This is my worst movie watching experience

Miles 2022-03-22 09:01:08

The reason why I gave this movie a very bad review is entirely because the values ​​of this movie are so bad that it is so bad. It makes people want to pull the two protagonists out of the screen and beat them up.
Not long after the beginning of the movie, the male number one, also a student, hit the golden sentence: I would rather drink and take drugs, I would die at the age of 34 and become a topic on the table of others, and don’t live to be 90 years old with a red face, but no one remembers it. I! When the protagonist said this sentence, the movie was still far from the end, and I had a bad feeling at the time. The protagonist seems to think that as long as he can make his career super-smart, abandon his relatives, and drink and add drugs. Forehead. Such three views, I really have nothing to say. Many people may say that the atmosphere of the meal made the protagonist say this sentence. But I think that even if he is fighting with his family, it is a bit too much to talk like that. What's more, his dad was at the dinner table at the time. Doesn't he think about his dad's feelings? Also, not only did he not consider his father, he was also inexplicable to his girlfriend.
In addition to the male number one being cold-blooded towards his relatives, he himself... is also a SB! And if he only values ​​his career, it doesn't seem entirely right. How could the protagonist be late for the show later? This is a bit contradictory. What do you say this is not SB? Oh? You told me that the car punctured on the way, force majeure? Ah. Back to reality, the college entrance examination, China's first exam, every year, people go late and can't enter the examination room. Such news and comments have no sympathy. Generally speaking, SB is SB. And ah, make people's genealogy. Lost... After losing, I still have the face to say that I can memorize the score and be able to perform on stage... Are you not guilty at all? How did you have a face? When the performance was over, your teacher even raised a level, are you still triumphant?
Male teacher, in this role, I think the biggest failure is how he managed to live as a music teacher? Really, objectively speaking, such a teacher, in reality, should have been dismissed a long time ago, and should not be a teacher. So, this is what I think has failed the most. The reason for saying this is that this teacher scolds other people's families and relatives. This is enough to be beaten to death by others several times. There are also problems with his sternness. For example, someone out of tune, and he kicked out a person who did not tune out? ? ? Well, even if he is witty, he has already seen through that this person who is not out of tune can not become a climate, even if he is not driven away, he has no use for eggs. But what about the out-of-tune? Is there no punishment? I've run in the same place several times, isn't the level enough to be expelled? This makes it difficult for me to understand.
Also, class starts at 9 o'clock, and he asks him to come at 6 o'clock? Even if it is training, it usually makes sense. Even if the teacher asks the protagonist to play drums and scolds him on music, it is hard work, but what does it mean to let the family go to the classroom 3 hours earlier? What's even more ridiculous is that I said above that the protagonist went to the show late, if it was force majeure. When the actor asks for 6 o'clock when the teacher is looking for him, isn't he too late? It's already 6:03 when I wake up. Is this also force majeure? I'm really not clinging to logic. The career is the creed of the male protagonist. He used two late arrivals to treat the two turning points in his career?
At the end of the film, the male teacher asked him to play drums and deliberately deceived the song. Some people say it is the teacher's final training, the final sublimation. But I'm sorry, I have been finished by the movie. I don't interpret it that way. Maybe I am wearing tinted glasses. After the student had a car accident, the teacher let him perform and fired him if he failed. This ending I just want to think:
This teacher is actually a pervert and is about to abuse students. He may know that the actor reported him. He wanted to retaliate against the student. When the student took off the costume, it was the teacher's end point. His goal had already been achieved. As a result, no one thought that the student who had accepted Baba's hug came back. He was going against the sky and squeezed the conductor down. If he didn't make a gesture with him, he would be embarrassed and could only laugh. Some people say that the teacher’s laugh at the end of the film refers to the teacher’s discovery of Chollima. Anyway, I think this teacher might have thought like this: "This is forcing the bastard to be six, so he kicked me and fucked his uncle. Okay, I lost, but I'm a little embarrassed on the stage now, forget it. Let me cooperate with him, and it is considered that this student was taught by me, hehe" Some people here may say that I am gloomy, but I think it makes sense to speculate about the teacher—the protagonist and the teacher happened upon him in a bar, not the teacher’s initiative. So, in the end, the teacher wanted to harm the students, but I thought it was true. If the teacher really wants to promote the student, after the student drops out, the teacher should take the initiative to find him, apologize, and lead him to debut, not in a more accidental way than accidental.
Well, to sum it up, the reason I say this movie failed is because it is completely contrary to the normal world. The two protagonists have the biggest problem with three views. In addition to these, many things can only be established in movies, but not in reality. Movies originate from life and cannot be separated from life. Many things are negative energy in reality. Didn't you find it? If I take back the above conspiracy theory that the teacher wants to "harm students", this is not a good teacher. He told the students in the bar that he would not hesitate to make many enemies in order to find talents. But you must know that genius is only 1%, that is, an average of 1 person must be perfected, and 50 people must be abolished. The teacher is also embarrassed to say that if that person can't stand the training, that person is not a genius, huh, but the training will definitely destroy the future of 50 people. Moreover, the training in the movie did not give the students any hope. I really want to tell him that this kind of training is more likely to abolish geniuses than to grind them out. He did this to find a genius, but in fact I don’t know if it is a genius, but he must be a paranoid (the male protagonist is a paranoia!).
To tell the truth, I have never seen such a bad movie. No matter from which aspect, as long as the movie viewer learns the people in the movie, it will cause devastating consequences in real life and cause tragedy. The teacher won't talk about it. The reason why the teacher is a teacher is that I don't give up every student. This teacher Quan Nima gave up. The students' three-views are not correct, and the persistence like paranoia is fatal in most cases. The blind logic, the characters in the opposite view, and the distorted narrative make people extremely uncomfortable to read. There are really not many films I sprayed like this.

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.