Authentic and rigorous

Virginia 2022-03-21 09:01:08

The story tells the editors and reporters of the "Focus" report team of the "Boston Globe", revealing that American Catholics tried to cover up scandals of priests sexually assaulting children. When Marty Baron took over as the editor-in-chief of the Globe, he began to assign Robinson and his team to follow a long-hidden case in which a Catholic priest sexually harassed children in the parish. Although they thought it was just a small task at first, they soon discovered that a series of incidents were hidden behind it, involving hundreds of victims, and the church had privately compensated the victims and sent people to cover up these crimes. As the investigation deepened, they found more evidence of this conspiracy, not just the clergy, but outside of Boston, and even the whole world, are performing such atrocities. Robinson and his team encountered constraints from local officials. The forces inside and outside the church are putting pressure on them, wanting them to abandon this case, which fully reflects the vicious circle of abuse of power. "Focus" is a column of the Boston Globe. Robbie Robinson is the editor of the "Focus" column. The column has an independent investigation team with members including Sasha Pfeiffer, Michael, and Matt Carroll. When Marty Barron took over as the editor-in-chief of the Globe, he began to assign Robinson and his team to follow a long-hidden case of a Catholic priest who sexually harassed children in the parish. Although they thought it was just a small task at first, they soon discovered that a series of incidents were hidden behind it, involving hundreds of victims, and the church had privately compensated the victims and sent people to cover up these crimes. As the investigation deepened, they found more evidence of this conspiracy, not just the clergy, but outside of Boston, and even the whole world, are performing such atrocities. Robinson and his team encountered constraints from local officials. The forces inside the church and outside the church are pressing them, wanting them to abandon this case. The film describes a group of media people. Some people say that the media did not create anything. And we have known for a long time that the media cannot change the audience, but can only guide the audience. So what is the meaning of the media? It should be the last thing the editor-in-chief said: "Widely and immediately arouse the attention of readers." Yes, a news or an opinion is difficult to have power when it exists in everyone's heart. But the media has become such a declaration. It declares that you are not the only one who knows this. Only when you know that others have the same ideas as yourself, most people will bravely stand up and declare themselves in the silence of the public. Thoughts. This is a very great industry. But the great premise is that the resonance from the media itself is good, objective, and resonance based on the truth. This industry especially needs the conscience of journalists. Fortunately, in "Focus", the praise is a group of morally self-disciplined, honest, introspective, and conscientious reporters. What they do is meaningful and just. At the end of the film, the newspaper moved forward on the printing press like flowing water, and the focus group members were devoted to the audience for several months. The truth was revealed and justice was done. I sighed, and my heart hanging in the air finally Put it down. But in thinking after watching the movie, I asked myself: "Why do I feel so worried and sympathetic?" Is it because we expect that there are too few stories in the movie? The film describes the great brilliance of that era of rigorous news, and it is also a gorgeous curtain call for that era of rigorous news. What we are in is a picture everywhere, people are changing tastes every minute, the first second is which celebrity broke up, the next second is a man bigamy eight times, and the next second is a puppy dressed as a panda. The public transport is eye-catching. As I was writing this article, the APP on my mobile phone pushed me a piece of news with the headline "The woman looks gentle, she is a golden thieves". Perhaps the content of the news is serious, but this headline and picture have already explained everything. . Yeah, how interesting. But why is there another sad feeling? Perhaps, after many years, there will be fewer and fewer journalists like "Focus", and there will be fewer and fewer serious writings. Yes, we are in an age of entertainment to death. News needs clicks. How much is the truth worth? This is also a question I am thinking about. In this unpredictable Internet age, does rigorous, hard-working, and serious spirit still meet the requirements of the times? I think after watching the video, I have the answer. No matter how the times change, the truth will never change. Dealing with everything with a rigorous spirit and treating every bit of life with heart will always be my attitude towards others. I thought the Oscar's best film would be the result of a compromise or compromise. But I was wrong. To come up with such a great theme worthy of consideration by everyone of our time, "Focus" is indeed the best film. Thank you for the director, thank you for "Focus", and thank you for making me realize that rigor and heart will always be the requirements of the times. The best film deserves its name.

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Spotlight quotes

  • Sacha Pfeiffer: [from trailer] We understand you settled several cases against the church.

    Eric Macleish: I can't discuss that.

    Sacha Pfeiffer: Are there any records of any of these settlements?

    Eric Macleish: No.

  • Eric Macleish: [from trailer] Are you threatening me?