
Myrna 2022-03-22 09:01:05

When I was in my sophomore year, in the English film class, the teacher showed us the movie "When Happiness Knocks on the Door" adapted from real people. This movie has been heard before. It is very inspirational. It’s not very clear because I haven’t watched it before, so when the teacher showed it to us, I thought it was no different from other inspirational movies. It was nothing more than how the protagonist overcomes difficulties and finally succeeded. story. But when I watched them all, I found that what was shown in the film was much more than that. I was deeply shocked by the protagonist's fate, the difficulty of survival, and the attitude, calm, calm, and persistence of facing life. The protagonist of this movie has been running around for the hardships of life, but what I see is that no matter what the circumstances, he has not been crushed by the hardships of life, and he has always maintained his unique smile. When the father and son had fallen to the point where they had to spend the night at the subway station, the tough guy hugged his son tightly when he heard a strong knock on the door outside, and then hugged him tightly. He couldn't help but shed bitter tears. But at this time, he still did not lose hope for life. When the two of them arrived at the relief station, he still did not forget to tell his son a joke, coax him, and comfort him. His son Christopher gave him the greatest comfort and hope. From the first time I saw my father and mother arguing at a loss, to the gradual growth after my mother left, to running after my father like my father, to the last two of them holding hands and walking towards a happy tomorrow. Everything is so real. , People could not help being infected by the deep father-son relationship between them. The shot that appeared most in the film was running. In such an era of economic depression, everyone looked so hurried. Chris is also in a desperate race against time from start to finish. Even so, he failed to keep up with time in the first few times, but running did not make him successful. The key is his attitude towards people and things, his earnestness in office and his good qualities of honesty. All have left a good impression on people who have been in contact with him. He takes every detail carefully, once not twice, twice but not three times, until finally he reaches his own standard.

God is not fair to everyone. Although we sometimes feel that life is unfair, we have to take action. Those who want to wait for happiness to knock on the door will end up with no happiness. At the same time, having hope is only in exchange for the patience of waiting, you must have both hands to knock on the door of your happiness...

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."