Bright and his perspective

John 2022-03-20 09:01:08

There is a white man in my husband's laboratory, who loves to chat and talks in different ways. The people in the laboratory can't stand his long talk and can't wait to avoid this "horse fly".

The white man's name is Bright. Bright introduced his tragic childhood and poor days in three sentences, but from time to time he bought some novel objects and moved to the office. Yesterday, Bright’s new water purifier was selflessly placed in the laboratory’s pantry for everyone to use. He was telling me how important it is to drink purified water, and I suddenly found him wearing a Bernie Sanders badge on his chest.

"You support Bernie." I said.

Bright's eyes lit up and he said, "Yes, I like him."

So I told him a joke I heard in the Conan O'Brien show: Ben & Jerry, a famous American ice cream brand, Nisanders created a new flavor named after him. The price of this "Bernie" flavor ice cream is 2.99 a barrel, after tax is 200 US dollars (because Bernie once said that the tax rate will be increased in the future).

Bright laughed. As a big fan of Bernie, he started to teach me the benefits of high tax rates.

"Look at Germany, 30% tax, how happy everyone is. Germans don’t need money to go to school, to go to university, or to study abroad. Studying in EU countries is free; not to mention that German universities are so good, you Look at our tutor, how good the university he studied in Germany..."

"So Bernie wants to make the United States look like Europe." I said.

"It's good for everyone anyway." Bright's eyes were full of admiration for Bernie Sanders. "Who doesn't vote for him, Hillary? Her team is too corrupt."

"Oh? Really. We are in Texas, and most people talk about the Republican Party. I only know that Hillary's votes in the Democratic Party are ahead of Bernie. Quite a lot."

"Let me tell you. The things Hillary did are a sign of corruption. You see her attitude towards email scandals, and you see that she often changes her views, why? It's because whoever gives her money, she does it for Who speaks—" Bright made a gesture of stuffing money into his trouser pocket. "—This is terrible, it cannot be allowed. Corruption is not allowed in the United States. You are from China, you should know how terrible a corrupt government

is—" "Ahem"

Bright continued, " —I It means, look at your Chinese system, there is an agency that specializes in investigating corruption." He probably wanted to talk about the procuratorate. "In the United States, there is no such institution. Once a corrupt government comes to power, no one can pull them down, and the people will suffer. I want to emphasize again that a corrupt government like Hillary Clinton really cannot support it. If they were, If they win, who will supervise them in the future? If they continue to be corrupt, who can control them without an institution like yours in China..."

While Bright was talking about the Republican Party, I recalled seeing an issue of "Lu "Yu You Yu" may be able to answer some of his questions. That day Lu Yu invited the newly appointed US ambassador to China Gary Locke and his wife Li Meng. The two were introducing how they met at the beginning. Li Meng said that when he was asked by a friend to meet Locke that day, he didn't have a good impression of Mr. Locke's identity at first. Because Li Meng himself is a journalist, and Locke is a government official. In American society, journalists assume the responsibility of overseeing the government. So Li Meng asked Locke at the dinner table, "If I discover corruption in your government in the future, my duty is to make it public, what should I do?" Locke said, "I welcome your supervision. But I promise you will not I found that because we would not have such a phenomenon."

Even though the two have been married for many years, Li Meng has already left the news industry and resigned to become a housewife. Li Meng on the show still showed an expression of "I don't believe it".

Before officially starting the film review, let me add some background knowledge related to the film. This year's Oscar's Best Picture "Spotlight", the story revolves around a news investigation team. Several reporters from the "Boston Globe" heard about the time when priests sexually assaulted children in the Catholic Church. They conducted in-depth investigations and found that this was not accidental.

