Boom boom boom, success requires love, smile and persistence

Jayde 2022-03-20 09:01:06

In biographical movies, what I have always wanted to tell people is: the story of how he walked from the bottom to the top of the pyramid.
This film is still the case. It is a person who is unlucky enough to get home and can't even drink water. He achieves a bottoming out and a successful counterattack.
Chris Garner’s series of bad luck has its own reasons and luck. But when all bad luck comes together, it requires not only IQ but also a silly obsession.

About why Ghana can succeed?
Always be optimistic, always believe that there is a future, this is the psychological pillar of Ghana's success. No matter when, Ghana believes that he can do it, so he smiles, he works hard, and he persists. Such a powerful concept accompanies Ghana to face all the difficulties. Even if he goes bankrupt, even if he lives in the toilet, he insists on dressing neatly and smiling at work. He firmly believes that the future will be better and insists on staying with his son. Because of optimism, there is hope, because of love, so there is power.

The famous sentence of this film is probably the one: Don't let somebody tell you, You can't do some. Not even me, you dad, All right?
Chinese means: Don't accept what anyone says to you: You can't, even if it's your dad, I can't.
This is the summary of life in Ghana for so many years. In reality, how many of us were told by our parents, teachers, relatives and friends when we were young: What you can't do, you can't. We believed, and then gave up, backed down, renounced ourselves, and then was said: I said you can’t do it, I’m right. This is an endless loop, and the beginning of the endless loop is that we believe the phrase "you can't do it". This kind of veto is a great blow to people. If you can't stop others from speaking, then the best way is: don't listen, don't believe it. No one can let this sentence hit you, no one can.

Before entering the stock exchange, Ghana asked, what is needed for this job? Answer: IQ and ability to communicate with others. Ghana thought he had it, so he tried it. We often don't know what requirements that goal requires, and whether we have that ability. Seeing that the target is beautiful, he lowered his head and shook his head. In the end, he couldn't get anything. Then he complained about the injustice of fate. This is another contrast. In contrast, the success of self-aware Ghana is by no means accidental.

Many young people around us always complain about too much work and too little wages. When they go to work, they often scan the circle of friends, visit Taobao, and then shout that they are out of money. When the boss didn't give him a raise or let him go on a business trip, they shouted that it was too hard. The boss was a capitalist, and then they continued to screen in the circle of friends, pouring out their grievances. Comparing with Ghana, I am really happy. And to pay, the kind of hard work in Ghana, the kind of all-out effort, and the hard work that counts every minute and every second for the children. In sharp contrast, we can understand why we are the loser. If you have time to complain, it's better to work harder.

The film is simple and straightforward, with no cover-ups or too much modification. The plot is quite satisfactory, but it has a textbook-like feeling. When Ghana faced the final announcement, my heart was so nervous that it jumped out of my throat. When the results were announced, Ghana calmly accepted, and I felt that the actors handled the characters well. Because when you are the most nervous and excited, the most common performance is to pretend to be calm and steady. Like the actors here.

What should you do when you get home in bad luck? Just like Ghana, hold on and work harder.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."