
Vaughn 2022-03-22 09:01:04

The context is simple and clear, the rhythm is fast and rich, the story is real and impressive, and the image effects are colorful.
However, the inner core hits the soul directly from the outside to the inside.

From summer, desire, drugs, fantasy, etc., bring them happiness, which is also the meaning of our continued survival;
to autumn, the impact of drugs and drugs on us is hard to distinguish between good and bad. We feel that there is, but it is also deep. It is hard to get rid of it; for the
end of the winter, facing this ending, whether it is amputation, prostitution, imprisonment, or treatment (torture), it seems to be blamed, but it is also an elegy to self desire.
Without spring, subconsciousness deepens the depression and despair of the film.

The editing technique may cause discomfort for some people to watch the movie. However, the emphasis of repeated shots and the effect of illusion montage have really played a great role in showing the content of the film, which is impressive.
In addition, the music is great.

Faced with drugs and drugs again, what will our choice be?

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Extended Reading

Requiem for a Dream quotes

  • Sara Goldfarb: I'm walkin' across the stage! And you should see my Harry on television. We're giving the prizes away.

    [bursting into tears]

    Sara Goldfarb: I just wanted to be on the show!

  • Harry Goldfarb: [Waking up after his arm was amputated] Marion? Marion?

    Angelic Nurse: It's all right. Don't worry, you're in a hospital.

    Harry Goldfarb: Marion?

    Angelic Nurse: Who's that? She'll be sent for, she'll come.

    Harry Goldfarb: No.

    Angelic Nurse: No?

    Harry Goldfarb: No... she won't.

    Angelic Nurse: [confidently] She'll come.

    Harry Goldfarb: [Crying] No, she...