Bright didn't return to the laboratory after having lunch yesterday. Otherwise, I really want to ask him what he thinks of the press. As a half-hearted medical student, in my eyes, journalists still have a lot of power. For example, this gradual deterioration in the relationship between doctors and patients has been promoted by journalists a lot. The example of the doctor-patient relationship is too heavy, so let's cite a few positive examples. As a journalist, a sense of justice is certainly not enough, but also the scientific spirit of a "focus group". Because journalism, as a comprehensive body, also requires journalists to have all-round knowledge and qualities. The investigative team in the film, for one case, the entire team looked through a large amount of literature and found 87 suspicious targets. The simple way but invisibly showed a high degree of awe of the facts. The last time I felt this way, I still watched "Under the Dome". Regardless of whether Chai Jing's data is accurate (personally feel that she has no intention of falsification, but does not understand the use of environmental data), she will do academic methods such as "asking Peking University professors", "reading cancer yearbooks", etc., and applying them to news investigations Here, it is itself a manifestation of the all-round development of journalists.

Another thing that is more impressive is the conversation between "Hulk" and the defense lawyer of the child victim in the dining room. Both said that they were not native Bostonians, but "outsiders." The film also used this as a metaphor for the two persons in the case as "outsiders". We often feel this way in our daily lives. We change buses to work in a certain unit under the big sun, because the traffic jam is a few minutes late, and we want to get the other side's forgiveness but encounter the other side's eyes. We wiped our sweat and watched the clerk sitting in the air-conditioned glass room pouting and complaining, "Why didn't you come here earlier?" We are very angry, do you know how many roads I have taken for this mess?

"Outsiders" don't feel the same, and tend to ignore the hard work and torture we have gone through. In the first half of the film, news investigators and lawyers are both typical "outsiders" roles. They treat the tragedies of their children as their daily work-newsmen want to dig out the bright spots, and lawyers focus on collecting money to handle cases. When the first victim appeared in the film, they asked everyone if they had faith. Most people in the "focus group" are not religious or religious, and occasionally going to church is just a routine obligation to accompany their family members. This is not without benefits for themselves. As the lawyer said, we can only expose them if we are not in this circle. If trapped in the doctrine of Catholicism, journalists and lawyers can hardly have the courage to stand up and criticize God. Fortunately, this group of "outsiders" did not appear to be indifferent because they were outside the incident, and at the same time they had the freedom to stay outside the incident, coupled with the sympathy and curiosity of ordinary people. Therefore, in addition to professional quality, in the news investigation of "Focus", the characteristics of the "outsiders" themselves are what promotes the development of the investigation.

There are exceptions. The "outsider" in the film is in contrast to a member of the "focus group". He found that a certain suspected priest lived near his home, but before the entire incident was revealed, according to industry rules, he could not disclose information related to the incident. In order to protect his children, he had to remind the children to stay away from the suspect’s house; the group leader "Bobby" cannot be counted as a complete "outlier". He graduated from church high school, and his friend was sexually assaulted by his godfather during high school, which made him firm in his determination to let the truth come to light. But the film sets another oversight of his past to remind the audience that these reporters are not perfect heroes. What they do is what ordinary journalists should have. As Li Meng said, our reporter's job is to expose the misconduct of your government.

It's just that the cases that "Focus" focuses on are more sensitive. It is also mentioned in the film that in many people's minds, the priest's is the representative of God. Even if God makes mistakes, he is still God. Perhaps the sexual assault of such children in religion is not a sin at all, because the incarnation of God, the priest, has obtained physical and spiritual pleasure. The extended meaning of the film may be understood as religion or law, which should become the moral standard of modern society. In recent years, the voice of Catholicism has increased along with the Latino population. "Focus" was released and received such high awards, which in itself is a challenge to ideology. And "Focus" even promoted the values ​​of natural science invisibly. But according to the end of the film, many things are still going on. Just as scientific development is endless, journalists’ obsession with facts should also continue.

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Extended Reading

Spotlight quotes

  • Sacha Pfeiffer: [from trailer] We understand you settled several cases against the church.

    Eric Macleish: I can't discuss that.

    Sacha Pfeiffer: Are there any records of any of these settlements?

    Eric Macleish: No.

  • Eric Macleish: [from trailer] Are you threatening me?