The blood of the lamb-lies and innocence, desire and emptiness, the mirror life of Eli and Daniel

Arvilla 2022-03-21 09:01:06

I recently read the original script of PTA, and I am ashamed to remember that I haven't paid tribute to this film.
Among the several translated titles of this film, my favorite is "The Blood Is Coming". Compared with "Black Gold Enterprise" or "Blood Black Gold", which puts "oil" as the theme in the spotlight, although "Blood is Coming" seems to be a literal translation, it actually captures the core of the original title There Will Be Blood-blood . Let me talk about the blood of the entity, or violence and injury. In the first act of the film, Daniel accidentally fell into the well while looking for a silver mine. With a tenacious will to save himself, he set the tone of the whole story-rough, tense, no respite, blood but no tears. In the accident of the oil well, the blood of the workers merged with the oil, offering blood sacrifices for the newly opened oil well and Daniel's ambition. Naturally, Daniel killed his "only relative" Henry and his rival Eli and so on. And blood as the imagery runs through the whole article-oil is blood, the holy water for baptism is blood... a strong religious atmosphere. The blood of the lamb was supposed to redeem the baptized person, but in the end it only turned into a ridiculous revenge by Eli against Daniel. In the end, Eli tried to exchange the oil under the Bandy Track for Daniel's help, but ended up in a pool of his own blood-the blood of the Redemption Lamb has long since dried up.
In my opinion, there are actually only two characters to connect the whole film-Daniel and Eli, the enemies of life. However, after removing the appearance, the two are like two sides of a coin, mirroring each other. These two characters can achieve such a screen effect, in addition to the PTA script, to a large extent thanks to the wonderful performances of Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano. As Quentin said, "There are some facts that need not be explained. The water is tide and the sun is hot. Daniel Day-Lewis's performance in this movie is excellent." DDL's performance propped up the whole film. , Completely disappeared behind the character, but the most amazing shot for me was only a short ten seconds. When the fake brother Henry couldn't catch up several times, his eyes changed from doubt to unwilling to believe to disappointment to murderous heart. , Without a line but can clearly read all emotions. At the same time, this performance is extremely natural and has no sense of design. I have to admire his deep understanding of the role. However, Paul Dano's contribution is equally dazzling. In fact, at the beginning of the filming, Dano only had a role as Paul in the contract, and there were few scenes. However, due to the unsatisfactory cooperation between PTA and Eli's original actors, he decided to change roles temporarily. According to DDL, Dano, who had already finished filming, only got Eli's script on Thursday night. When filming started on Monday, Eli was already a flesh and blood character. Therefore, like any pair of screen rivals, the confrontation and confrontation between Daniel and Eli pushed the mood of the film to a peak again and again. As I said before-whether they admit it or not, Daniel and Eli have very similar cores. Both are good at using lies, or fraud (fraudulence) to achieve their own goals. Daniel lied that he came only for quail hunting and tried to buy Sunday's farm at a very low price; Eli used the name of the prophet of God to get the superstition of his neighbors by exaggerating and absurd "exorcism ritual". Both are savvy, ambitious, and vain. Eli insisted that Daniel proclaim his name at the opening ceremony in exchange for "the prophet’s blessing." The first thing Daniel did after he brought back his adopted son HW was to force the capitalists who had previously commented on his family to say "I look like a fool." Perhaps at the dinner on the Sunday farm, the two looked at each other and saw through the nature and future of themselves and each other-two souls destined to become rivals. PTA's lens language and Dylan Tichenor's editing also placed the two in the mirror position several times-Daniel is facing the camera in the bright indoor place, and cut until Eli is facing the camera in the dark outdoor. When DDL was asked a similar question in an interview, he said, “I (referring to Plainview) will not allow myself to admit that Eli has seen through my fraud, but I can definitely see through him. It takes a bit of self-loathing to see through this... But my fraud is a bit more noble, after all, mental fraud is unforgivable."
Although Daniel and Eli can be called the twin stars of the film, the core of the story obviously lies on Daniel-the reason why this character is interesting is that he is in contradiction with the outside world and himself. What is he pursuing? money? Power? But having these two things did not bring him happiness and happiness. Perhaps what he couldn't give up was actually chasing himself. He hates himself and hates others-at the end he said to HW, "Your resentment and viciousness have nothing to do with me." Isn't this what he said to himself. Therefore, the Plainview we saw was always alone-the film began when he was alone in the first pot of gold, and finally he was sitting alone in the mansion, beside the lifeless body of his old enemy Eli. Whenever he gets a partner, the final outcome is always betrayal or leave. Ironically, he is obsessed with innocence, who is so disgusting and disgusting. The son he brought up by himself lost his innocence after setting Henry on fire, and Daniel cruelly ended the father-son relationship with his own hands; discovering that the so-called younger brother was just a liar, Daniel sent him to the grave with his own hands. The only time Daniel showed his fragility in the whole film was to browse through the diary of his dead brother by the campfire—the only thing he left was thinking about innocence. In the end, he was the only one left.
I'm finished.

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.