty, the church would use "secret agreements" to reconcile privately.

You have to sign an agreement to get compensation, and the compensation lawyer will take one third away, but from then on you have to remain silent, and the church will make major matters smaller and cover up the trivial matters.

For the church, things passed, but for the children, it was not easy.

Many of the grown-up victims have long-term alcohol abuse and some self-harm by taking drugs.

Some even start a family, as long as you remember that the priest tempted him with ice cream when he was a child, he wouldn't even dare to eat ice cream.

Among them, those who can be interviewed by reporters are already considered lucky.

After all, many victims, unable to withstand the trauma, have already committed suicide.

As the investigation deepened, reporters found that the more they investigated, the more terrifying.

The priests suspected of child abuse, from the first one thought to be, gradually became 13, then more than 80... more than 90... In the end, a total of more than 200 were prosecuted!

This is true for the Boston area alone, let alone the whole country and the world.

Why haven't you noticed such a common thing before?

Because everyone is silent, the collective silence of the perpetrators, victims, and investigators.

Criminals, who have a strong church power as a backer, can easily shut up the voice of the speaker. Anyone who wants to understand the case will be targeted by them.

Victims, oppression from friends, residents, relatives and friends, those who believe in Catholicism, can use "piety" to shield all scandals.

The investigator has made mistakes in his duties. In the past few years, lawyers secretly sent the list of priests involved to the newspaper, but they unintentionally ignored it.

Perhaps for audiences who are accustomed to watching entertainment films, this film is like news reports, serious, calm, and plain.

It is precisely because of this "news documentary" style that the audience has the feeling of "following them in the interview and going deep into the incident" , which makes the audience feel heartstrings in a calm and uneasy manner.

Although there is no superficial description of public opinion, popular wishes, etc., the events presented in this way are more shocking.

Especially in the ending part, after the report was published, numerous ringtones suddenly rang in the newspaper, all of which were calls from the victims .

At this moment, people are excited.

But the subtitles that appeared afterwards explained the next thing, and instantly poured the blood to the cold.

Although the report caused an uproar, there are still people who can get away with it-the bishop faces the biggest punishment, which is "resignation . "

Oh, how ridiculous, how cold, how magical!

The most magical thing is that this ending is very familiar to us! Because this is reality! !

How many vocal incidents have quietly disappeared from our vision.

The emotions that were once shocked and angry will slowly disappear over time...until the next event erupts.

All beings are guilty, and you and I are all complicit.

Xiaoying I used to be a very "idealistic" person, always like to "hope for the future" as the antidote to everything.

Hope the future will be okay...

I hope the future won't be so bad...

Hope it will change in the future...

Lu Xun once said in "This and That":

In my opinion, all idealists either miss the "past" or "hope for the future", and on the topic of "now", they all have handed in a blank paper because no one can prescribe a prescription.

In fact, many times, it's not because you can't prescribe a prescription, but because everyone is too lazy to move.

As long as this incident doesn't threaten "I" for the time being, so "I" will sit on the sidelines in peace for the time being.

As long as there are still people "working hard" in this incident for the time being, so "I" will sit back and enjoy the laziness for the time being.

"Sit and wait for peace, and wait to move forward. If you can, it is naturally good, but what is worrying is that you will die of old age and what you are waiting for will not come."

——This is not the saddest.

The saddest thing is that when many people don't care, don't make a sound, and don't delve into it, the evil heart will not stop moving forward with its teeth and claws.

The only condition for the bad guys to run wild is that the good guys are silent. From the movie "Tears of the Sun"

Before the shipwreck in Thailand, the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand was cold-blooded and said: "It's all the Chinese who hurt themselves!"

Of course, they are certainly responsible for that matter.

But combined with this vaccine incident, I actually feel that this sentence is terrible!

A similar line appeared in "Focus"- "If raising a child depends on the support of the whole village, then destroying a child and the whole village will not get rid of the relationship."

Contaminated milk powder, clenbuterol, waste oil, poisonous vaccine...Which one did you not harm yourself?

There is another line in "Focus", Xiaoying has always been impressed.

It was the new editor-in-chief who said: "A lot of times we forget that we are walking alone in the dark. Suddenly it's dawn and people start to blame each other."

Aside from the incident itself, in fact, the various roles in the movie "Focus" are in every one of our incidents.

Struggling helplessly, leaving victims with permanent trauma.

A perpetrator who has a lot of money and can't stop.

Silent, exquisite self-interested bystander.

As for those who are brave enough to speak out and investigate deeply, do we have any?

Someone said before that there are now no in-depth investigative reporters.

But in my opinion, the self-media , which has lower barriers to entry and is more convenient, is to some extent functioning as investigative reporters.

Technology flow, big data, search king, science emperor... these netizens who acted for the first time in the event have already become the voice of the new era!

I would like to pay tribute to those who have stood up for us in the past, present and future!

Finally, Xiaoying wanted to say that due to time constraints, this article was written in a hurry and messy.

It's half an Amway movie, half a tweet combining current affairs.

The movie is very good, you can go and watch it.

The direction of the vaccine incident is also very good. If there is hope, I am still willing to be an idealist.

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Spotlight quotes

  • Sacha Pfeiffer: [from trailer] We understand you settled several cases against the church.

    Eric Macleish: I can't discuss that.

    Sacha Pfeiffer: Are there any records of any of these settlements?

    Eric Macleish: No.

  • Eric Macleish: [from trailer] Are you threatening me?