The most romantic thing is to become ugly with you

Marcellus 2022-03-21 09:01:04

If in "Beauty and the Beast", the beautiful Belle loves the beast that the prince turns into, it is touching words.
Then in "Monster SHRIK", the princess falls in love with a real beast that is poor and white. It is more touching, and the ending makes people feel the greatness of love.

Some people will always wonder whether Belle will be with the beast if the beast does not change back to the prince. From the content of the story, yes, Belle likes the inside of the beast, not the appearance. But the ending is very beautiful, the monster will be turned into a handsome prince, so Belle has a beautiful love outside and inside, it also confirms that true love will make everything better, and the fairy tale expectation that good people will have good rewards .

But the monster SHRIK allows us to see great love. If a woman doesn't even want a beautiful face and a devil's body in order to be with you, that's true love. The princess has been waiting for the handsome and mighty prince to save, but the prince has nothing to do with appearance, timid, fearful and beautiful, only relying on nepotism to get the upper hand. Monsters are real monsters. They live in the forest. They eat insects. They live in simple houses. They look ugly and rude, but they are kind and brave. Although they are a last resort to save the princess, they are fearless, unlike heroes. More like a loyal gangster girl. Always alone, but became friends with a stupid donkey, but fell in love with the princess while saving the princess, but he was inferior, and he couldn't bear the princess to suffer with him.

Surprisingly, the princess fell in love with the monster SHRIK. Although SHRIK often talks back to the princess, although both appearance and education are too far from the princess's dream lover, the princess sees his kindness and bravery among these shortcomings, and more importantly, the tacit understanding between him. SHRIK's perseverance touched the princess. In SHRIK's eyes, no matter what she became, she was the beautiful girl. If a woman becomes ugly and fat, and that person still likes you unhesitatingly, then marry.

The ending is beautiful, because the princess gave up the courage to be a monster in order to be with SHRIK. But in the princess's heart, since it doesn't matter if the person you love, a woman is a person who pleases herself, what does the opinions of other people have to do? If I become ugly, it will make you more at ease. I am willing to be ugly and be with you forever. When two monsters have a wedding, live in a broken house in the forest after marriage, and take care of the stupid donkey together, the scene is inexplicably beautiful.

There is no such thing as a handsome and beautiful ending in fairy tales, but rather an "ugly" pair. The poor pair ended up. It was unexpected, incredible, but very moving. It made a lot of tears in the laughter, even though it was a fairy tale. , But actually more real than the prince and princess. I have read a sentence, if you really love someone, it doesn't matter your age, race, income, appearance... If it is an excuse, it is because there is no love to the bones. Loving someone is really that way, you don't care about appearance or many races. This is where the great love lies. I hope it's not only in fairy tales.

Eason Chan has the lyrics of a song like "If you like weirdos, I'm actually pretty". This is talking about SHRIK, about princesses, and about lovers. Even if you are a weird person, you are beautiful in my heart. If you feel that you are not worthy of me, then let me become ugly with you, as beautiful as you.

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Shrek quotes

  • [eyeing the "KEEP OUT" signs surrounding Shrek's home]

    Donkey: I guess you don't, uh... entertain much, do you?

    Shrek: I like my privacy.

    Donkey: Y'know, I do too. That's another thing we have in common. I hate it when you've got someone in your face, you try to give someone a hint and they won't leave, and then there's that big awkward silence, y'know?

    [big awkward silence ensues]

    Donkey: Can I stay with you?

    Shrek: What?

    Donkey: Can I stay with you... *please?*

    Shrek: Of course!

    Donkey: Really?

    Shrek: No.

    Donkey: Please! I don't wanna go back there, you don't know what it's like to be treated as a freak!... Well, maybe you do... but that's why we gotta stick together! You gotta let me stay! Please! PLEASE!

  • Donkey: We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!