For God Ma Su Budapest

Wendy 2022-03-22 09:01:12

Recently, I have made a little bit of confusion

Regarding the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Hungarian Knights colonized the people of all ethnic groups

After the two wars, the people of all ethnic groups led by Britain and Russia were divided into tyrants.

Hungary loses power and insults half of the country's land is ceded to Slavs

Class reversal is more uncomfortable than territorial zombies

Hungary is big

Today Europe is diversified and diversified

Hungary still has a street full of skinheads and little Nazis

ggggggggggg ggggggggggg ggggggggggg

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The Grand Budapest Hotel quotes

  • Agatha: [about M.Gustave and Zero] Whence came these two radiant celestial brothers, united for an instant, as they crossed the upper stratosphere of our starry window, one from the east, and one from the west.

    M. Gustave: VERY good.

  • M. Gustave: [pointing at an armful of flowers] These are NOT acceptable.

    Hotel Employee: [bearing flowers] I fully agree.