Both refined and popular. Applauded and sold out. Artistic expression is the continuation of Yuesheng Kingdom. At the special moment when digital replaces film, many Linyuan looking back-style films have produced self-memorial films. For the death of film movies, the global choice is 3D movies, which strengthen the realism of the third dimension and explore the possibilities of digital movies. Hugo, gravity. the great Gatsby. All are good attempts. 〘Budapest Hotel〙 will have a special place in the history of film, because the director chose a more original, different angle, humorous approach. Take the front horizontal camera position, uniform lighting, extremely gorgeous tones, pass the wall lens, and shift the lens. No sliding lens is used, only zoom lens is used. The change of the mirror is like a stroke on the wall. It highlights the limitations of the movie, rather than tearing up the limitations to create an illusion. Gives live-action movies a strong sense of fairy tales, flatness and flatness. It is different from Yuesheng Kingdom. It is not enough to describe the Grand Budapest Hotel with childlike innocence. The director tried to use this hotel to carry the history of the 20th century. Condensing the entire history of the twentieth century with a traditional story of a poor boy getting rich overnight. Encountering soldiers twice on the train is a metaphor for two world wars. The first encounter with soldiers ends in a form of warmth and comedy. The second is indeed a tragic ending. The glory of the old world of the First World War is still there, and the civilization of the entire Western world in the Second World has been devastated.
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