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I didn’t act well when I was rescued.
Carmela 2022-03-16 09:01:02
Vincent Kapoor: [Reading and citing from the panels that Mark put in front of the camera of the Pathfinder Mars robot] "'Are you receiving me? Yes - no.'
[to Tim]
Vincent Kapoor: OK, point the camera at 'yes'."
Tim Grimes: 32-minute round trip communications time, all he can do is yes/no questions and all we can do is point the camera. This won't exactly be an Algonquin round table of snappy repartee.
Melissa Lewis: [from deleted scene] Where have you been sleeping?
Rick Martinez: In airlock 2.
Beth Johanssen, Chris Beck, Alex Vogel: WHAT!
Rick Martinez: It's the only place where I can sleep without anyone tripping me, so.
Alex Vogel: Do you understand how dangerous that is? If one seal breaks you die.
Melissa Lewis: From now on you'll sleep in Beck's room.
Chris Beck: Where am I going to sleep?
Melissa Lewis: With Johanssen.
Chris Beck: Um, uh.
Chris Beck: [Johanssen looks surprised]
Melissa Lewis: Knock it off Beck. It's a small ship I know everything.
Beth Johanssen: Are you mad?
Melissa Lewis: If this was a normal mission you'd be breaking about thirty rules. But this isn't a normal mission.
Rick Martinez: And a few world records too.. WHAT'S UP!
[Shakes Beck's and Johanssen's hands]
Rick Martinez: Your gonna leave me hanging? You're going to leave me hanging? Getting down in space?