Grasp happiness grasp love

Bianka 2022-03-20 09:01:06

This is an inspirational movie about father and son family relationship, pursuit of dreams, and finding happiness. At first I saw this movie because of its name, happiness, what a beautiful word, everyone yearns for happiness, and is pursuing happiness, but it can be really pursued. Get up, no one can say what happiness is. (So ​​it is very important for a movie to have a good name. It seems to be like the lineup of a movie. After the first impression is good, the audience will be willing to explore its connotation. After all, judging people by appearance is a common problem in this society.) Because I have always liked the black actor Will.Smith (Will Smith). In this film, he lacks the chic skills and funny black jokes, and he has more mature, stable, and wasted hardships tortured by life as a married man. His body and face are different from his previous performances. This is a very successful transformation. We see another Will. His pure acting skills have conquered many audiences. First of all, I have to mention that the father and son in the film are really the father and son in real life. The plot that impressed me the most in the film was when the father and son who couldn't pay the rent were living on the streets. Chris and his son were relatively speechless in the midnight subway. The son couldn't understand why he couldn't go home and live, but his father started playing games: "We have reached the ancient times through the time machine! The son immediately cooperated in excitement and looked around. The father and son escaped into a "cav" under the chase of "dinosaurs". What is "cavity" is actually a men's toilet. Chris was sleeping soundly with his arms around. Son, sitting on the wall of the toilet. The light at midnight was very pale, and the thin, malnourished father shed tears silently. In ancient Chinese poems, grief is often written in music to make the love even sadder. This one seems to be The naive game is what the father takes his son to do in the most embarrassing and most helpless situation. No matter how slim the future is and how difficult the life is, don’t let the child’s mind be cast a little, and don’t let the child lose confidence in life. It is a father’s love for his children, ordinary but so vivid. I think of the father in the Italian film "A Beautiful Life" who was struggling to arrange a seamless and happy life for his son in the Nazi concentration camp. The same passion cannot be dissipated. Parents Loving children is a far-reaching plan, and the greatest protection for a child is to protect his soul. That is the infinite possibilities of his future life. This is why parents now attach great importance to education. The plot in the film is quite similar. For example, the father is worried because the word Happiness on the door of the kindergarten is misspelled by a letter, because the young son knows about a love movie and goes to the teacher. He runs around but never complains, and even tells jokes to his tired father. He tells his father more than once, "I trust you.", "You are a good father." What a comfort to the father in trouble Ah. Thinking of another American movie "I Am Sam", a mentally retarded father over 30 and a daughter who is only 7 years old depend on each other for life. The hardship can be imagined. The daughter said to the classmate who mocked his father: "He is not stupid. , He is my dad!", said to the inferiority father: "Except you, I don't need any other dads. "This is the love that young children have for their father, straightforward but touching. It is hard to forget what Chris said to his son on the basketball court, Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me. Don’t let others tell you that you can’t become a talent, even if it’s me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can' If you have a dream, defend it. Those who have done nothing want to tell you that you can't do anything. If you have an ideal, you must work hard to realize it. that's all. These philosophical remarks may not be understood by the five-year-old son, but our audience can understand, can they? We all have our own dreams, and capable people turn them into reality. In this process, although there will be a lot of resistance, whether you should believe in your own abilities and whether you should believe in your goals. Although there are many injustices in society, since many people can find their own life coordinates under this rule, why not stick to it? Perhaps the most regrettable thing in life is to give up just a few steps away from the realization of dreams. I believe Every viewer who has watched this film will more or less think of their childhood dreams, those first childhood dreams that had to be discarded in the wind for various reasons. I wonder if anyone will be like me. The same thought of not protecting it and crying. From then on, I told myself that unless it was a last resort, I would never give up what I thought was right... I think that after a few years, when my son looks back on this past and understands the meaning of his father’s words, he will be amazed. I found my father was so great. At the end of the film, when Chris finally became an employee of the investment company, the seemingly indifferent white bosses showed their tenderness at this time. He held back his tears, tremblingly picked up his belongings, and walked into the vast crowd. Among the bustling crowd, Chris raised his hand and applauded for himself. The silent, heavy applause was cheering for himself. His tears came out involuntarily, or bitterness, relief, or emotion. At this time, it should be called happiness. I think happiness is really not something that you get by deliberately looking for it. It is a mentality to face life, and it is also a posture of being a person. When we are struggling to find happiness, perhaps we have already missed many moments of happiness. When we have worked so hard to obtain the so-called happiness, you realize that happiness is very simple, and it simply makes you unable to feel its existence. What is happiness? Everyone has their own standard of happiness in their hearts. As long as you meet this standard, you are happy. The happiness of others is not necessarily what you want, and your own happiness may not be useful to others. The happiness of most people is nothing more than two points: one is to be with the person you love; One is to do what you like best. Happiness is an opportunity. Maybe you are living in the bottom of the valley now, but God will give us the opportunity. Don’t forget to find and grasp it. In a lot of words, "Don’t abandon, don’t give up", despair will become hope. Therefore, if happiness comes to knock at the door, you must cherish it, because it is so hard-won. Finally, please believe that there is a lamp waiting for yourself in each of us. It will always exist, so no matter what you encounter, please be brave and firm to tell yourself that I will be happy and I will be happy.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."