Man's wisdom

Emma 2022-03-21 09:01:02

First of all, let’s talk about the first-generation godfather-Vido Kryon. His phrase "I have spent my entire life trying to prevent myself from becoming very careless. Women and children can be careless, but men cannot." I remind myself of the aphorism from time to time, the idea of ​​this sentence is to be a responsible man. He was loyal to his wife, loyal to his family, and did his best to help those in need. Because he did this, his phrase "how beautiful is life." before he died, gave me a deep shock. There is no doubt that Vidor Creon is a gentleman. As a reasonable godfather, he abides by his own bottom line. He abides by the etiquette of this nobleman when dealing with people, and he is always polite. Victor Creon was a Sicilian. His father was killed in the local area. His mother died to protect him. With the help of his neighbors, he came to the United States to start a family business. Of course, I have to mention the sentence, "You can't refuse the conditions we made. Either your signature or leaving your brain on this contract." Because all that is exposed is the success of his business. main reason.
The second-generation godfather Mike Kryon, compared to the first-generation godfather, he is less kind, and he feels sharp. He is good at planning and keeps silent most of the time. His words are concise and concise. This fully exposed his cruel heart and resourcefulness. Mike Kryon's method of dealing with the enemy is killing. He even killed his brother-in-law and his mother's son and brother. Mike Creon kept his father's loyalty well, and he would never allow betrayal. Only those who abide by loyalty would hate betrayal. For this pure land, he killed his brother and brother-in-law. He has to do this, and first of all to maintain his motivational beliefs, he must be allowed to do so. Of course, this is also a manifestation of deterrence. He abides by "Everything I do with my strength, including some crimes, just to protect my family and my friends." Mike's woman who fell in love at first sight belongs to the kind of Italian traditional girl. Although he doesn't write much about her, from Mike's eyes and behavior, it can be seen that his preference for this Italian woman who is not good at English is a reincarnation of traditional men to traditional women. Love can be noble, but the premise is that there are two equally noble souls. In Godfather 3, when Mike's son sings to him, we can fully grasp this love. Although Mike's love is not like his father's from beginning to end, he once had it after all. That's right, Mike's love for the mall is far greater than his recognition of the underworld. When Mike's prototype passed away, the caravan was like a dragon, and people sang the theme song of the godfather for the funeral of Mike's prototype.

The third-generation godfather Vincent Kryon is a grumpy and cruel playboy. The excessive pursuit of power and the description of the sense of family honor made the godfather have a trend of facial makeup. As the third-generation godfather trained by Mike himself, his process from impetuous to introverted is clearly visible. Like his uncle, Vincent was obsessed with the pursuit of authority. In a conspiracy one after another, we saw hippies turn into gentlemen, a hippie obsessed with violence finally inherited the blood of the strong family and put on the cloak of civilization.
Some people say "From these two most basic desires, various desires, such as the desire for power and the desire for money, are expounded. In fact, all desires are for food and reproduction." Life is to constantly deal with various desires. . Do you want to be a nobleman? My friend, you have to wear a civilized coat.

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The Godfather quotes

  • Capt. McCluskey: I thought I got all you Guinea hoods locked up! What the hell are you doing here?

    Michael: What happened to the men who were guarding my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: I pulled them guys off of here, eh, now get away from this hospital!

    Michael: I'm not leaving until you put some guards around my father's room.

    Capt. McCluskey: Phil, take him in!

    Cop with Capt. McCluskey outside hospital: The kid's clean Captain, he's a war hero! He's never been mixed up with the rackets...

    Capt. McCluskey: Goddamn it Phil, I said take him in!

    Michael: What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Patrolmen] Take a hold of him. Stand him up. Stand him up straight.

    [punches Michael and breaks his jaw]

  • Sollozzo: [to Michael, in Sicilian] I am sorry. What happened to your father was business. I have much respect for your father. But your father, his thinking is old-fashioned. You must understand why I had to do that. Now let's work through where we go from here.

    [Michael tries speaking in Sicilian, but can't express himself properly, so with a quick look at McCluskey they both switch to English]

    Michael: What I want... what's most important to me is that I have a guarantee: no more attempts on my father's life.

    Sollozzo: What guarantees could I give you, Mike? I'm the hunted one. I've missed my chance. You think too much of me, kid. I am not that clever. All I want is a truce.

    Michael: I have to go to the bathroom. Is that all right?

    Capt. McCluskey: You gotta go, you gotta go.

    [Michael gets up, but a suspicious Sollozzo probes Michael's crotch, to Michael's offense]

    Capt. McCluskey: I frisked him. He's clean.

    Sollozzo: Don't take too long...

    [Michael heads to the bathroom]

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Sollozzo] I frisked a thousand young punks.