The dog's mutiny problem

Daija 2022-03-21 09:01:07

As a blockbuster film, "Flying House Tour" has fascinated many people, including me. Everyone has different thinking about dreams and pursuits, love and salvation. After watching the feature film, I went to the Internet and watched the accompanying films "Doug's Special Mission" and "Violence Cloud and the Crane".
Fairy tales have many unbelievable plots. For example, a balloon can pull a house from the foundation. The house did not hit a tall building while flying. The high altitude and low air pressure did not cause the balloon to burst or suffocate people. The explorer was still strong and powerful when he was nearly a hundred years old. Invented a translator that allows dogs to "talk"... I was dumbfounded when I watched it, and smiled after reading it. Normal viewers will not laugh at the old man being so strong and unreasonable, and will not scold the balloons for raising the house as unscientific.
However, there is one thing that is really worth analyzing, the problem of dog rebellion. Dogs are the most loyal animals in our Chinese people's mind. Why did they betrayed in this film?

Internal cause 1: Accepting human thoughts
The dogs in "Flying House" are incredibly magical. At the beginning of the film, when the explorer was young, the pet dog turned the generator to generate electricity. Later, the plot is more sci-fi than science fiction: dogs not only cook food, clean, serve tea and water, use communication equipment, and even fly airplanes; explorers are really invented, and they invented special ones. The multi-functional necklace not only has GPS tracking and videophone functions, but the most incredible thing is the translator on the collar, which can actually translate the dog's thoughts into multiple languages...Of course, all this is just the expression of fairy tales. Through this performance The form can describe the dog as an adult.
Since the dog is described as an adult, it seems that there is a human mind, so the dog's betrayal seems to be more reasonable. With knowledge, people will be more thoughtful; more thoughtful, they will be more rebellious. Since these high-tech dogs are influenced by people's thoughts—and they are American thoughts, and everyone knows that Americans think that surrender is legal—it is not surprising that there are thoughts of surrender.
External cause 1: Sweeping out, so I had to find another owner
The first "rebellion" was naturally the Golden Retriever Doug. In the feature film of "Flying House", it saw the young and old actively greet them and enthusiastically "shakes hands" (holding their claws); then followed them with a "dragging bird"; they called Carl "Master", even though the "Master" rushed many times. It also yelled "I am not your master"-totally unreasonable.
Later, after watching "Doug's Special Mission", I finally understood a little bit. Doug was squeezed out by the dog group, and the dog boss, second child, and third child changed his way. However, on his birthday, he received an order to catch the big bird and was not allowed to return to the airship unless he completed the mission. Everyone knows that the explorer hasn't caught the big bird alive for half a century. This time, let a dog catch it. Isn't this an impossible task? You are not allowed to come back unless you complete the task. Isn't it clear that you don't want to go back? This is really the lowest point in Doug’s "dog life", in its own words, "This is my worst birthday"-at this moment, an old and a young appeared, so Doug "has hope again Now, this birthday is not the worst".
The dog bosses used such conditions to push Doug out of the airship, this behavior was almost exile. Everyone knows that dogs are domesticated by wolves. The leader of the pack has the right to exile lower-level members. The exiled have to make another living; and they have to leave the territory of the pack to avoid competition. Now that Doug has been exiled by the population, it seems natural to find a new owner, just as the unemployed are desperately looking for new jobs. Both young and old appeared at this time and could meet its actual needs and psychological needs.
However, at this time, Doug also wavered: he caught the big bird, he completed the task, not only can he go back, but he also made meritorious service. In the future, the owner (explorer) will love it more than other dogs. The other members of the group will look at it differently, and the dog bosses are even more afraid to fix it...In short, the external factors that prompted it to betray disappeared.
So Doug won't betray, will he? The plot took a turn for the worse, and the bird ran away again. All the glory in the original imagination vanished in an instant, and the situation was worse than before: being beaten by gangs and being put in a "circle of shame"-the equivalent of "showing publicity" in China-it is really shameful. At this time, it had to make up its mind to follow the young and old.
Internal cause 2: The gluttonous nature of dogs
Everyone knows that dogs are gluttonous, "a mother who has milk is a mother", right? Throw it something to eat, and you can mix it with it. I don’t know how many thieves confuse the watchdog in this way!
Eating is the instinct of a dog. There is also such a plot in this film: the explorer points to one of the dogs to show off how loyal his dog is to the old man—the dog is cleaning the bone specimens with a feather duster in his mouth—and the dog throws away the feather duster as soon as the owner leaves. , Began to gnaw bones. Explorers think that the dog can be faithful enough to overcome his own nature, but in fact the dog is just acting on the face of the owner, completely obeying the yin.
We also often make the mistake of explorers: we often think that someone can love us more than their nature, and we often think that we can change the nature of others. In fact, it's basically impossible, "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change"! So if you have such thoughts, I would advise you to dispel this idea as soon as possible? If you really want to change someone's nature, then change your benzing!
External cause two + three: the boss of the dog changed hands;
after the death of the explorer who lost his owner , the explorer's airship was taken over by the old man, and all the dogs surrendered to the old man.
There are two reasons for this. First, Doug brought a "humiliation circle" to the dog boss before—according to the nature of the dog, fighting for strength, whoever defeats the boss, is the boss—the dog group recognizes that Doug is the boss, and for The dog group followed suit to surrender to the old man. Second, if there is no owner, the dog has to live. "He who knows the times is a good man", the dog also has to live. It must have a new owner! Since the old man is the new owner of the airship, let's become the new owner of the dog group too!

Of course, I think the most critical reason is that the director and screenwriter are bold and innovative, and dare to break the shackles of the concept of "dog loyalty", and go the other way, to have this classic plot.
If we can't break the rules that limit our thinking, then we will at least not make a big breakthrough!

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