The Butterfly Effect

Kirsten 2022-03-22 09:01:04

After watching the movie "Butterfly Effect", it gave me a great shock. I will describe my feelings from two aspects, one from the outside of the movie, and the other from the plot. Why should the film name be chosen as "Butterfly Effect"? I always go to this movie with this question. But after watching the movie, I have a clear understanding of the plot, and I still haven't got a good answer to this question. Therefore, I had to rely on Baidu to find the answer. The butterfly effect was proposed by meteorologist Lorenz in 1963. The general idea is: a butterfly in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon River Basin in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, may cause a tornado in Texas, the United States two weeks later. The reason lies in the fact that the movement of the butterfly’s wings causes changes in the air system around it, and causes the generation of weak airflow, and the generation of weak airflow will cause corresponding changes in the air around it or other systems, which will cause a chain reaction. Eventually lead to great changes in other systems. This effect shows that the result of the development of things is extremely sensitive to the initial conditions, and a very small deviation of the initial conditions will cause great differences in the results. The butterfly effect is used in sociology to illustrate: a bad tiny mechanism, if it is not guided and adjusted in time, will cause great harm to society, jokingly called a "tornado" or "storm"; a good tiny mechanism The mechanism, as long as it is correctly guided, after a period of hard work, will have a sensational effect, or called a "revolution."

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The Butterfly Effect quotes

  • Title Card: It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory

  • [time traveling Evan at age 7 threatens George Miller with a lighted stick of dynamite]

    Mr. George Miller: Evan! Put that out, or you'll blow off both your hands!

    Evan at 7: Been there, done that.