"Forrest Gump" is an inspirational comedy film based on the novel of the same name. The film tells the story of a small town boy with a congenital disease, Forester Gan, who is constantly striving to improve himself, and finally "stupid people have stupid blessings" to be favored by heaven. Inspirational stories that create miracles in multiple fields. The core characteristics and character of Forrest Gump in the original work are changed in the movie. In the novel, Forrest Gump can never do what he wants but has unexpected luck. He is wise and stupid and talented. He regards money as dung and advocates liberalism; in the movie, A-Gump Gan is even more persevering and even capable of organizing. The satirical style of the original book has been changed to an inspirational style. After all, Forrest Gump is just a fictional character. The film just wants to teach people a different attitude towards life through the experience of this character. Just like Forrest Gump, no matter what he faces next, he can always accept it plainly. To be the best of yourself is not to blame others, nor to give up on yourself. What A-Gump did is actually the simplest. Be the best of yourself. Don't stop your steps.
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