Inspirational movie selection "Rocky" classic lines screenshot-public account: movie lines selection

Aaliyah 2022-03-22 09:01:02

Director: John G. Iverson

Screenwriter: Sylvester Stallone

Starring: Sylvester Stallone/ Talia Shire/ Porter Young/ Carl Weathers/ Bugis Medis

Genre: Drama / Romance / Sports

Screenshot of the classic lines of "Rocky": If she doesn't start living, her body will shrink. If she don't start livin', her body's gonna dry up.

A screenshot of the classic lines of "Rocky": Boys laugh when you say vulgar words. They think you are cute. After a while, you will become famous. No one will respect you, understand? They laugh when you talk dirty, they think you're cute, but after a while, you get a reputation, that's it. You get no respect, you understand?

Screenshot of "Rocky" classic lines: When you associate with good people, you will have good friends, when you associate with smart people, you will have smart friends, and when you interact with gangsters, you will have gangster friends. This principle is simple. You hang out with nice people, you get nice friends, you understand? You hang out with smart people, you get smart friends. You hang out with yo-yo people, you get yo-yo friends. You see? It's simple mathematics.

A screenshot of the classic lines of "Rocky": Some people just look at others not pleasing to the eye, understand? Some guys, they just hate for no reason, capisce?

Screenshot of "Rocky" classic lines: Yes, it is Thanksgiving for you, but it is Thursday for me. Yeah, to you. But to me it's Thursday.

Screenshot of "Rocky" classic lines: Einstein was expelled from school twice, Beethoven was deaf, Helen Keller was blind, I think Rocky has a good chance. Einstein flunked out of school twice. Beethoven was deaf. Helen Keller was blind. I think Rocky's got a good chance.

Screenshot of "Rocky" classic lines: Luck is really strange. Freak luck is a strange thing.

Screenshot of "Rocky" classic lines: I don't know, she and I have shortcomings, and we can complement each other together. I don't know. Gaps. She's got gaps, I got gaps. Together, we fill gaps. I don't know.

A screenshot of the classic lines of "Rocky": No one can get to the end of the game with Cui Di. If I can hold it longer, when the bell rang and I am still standing, it will be the first proof in my life. I'm not useless. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed. And if I can go that distance. see, if that bell rings and I'm still standin'. I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, you see that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Rocky quotes

  • Adrian: Paulie, it's Thanksgiving. I got a turkey in the oven.

    Paulie: Oh... a turkey in the oven.

    [he takes the turkey out]

    Paulie: You want the bird?

    [he throws it out the door]

    Paulie: Go in the alley and eat the bird!

    Adrian: [disgusted] Oh Paulie!

  • Paulie: [about Adrian] She's pushing thirty freaking years old, and if she don't wise up, she's gonna die an old maid.

    Rocky: I'm thirty myself!