It turns out that the world without me is the best...

Billie 2022-03-22 09:01:04

Until today, I watched this movie in its entirety. I have to admire the screenwriter’s insights and the acting skills of the actors. It is estimated that there is no one in a movie with such frequent role changes. Judging by the ratings, it is estimated that all the sequels of this movie are sequels, so you don't have to watch it.

Then let me talk about the afterthoughts, I won't do anything about spoilers, and I won't tell you anything. The world of the protagonist in the movie is an unstable world, or it is the point where multiple parallel universes interact. In these countless parallel universes, only the male protagonist can travel freely by himself. Of course, his father and grandfather can too, but they are not dead.

That's why the wizard said that he is a soulless person. His soul is probably stuck in his initial parallel universe, which is the parallel universe where he committed suicide in the womb.

According to the scriptwriter’s idea, the actor and his father and grandfather should have no trace of them in that world after they repeatedly shuttled through parallel worlds and put them in a state of balance, because they could find them. The only way to not hurt anyone is to die at the beginning. The most beautiful story without one's own story. So sad, so helpless, so disappointed.

I have to say that this series of men in the actor's house are really people who are out of low-level taste. Of course, it is also possible that after they have read the countless things in the world, they will be boring.

Okay, although I have a thousand words in my heart, I really don't know how to express it. Comrades who haven't seen it, please go take a look and open your mind.

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The Butterfly Effect quotes

  • Title Card: It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory

  • [time traveling Evan at age 7 threatens George Miller with a lighted stick of dynamite]

    Mr. George Miller: Evan! Put that out, or you'll blow off both your hands!

    Evan at 7: Been there, done that.