Some thoughts on Turing

Karina 2022-03-21 09:01:13

Recently, life lacks a sense of direction. I often wake up early and don’t know what to expect. During the day, I don’t know where I’m doing it. I’m worried about wasting my time at night, so I spend more time on trivial chores. Very late, always miss the time to make up for quality sleep. So I wondered if I could go to the cinema in the morning to watch a movie at a cheap price, or I could have a good mood the day after watching it? This morning when I habitually squatted lazily on the toilet and swiped my phone, I clicked on the movie theater in front of my house. I wanted to watch a silly youth movie such as "Browind", but found that the last movie on the website was called "Simulation". "Game", another look is actually about Alan Turing. I have been fascinated by the life experience of this pioneer of computer, computer science and artificial intelligence for many years. Seeing that there was a quarter of an hour left in the most recent scene, I didn't even think about it, picked up my pants, ran away on my bike, bought a ticket and took a seat, and the movie started a few minutes later. This is one of the few films in recent years that I watched in tears half of the time. The last one was the Tangshan Earthquake, which was purely because there were too many tears in it; and the reason why this film made you cry is because in recent years I have become accustomed to my daily life in a state of numbness. In the life picture of the protagonist who understands, he sees another dimension of life, so he feels, and feels ashamed, so longing, and melancholy. After the scene in the movie where the chemical treatment has been started, Turing, who is emotionally out of control, calmly closes the book, turns off the light in the living room and walks into the dark, the subtitles slowly emerge with the surging background music, telling The audience message is as follows: "One year after receiving the government's forced chemotherapy to change his sexual orientation, Turing committed suicide on June 7, 1954. Turing's contribution to deciphering the code of Nazi Germany saved at least 1,400 in World War II. The lives of 10,000 people brought the end of World War II two years earlier.... Turing's machine is called Turing Machine, and today it is called Computers. "These sentences hit my heart and made me unable to control myself. How can one bear so much! I did not leave the scene for the first time when the credits were played after the movie ended. I just sat and continued to cry. The screen was black. When I turned my head, there were three little boys who looked like high school students sitting there with me. I adjusted my emotions for a while in the theater, and then walked onto the sunny and venomous, busy streets. I suddenly felt a trance. . My heart seems to be in another time and space. So when I went to the office and had lunch, I decided to write down some of my thoughts as soon as possible. Piecemeal, no rules to follow. 1. Michelangelo and Turing Michelangelo and Turing are probably the two gay guys I admire the most. I don’t know why, maybe they are both naive and frank, and a bit self-abusing. There are many great gay guys in history, but unfortunately so far many of them The real emotional world of people has not been explored by the movie. Michelangelo seems to be one, of course I am ignorant and watch less movies, not to mention that his home country, Italy, may have already reflected this great man in various film and television works. But probably Mi Lao The emotional life of the senior is not good when taken, because he basically lived his whole life emotionally and depressed, especially when compared with his contemporaries, Da Vinci, who was also a friend of Yu He Shengliang. Qi is really a great genius, but I don’t know why I admire Michelangelo more than Leonardo since I was a child. Maybe Michelangelo has a more tragic heroic temperament, and also a kind of transcendence and transcendence. Realistic feelings; in contrast, Leonardo da Vinci is like a forever decent person in the fashion industry, who is always likable but can't directly hit my heart. Michelangelo has his neck up and painted the zenith of the Sistine Chapel for four years, Probably a few years after Turing developed a machine to decode the Nazi code. There are some similarities. They are both painful and happy. Afterwards, they seem to be a great historical achievement, and the thousands of hours that have passed away may be happy or boring. Outsiders will not know how it feels. 2. Keynes and Turing’s two gay men who had the greatest influence on the process of human history in the twentieth century were both British. From a certain perspective, the twentieth century continued to influence the process of human history. The two most influential British people are these two gay guys. John Meynard Keyens and Alan Mathison Turing. In recent years, classic biographies about both of them have been published, and they have been written very well, reflecting the strong cultural accumulation of the corrupt country. There is also a well-known predecessor Oscar Wilde in the United Kingdom, but Mr. Wilde can only be regarded as adding luster to the literary world. Keynes, who was born in 1883, profoundly changed the theory and practice of economics, and was born in 1912. Ling pioneered disciplines that did not exist before, computer science and artificial intelligence. After his death, Keynes's thought became a pillar of the main ideas supporting the operation of human society and economy, although its status was slightly ups and downs; and the field that Turing created may still be the bud of history until today, the future direction of artificial intelligence. To this day, it continues to arouse all kinds of guesses, imaginations and vigilance made by everyone. As an employee of the British government, Keynes saw that the economic hegemony of the British Empire was helplessly replaced by the United States, while Turing saw the buds of the transformation of the entire world. Both Keynes and Turing were born in the upper-middle class of England, but they were a generation behind. Keynes’ father was a university professor, and he had served as a civil servant in the Indian colonial department of the British government in his early years; Turing’s father also worked in the Indian and Burmese colonial governments before giving birth to him. Both Keynes and Turing University studied at the University of Cambridge, which is an open and inclusive atmosphere. After graduation, they have engaged in academic work at the university, and their great research achievements also come from working for the government. Keynes is in the Ministry of Finance, Turing is in A crypto school opened in the army during World War