The door knocks on its own

Jaime 2022-03-22 09:01:05

The protagonist is a stockbroker with poor living conditions. He used to sell medical equipment to make a living, but soon his wife left. There is also a young son who needs to take care of. The father and son are extremely small in the big city. . Fortunately, he stood firm, gritted his teeth, and finally overcame the hardships and came to his fortune, just like the rebirth of the phoenix nirvana!

The main content of the movie is very clear, there is no tortuous and bizarre family relationship, no earth-shaking love, no intrigue status, only a simple heart, a sincere person, his appearance is not overwhelming, the movie is not fancy, I I think such a good movie deserves our respect, and it touches so many people bit by bit.

In order to let his son sleep peacefully, the desperate father was in the bathroom, covering his son's ears, so that he would not be awakened by the crazy knock on the door outside! In this period, the father's love is like a mountain, touching the soul! The film depicts meticulously, and the actors perform well. I watched this passage with tears, as if I were the child. In the arms of my helpless father, I felt the greatness, stability, and happiness of my father!

In the other paragraph, the words father said to his son on the basketball court, "When others fail, he will tell you that you can't, so never let others tell you yes or no!" It should be a deep memory. A lot of thinking too!

What is life like, and what is my attitude towards life? You have to knock on the door of happiness yourself. You have to discover what kind of happiness you want and earn by yourself! The owner will do his best every minute or even every second to compete with his peers in order to earn a better life!

What about us? In life, I am confused, jealous of the superiority of others, complaining of my own shortcomings, and complaining! So much time is spent on these things, why not delve into your own subject, or read a book, or concentrate more on your life and work, and be better for your family!

We knock on the door of happiness by ourselves. Not only must we work hard to earn the happiness we want, but we must also work hard to discover the happiness you already have! Sometimes I also complain about the injustice of fate, but think about those who have lost their parents and are plagued by diseases. Am I still unhappy? There is one sentence that I think is particularly right, "People live in the world and cannot be compared!"

When you have happiness, you must cherish it, as Zhang Xiaofeng said, "The tree is here, the mountain is here, the earth is here, the years are here, I am here, what better world do you want?" This is what you want to ring by yourself You have a door to happiness!

When you are not yet happy, you must work hard, seize the opportunity like the protagonist, and knock on the door of happiness with your own actions!

Happiness will not fall from the sky, happiness will not take the initiative to knock on your door, it will come to you only if you are ready! The same truth as "success is for those who are prepared"!

May you and I encourage each other!

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."