The best British drama! ! ! ! Must see

Annabelle 2022-03-22 09:01:07

Charlie's creation is to explore the huge impact of modern technology on human life. This is not a good impression.
He once said that I wanted to make something disturbing and
he succeeded. "Black Mirror" has received countless praise.
Entertainment Weekly commented:
After you watch it, you will want to take the time machine to go back in time and experience the surprise of watching the drama again.
When it's over, you'll need that TARDIS to transport you back to before you first heard about Black Mirror, so that each episode can surprise you all over again.
it is each episode lunatic!
S01E01: The National Anthem
British royal princess was kidnapped. The kidnapper had only one request: the British Prime Minister mate with a pig in front of the whole nation.
This unreasonable request has received widespread support from the public on Twitter and Facebook. Finally, the Prime Minister forced by public opinion, and really a pig to mate
after four years, we have seen this kind of news ...
the prime minister and pigs mating Screen outflow
now the Internet
has long been not just a tool to check the information
of the Internet really is useful information do
it is to give us a lot of convenience
, but we can guarantee that our lives are not occupied by the robot do
what high-tech rules, abide by the rules of billions of people where they come from
our lives away from the play Is it far?
We really won’t have a robot like the one in the play
We will be funny
when we see the plot in the play, but after
we have laughed, will we have a trace of panic when we look at ourselves in the mirror?
You look at the person in the mirror, the person in the mirror also stares at you
black mirror
let Let's play the show together

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Extended Reading

Black Mirror quotes

  • Kenny: [sobbing] They filmed me.

    Hector: Filmed you...

    Kenny: Through my computer camera.

    Hector: What, like, filmed you?

    Kenny: Yeah, like, you know, doing it.

    Hector: Like sex?

    Kenny: No. Like, you... you know.

    Hector: Jerking off. Jerking off to porn or something? Well, everyone does that. The fucking pope probably does that.

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