When happiness comes knocking

Jaquan 2022-03-22 09:01:05

Happiness is a feeling. It does not depend on people's living conditions, but on people's mentality. The characteristic of happiness is peace of mind. The so-called contented people are always happy. Happiness is the feeling that people's desires feel when they are satisfied or partially satisfied. It is a kind of spiritual pleasure. People’s happiness is temporary, just like misfortune. With the passage of time, happiness and misfortune will gradually fade. Therefore, if we want to continue to have happiness and live a happy life, we must go Continuously satisfy more cravings. After people get a piece of happiness, then people's desire for the same or the same kind of happiness will diminish. When people get this or this kind of happiness again, their happiness will gradually decrease. When it reaches enough N times, Craving will become zero, and happiness will become zero. When you realize a wish, achieve a purpose, love someone, be loved, momentary joy, happiness, etc., all belong to happiness. Happiness has no distance, no standard, happiness is a kind of feeling. When you are satisfied, you are happy. Contentment and Changle can keep happiness fresh. Some people say that happiness is the concern of "being close to the sea, fear to return later"; it is the harvest of "planting a millet in spring, and reaping thousands of seeds in autumn"; it is the wish of "I hope that people will be long and we will be beautiful for thousands of miles"; It is the memory of "Changji Xiting at sunset, intoxicated and never knowing the way home"; it is the pursuit of "The clothes are getting wider, but I will not regret it, and make people haggard for Iraq"

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."