A wonderful adventure of love

Eileen 2022-03-21 09:01:07

I watched this movie more than a few times, but every time I was moved more than once, and every time I shed more tears. This movie did not show any kind of sadness, nor did it use excessive character images. It just showed a sense in the course of lying down. This is a change in the ordinary mentality of life. The difference is that this transition does not change the ordinary life, but it shows a touching from the ordinary. Just like some moving movies I have watched before, sometimes we just forget something, whether it’s childhood innocence or trust and love, we gradually lose this feeling in life, and when watching this movie , You will regain your heart, when you shed tears... The film has brought through most of Carl’s life and happiness at a very fast speed, but this short 10 minutes also summarized the short life of Carl’s wife. In a sudden way, it was very difficult for Carl to go to other places with her. The realization of her wish to a small extent led to her death. Yes, some people shed tears at this time. Why was life not so short? When some people just wanted to start in life, they parted from their goals early due to practical problems, and even lost their lives. , Leaving her significant other and remaining love alone. Carl is the one who was left behind. He has nothing to do with him when he is old and feeble. He does not have any sense of existence in the city. The house where the two met for the first time and spent most of Carl’s life in the nest. Carl's only memory and support for Eri. This movie does not actually use excessively exaggerated character images, but starts this love adventure with a fantasy journey. It must be mentioned that the comparison between the elderly and the children is successful. The old people’s nostalgic characteristics are in contrast with the children’s energetic character, which makes the psychological changes for the elderly particularly prominent. There is not much to say in the middle. The only thing worth mentioning is the conversation between the old man and the child on the rainy night and the child’s memory of his father on the road. This paragraph reflects the kindness of the child and also makes the audience reflect on it. After being secularized in real life, will the mind be as stubborn as Karl? Still like the father of a child? The stubbornness of the former is the stubbornness of love, while the latter is the true heart buried, what about us? When the bird that wanted to feed the child was caught and the dog was driven away, Carl carried his stubbornness to love to the end, but that was wrong. After pulling the house by the waterfall alone, he sat on the chair he had been leaning against with his wife before, and opened the book that he thought there was no follow-up book, but unexpectedly saw his wife post a photo on the back. When we and When he saw the last line that Ellie left him, how many people felt it? Thanks for the adventure Now go have a new one (Thank you for lying and exploring, go find one) Yes, sometimes things will inevitably fade and pass away. The same is true for people, but who can find precious things after the cherished things are gone? Ellie understands that her passing means the end of her love journey, but Carl is still alive. We are not living to miss the past, but to create the future, right? In the end it was a happy ending. Although the child’s father did not come, Carl came, because he found something precious on this journey, and his life exploration is still going on. He understands that it’s enough to have loved Eri. Love and memories will not fade, and that is not something that limits people, it is the motivation that encourages us to find new and beautiful things. So he left that stubbornness in that mysterious place, and in that lucky house. There is no overly exaggerated character image and character transformation in this film. It only touches the hearts of the audience from this wonderful journey that seems to have nothing to do with touching. It tells us whether you are a child or an old man, or something in between. You should look for the beautiful things in life, whether it is innocence or love, and not be bound by the past, because you are still alive, so you have a future to explore your life and the beautiful things. As the preface says, love is the hardest thing to explore, but it is also the most precious thing. Carl found love, what about us? Maybe in this journey we also regained many things buried in the corners of our hearts. So now go and have a new adventure.

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Up quotes

  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

  • Newsreel Announcer: [after the National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the "Monster of Paradise Falls" skeleton] The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

    Newsreel Announcer: Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive!

    Charles Muntz: [speaking to a large audience outside in the newsreel] I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!