II. In addition to the field difference, the huge difference between the two is in their love history: Keynes went to university and the entire youth segment was very open, participated in the "Olympic Club" in the small circle of Cambridge people of the same age, in which a group of future outstanding knowledge professors and Artists (including Virginia Woolf) sleep with each other, and of course have close exchanges of ideas; Keynes even lived with a painter Duncun Grant for about six years, and at one time wanted to be with him for life; but after being loved by others, Keynes eventually married Lydia Lopokova, an excellent Russian female dancer at the time, and accompanied him lovingly until his death in 1946. His same-sex orientation is not a secret. I am an active advocate of changing the British gay policy. When he died, his will also ordered part of his property to be distributed to the same-sex old love Duncun. Grant. Turing, on the other hand, does not seem to have a stable relationship. Although there are places where it is said that he is actually willing to tell others about his homosexuality, and he had a cohabitation relationship with a few small meats; but obviously he couldn't get it emotionally after World War II. Satisfied, interacting with young men who cannot have too many common languages ​​among the working class has resulted in trouble. 3. Turing and Christopher In this film, the relationship between Turing and Christopher is relatively shallow. It seems to the audience that Christopher likes to crack codes, which affects Turing. In fact, although the time Christopher and Turing were classmates and friends was in the early adolescence, Christopher had a deep influence on Turing. Turing's interest in several subjects including astronomy was brought by Christopher. After Christopher's death, Turing became deeply interested in the issue of consciousness, which was also related to this friendship that transcended ordinary friendship. Turing still communicated with his mother after Christopher's death, indicating that the relationship between the two was probably also known to Christopher's parents. A more intriguing question is if Christopher had not died of bovine tuberculosis due to drinking germ-infected milk. If he grew up healthy, what kind of person would he be? Judging from the relationship between him and Turing, he may be more mature than Turing, with the talent and curiosity no less than Turing, will he also become an extraordinary genius, or even a person who changes the world? Of course? In an era, there are always very few geniuses who get opportunities; however, given the social class and circle of Christopher, he may also be able to enter a school like Cambridge and fly freely. It should not be a big problem to become an outstanding scholar. 4. Turing and possible Turing in history Undoubtedly, Turing is a genius. But genius is a kind of magical material. Under different circumstances and opportunities, the same genius can make all kinds of outstanding achievements beyond ordinary people's imagination. And genius is sometimes fragile. Turing is reluctant to enter prison because he thinks that he can't continue research in prison, and even the absolute choice he finally made in the face of difficulties reflects this fragility. What historical factors made the Turing we see? What could be different from Turing? This is probably by no means clear in a few words. It's just that I sigh that World War II is probably a key factor that made Turing the Turing we see. To develop the original computer named Christopher in the film, but actually Bombe, Turing and his team spent several years overcoming a series of major obstacles; if it had not been for World War II, Turing himself might not have been so determined to go. The production of such a complicated machine may not be able to get such a huge amount of support funds. But if there was no World War II, would Turing use his ingenuity in other fields, or also make different types of contributions in the field of computational intelligence? As for if Turing had not been poisoned by the cyanide apple, if he had survived into the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and even the 1990s, which areas his academic interests would illuminate, it would make us even more imaginative. 5. Great mission and mediocre day-to-day thinking. At this time, I am in a quiet and quiet office with no one else. Although the computer I am currently operating and the smartphone next to it cannot exist without Turing's great thoughts, to be honest, I can't feel the shock that the movie brings me too much. Only when I opened Baidu Music and searched for the original soundtrack of Imitation Game, when I clicked to play, the music can bring me back to that situation a little bit. Daily life is always somewhat mediocre or even vulgar, and it seems that there is no connection with those great missions that make my heart surging. However, perhaps Turing, who was in the eighth district of the small town during the war preparation period, had to design his own machine with a blank eye on his officers and colleagues, and he once had this feeling? The original soundtrack of Game's movie soundtrack, when I click it to play, the music can bring me back to that situation a little bit. Daily life is always somewhat mediocre or even vulgar, and it seems that there is no connection with those great missions that make my heart surging. However, perhaps Turing, who was in the eighth district of the small town during the war preparation period, had to design his own machine with a blank eye on his officers and colleagues, and he once had this feeling? The original soundtrack of Game's movie soundtrack, when I click it to play, the music can bring me back to that situation a little bit. Daily life is always somewhat mediocre or even vulgar, and it seems that there is no connection with those great missions that make my heart surging. However, perhaps Turing, who was in the eighth district of the small town during the war preparation period, had to design his own machine with a blank eye on his officers and colleagues, and he once had this feeling?

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Extended Reading

The Imitation Game quotes

  • Alan Turing: [voiceover] There were 159 million, million, million possible Enigma settings. All we had to do was try each one. But if we had ten men checking one setting a minute for 24 hours every day and seven days every week, how many days do you think it would take to check each of the settings? Well it's not days, it's years. It's 20 *million* years. To stop a coming attack, we would have to check 20 million years' worth of settings in 20 minutes.

  • Alan Turing: Sometimes we can't do what feels good. We have to do what is logical