One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a devil-the development of paranoia

Larissa 2022-03-22 09:01:08

Oscar statuettes have always had a preference for inspirational movies, whether it’s sports such as "Million Dollar Baby", "Wrestling King" or music and dance genres such as "Chicago" and "Black Swan", as long as they are enough to inspire the audience Heart, the jury is naturally also not rejecting those who come. Especially when the cold winter is coming, a bowl of hot chicken soup for the soul is sent to warm up the body, why not?
Soul Chicken Soup always tells us that geniuses are paranoid, and most paranoias become benevolent if they fail to succeed—the hall of fame and the mental hospital are often separated by a wall. The geniuses who have entered the hall of fame are immortal, not only because they often like to eat instant noodles with preservatives, but also because they are persistent and persistent, and always seek breakthroughs toward the limits of mankind: scientists like Hawking. There are countless stories of Can Zhijian exploring and exploring the mysteries of the universe. The experience of athletes such as the Chinese diving team shed tears and sweat day and night in order to refresh the world record has also moved countless... Accurate calculation and recording, but there is a breakthrough, perhaps the energy is so great that we can't describe it with numbers, words or any existing things-that is the limit of art.
In "Naruto", Deidara stubbornly believes that the ultimate of art lies in the power released in an instant. In the end, he blew himself up to prove his pursuit and comprehension of art; in "Black Swan", Nina wanted to play the role of black The swan’s treacherous and licentiousness, hesitated to suffer from various illusions, and finally in a state of madness, successfully escaped from the shackles of the purity and elegance of the white swan, but at the same time destroyed himself in reality; and in this "Burst" In "The Drummer", Andre also takes his own dream of becoming a legendary drummer like Charlie Parker and Budrich, and embarks on a crazy paranoid road.
Han Han once said that there is no unreasonable birth in this world. Whether an artist or other successful person, in addition to 1% talent and 99% hard work, there are actually many natural and man-made irresistible factors, such as the luck God gave you, the attitude of the audience, and the excavation of others on you And appreciation etc. And these seemingly simple truths always seem so unreasonable when they happen to others, and they only seem to be effective and effective when they happen to themselves. As for the probability of it happening to oneself, only God knows this. After all, Master Xing said, God has the biggest arrangement, why do you care about so many stinky farts?
When it comes to excavation and appreciation, it is natural to talk about Andrei's "dream mentor" (of course not an amateur role like a certain domestic talent show)-Fletcher and his devil training method. In the movie, Fletcher is like Freddy in "Most Ghost Street" to his students-a nightmare character. Class starts at 9 o'clock in the morning. Before Fletcher entered the class, everyone held their breath, stood upright, and waited tremblingly for the second hand to reach the 12 o'clock position. Then Fletcher came in vigorously on time, took off his hat, and showed up. A golden dangled egg-just like that, the one-day devil's tutorial officially begins.
Like all domestic driving school instructors, as long as he is a little unhappy, Fletcher will bark and bark like a mad dog, greet you and your parents with all kinds of dirty words you can't imagine, and pick up when necessary. Some objects around you smashed at you. He will not be as kind and kind as Professor Robin Williams in "Death Poetry Society" or "Mind Catcher", nor will he be like Clint Eastwood or Morgenfurt in "Million Dollar Baby" Liman taught the students patiently that “protecting yourself is always the first”; on the contrary, he is always aggressive, and if he can’t find a better explanation, he will only get worse and repeat not quite my tempo, even if the drummer’s hands are splashed with blood, He still won't show any tenderness. But it happens to be such a mentor who holds a key part of their music career. Just like in a barracks or prison, the students can only follow me on this road, and those who go against me will perish.
Therefore, under the horror of Wang Jingwei's "I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go", most of the students in his class had only fear, nervousness, and hesitation written on their faces. At this time, they could not be seen at all. The enjoyment and love of music. Some people were kicked out and never came back, and some people couldn’t resist and quit automatically. Those who stayed may not be able to become masters, and often they can only be reduced to the green leaves of top-notch people like Andre. Become a victim of their "outstanding group". Occasionally, there are one or two talented and hardworking people like Andre, who in Fletcher's eyes can barely be regarded as a person who understands music, or more precisely, a person who understands himself (Fletcher). But Fletcher is not a god after all, and he can't be as great and kind as Jesus; on the contrary, his face always has a sense of self-confidence, and his bones are even more embarrassing to others. Even a talented student, in his eyes, is nothing but a heavy metal yet to be refined. Therefore, he enjoys the feeling of being aloof and arrogant. The depression and silence of the students has further contributed to his arrogance, so he even more unscrupulously crushes everyone's dreams with ruthlessness.
And Andre was as scared as others at first, but because of occasional words of appreciation and encouragement from Fletcher that seemed unintentional, his confidence increased, and the same arrogance as Fletcher was in his heart. This kind of "student tyrant" psychology, which has received special attention and praise from strict teachers, is often more susceptible to external influences and distortions. First of all, they are a group of lonely individuals, unable to integrate into the common mundane, but chasing dreams that are out of reach in the eyes of mortals. Whether it is family friends or personal feelings, they obviously feel that they are not at the same frequency with each other; secondly, this kind of emotion The estrangement on the ground makes them spend more time on their own careers and have no time to take into account the feelings of others. They are more selfish and autistic in behavior, and their inner world is extremely fragile, sensitive and impulsive. Therefore, in Andre’s narrow worldview, Fletcher, the only "guide", naturally became a god-like figure. All his criticism and torture of Andre are regarded as a dream come true must be tempered. . And when Fletcher pretends to be nice to others a little bit, Andre will be like a mortal eating the jealousy of his boyfriend and girlfriend, envy and jealousy and even ignite a hatred. This kind of unintentional hatred will accumulate over time, coupled with the inability to pour it on others, it will break out into resistance. His heart also gradually changed 180 degrees to "pull Fletcher from the altar and replace it by himself". So at the climax of the end of the film, Andre succeeded in usurping the throne, taking away the stage that should have belonged to Fletcher. And Fletcher, with the little remaining artist's morals, was finally moved by Andre’s soul drum, and he turned into a Buddha at a single thought; for the sake of mutual pursuit of the ultimate art, the two sides temporarily abandoned their previous suspicions. , And perform the remaining chapters in cooperation with each other.
To be honest, although the story of the film gave me a bit of shock, it was not as strong as the music in the film itself, especially the solo and ensemble of Andre at the end, but the reverberation stopped abruptly. What remains in my mind at this time is not admiration for Andre’s persistence in playing after a car accident, nor thinking about the success or failure of Fletcher’s devil training method, nor is it about the two masters and apprentices. He loves and hates the playfulness of complicated relationships, but he is only attracted by the jazz drums and the profound charm of art, and has been intoxicated for a long time.
Just like the pseudo-proposition "The end of science is theology", the pursuit of the ultimate in art in the eyes of these artists is just like the religious belief and fanatical worship of certain extremists—if they fail, they will be benevolent. As a drop in the ocean among all living beings, most ordinary viewers may not be able to appreciate or understand the loneliness and pride behind this genius. What we can accept and enjoy, perhaps just like what the audience under the stage sees, is just the finished product condensed and refined by the group of paranoiars after countless struggles, sacrifices and madness.
Fortunately, this movie allows us to see the beginning and the end of the solo birth. If there is no foreshadowing and deposition of the first 100 minutes of the film, the climax of the last 7 minutes may only be a mediocre work.

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.