Love and dream

Earnest 2022-03-21 09:01:07

"Flying House Travels", the whole film uses "warmness" to narrate the theme it wants to express. The love between Ellie and Fredson can prove everything in time. When the house to be demolished flew up, many balloons occupied the main screen and uprooted the house. The director's idea was very clear. From the house flying up, after experiencing a series of difficulties, she finally reached the place Ellie dreamed of. Among them, the portrait of Ellie appeared many times, and he insisted on guarding the house until he worked hard to fulfill Ellie's dream, which fully illustrates Fredson's feelings for Ellie. Among them, the addition of Russell made the film more watchable. After entering the forest, a dramatic scene appeared immediately-Russell’s unusual friendly relationship with animals, beautiful big birds, and talking puppies made us think more. Know what will happen next. The real picture makes the film more vivid. The advent of a hail brings a little sense of danger to the film, but it also feels the true feelings from their dialogue. Russell’s "heart-cutting" reminds Fredson. Allie. After the rain passed and the weather cleared, the warm colors filled the whole film with warmth, but the sudden appearance of three dogs made the calm picture noisy, and the film was extremely jumpy. Everyone is interested in "flying house", Charles. Menz’s control of a group of dogs and his collection are impressive, Charles. Mentz expressed doubts about their behavior. The thrilling scenes were frightening. In the end, Dada, Kevin and the house rescued them, and Kevin's injury made them feel very distressed. There is a gap between Russell's ideal wild life and reality, but his love allows us to see the true feelings of this world, Charles. Another attack by Muntz made Ellie’s photo fall. Fredson tried desperately to save it, but to no avail. Fredson’s anger showed his love for Ellie more fully, Kevin’s Being arrested, Russell's distress, once again showed that there is true love in the world. With Fredson’s efforts, the house also reached the waterfall. When he opened the book left by Ellie again, tears could not help but wet his eyes, and from inside he found the warm and romantic scenes between him and her. , Fredson smiled knowingly. Their love story will always stay in Fredson's heart. Russell went to save Kevin because of friendship, Fredson gave up the overweight items in the house, "flying house" It rose again. Fredson's fall from the sky stopped the tragedy. The arrival of Fredson and Dada brought hope to Kevin, but the mischievous Russell almost lost his life. Dada also suffered bad luck. Fredson also tried his best to escape from Kevin. People were terrified, but what was unexpected was that a piece of chocolate saved them all, but the flying house was gone. The rest of the film is the continuation of the love between Carl and Ally. Although Ally has left, the love between them has not left. Through an interesting adventure story, Karl's point of view is a good description of his love for her and her love for him. After Ellie died, Carl felt very guilty that he had not fulfilled Ellie’s wish during his lifetime, so under the persecution of the demolition, he came up with a way to fulfill this wish, and let the balloon take him with the love hut. Go to the place that Ai Li wanted to go most in her lifetime. The design of this balloon flying house can be said to be perfect, it can't be more perfect, when it hover in the air, it is really amazing. Carl’s journey could not be smooth sailing, so various difficulties followed. Of course, the most troublesome thing for him was whether to abandon the house where his love was stored until he saw the notepad recorded by Ellie. When the happy moments in their lives and the last words Allie wrote to him, he finally understood that, in fact, love has been brewed in the slowly passing years, and the fragrance of love has spread to the deepest part of their hearts. Although the little house is a testimony of their love, it is by no means the only one of their love. The love between Carl and Ally has been flying into the sky with those balloons, flying all over the world. In the end, Carl gave up the little house, overcame the difficulties with the help of friends, and started a new life of his own. This is also the best continuation of the love between Carl and Ally. Of course, this film is not only about love, but also many other aspects, such as children, old people, etc., but it is the love that touches me the most. I believe this is true for many people, because This kind of love is the love closest to us and the farthest from us. It is like a balloon flying into the sky. It is beautiful, but it is not easy to catch it. He had not fulfilled Ellie’s wish during his lifetime, so under the persecution of the demolition, he came up with a way to fulfill this wish, and let the balloon take him and the loving hut to the place where Ellie most wanted to go during his lifetime. . The design of this balloon flying house can be said to be perfect, it can't be more perfect, when it hover in the air, it is really amazing. Carl’s journey could not be smooth sailing, so various difficulties followed. Of course, the most troublesome thing for him was whether to abandon the house where his love was stored until he saw the notepad recorded by Ellie. When the happy moments in their lives and the last words Allie wrote to him, he finally understood that, in fact, love has been brewed in the slowly passing years, and the fragrance of love has spread to the deepest part of their hearts. Although the little house is a testimony of their love, it is by no means the only one of their love. The love between Carl and Ally has been flying into the sky with those balloons, flying all over the world. In the end, Carl gave up the little house, overcame the difficulties with the help of friends, and started a new life of his own. This is also the best continuation of the love between Carl and Ally. Of course, this film is not only about love, but also many other aspects, such as children, old people, etc., but it is the love that touches me the most. I believe this is true for many people, because This kind of love is the love closest to us and the farthest from us. It is like a balloon flying into the sky. It is beautiful, but it is not easy to catch it. He had not fulfilled Ellie’s wish during his lifetime, so under the persecution of the demolition, he came up with a way to fulfill this wish, and let the balloon take him and the loving hut to the place where Ellie most wanted to go during his lifetime. . The design of this balloon flying house can be said to be perfect, it can't be more perfect, when it hover in the air, it is really amazing. Carl’s journey could not be smooth sailing, so various difficulties followed. Of course, the most troublesome thing for him was whether to abandon the house where his love was stored until he saw the notepad recorded by Ellie. When the happy moments in their lives and the last words Allie wrote to him, he finally understood that, in fact, love has been brewed in the slowly passing years, and the fragrance of love has spread to the deepest part of their hearts. Although the little house is a testimony of their love, it is by no means the only one of their love. The love between Carl and Ally has been flying into the sky with those balloons, flying all over the world. In the end, Carl gave up the little house, overcame the difficulties with the help of friends, and started a new life of his own. This is also the best continuation of the love between Carl and Ally. Of course, this film is not only about love, but also many other aspects, such as children, old people, etc., but it is the love that touches me the most. I believe this is true for many people, because This kind of love is the love closest to us and the farthest from us. It is like a balloon flying into the sky. It is beautiful, but it is not easy to catch it.

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  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

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    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

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