Eight questions will lead you to understand Inception

Chet 2022-03-20 09:01:07

——————Analysis of film reviews, spoilers are risky, read with caution—————— Statement that the final version of this film review was completed on December 5, 2010, which is 2 after "Inception" was released on the mainland Months, it was the result of my 8 videos and 3 hours of discussion with a few friends. Later, I borrowed a friend to publish it on Mtime, but the review also disappeared due to the cancellation of the friend's account. Today, the copyright is returned to the long trousers. Although the hot period for discussing the film has long been missed, I still hope to help some friends understand the film. —————————— Text—————————— Accompanied by familiar music, the audience is awakened in the cinema. The film ends at 2 hours and 28 minutes, but the shock and thinking it brings us, like the spinning top, never stops. ·····Background Nolan has created a dream world that belongs only to him. In this familiar and unfamiliar world, we must first know and learn the laws here. Cobb's father-in-law first discovered the laws of dreams and made Cobb and Mal the top dreammakers. The US military invented the Lianmeng machine and the Lianmeng mechanism. The Dream Machine, which was originally used to help soldiers train shooting and fighting techniques, later created a space for the dreamers to gallop. This is the big background of the story, and the small background of the story is the past of the two top dreammakers-Cobb and Mal. ·····Cobb and Mal Cobb and Mal are the pioneers of dream research, and they are the pioneers of dream within dream. They first study the possibility of dreams in dreams, and continue to deepen them until they actively enter limbo (lost domain; chaos domain; subconscious edge).When waking up from the limbo lost domain, Cobb and Mal discovered that it was an unconstructed deep dream world. They began to use their abilities to transform this place, and everything started from their memory (building dreams from your memory is the easiest way to lose your grasp on what's real and what is a dream. They created a home that could not exist in reality in the lost domain of limbo, and spent a wonderful 50 years there.But limbo is a dream after all, and they still find the reality back. However, at this time, Mal is lost in the dream and reality, falling into the beautiful vortex of limbo. In order to convince Mal that all these are dreams, Cobb first came up with a way to implant inception, but he didn't know how the implantation of deep dreams would affect a person. Cobb succeeded in doing inception for the first time. In the sunset, a pair of elderly people lay on the railroad tracks with their old hands clasped tightly. They used their lives as a bargaining chip to find the truth, because after living in limbo for so long, they could no longer be sure that death would make They wake up. "You are waiting for a train, a train that'll take you far away. Youknow where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure, but it doesn't matter. Why? Because you'll be together... You are waiting for a train, it will take you far away. You know where you want this train to take you, but you are not sure. But it doesn’t matter, why? Because you will be together... …" Opening their eyes again, they found that they had a young body again (old souls thrown back into youth). However, Cobb's previously implanted concepts began to work on Mal, and the top was still spinning in her brain.Mal thinks this is still not the reality, they must commit suicide again to see their real children. No matter how Cobb persuades, nothing will help. Mal loves Cobb too much, she won't go back alone. On their wedding anniversary, she created the illusion that Cobb threatened her, leaving Cobb with nowhere to go. Excited, Mal jumped down from the tall building, leaving only the regretful Cobb and the top that had long been abandoned. Because he was convicted of murdering his wife, Cobb had to leave the children to travel abroad, but when he left, because of guilt and self-blame, he couldn't even see the children at the last glance. Cobb also loved Mal too deeply. He used his memory to build a cage that could trap his projection of Mal, and at the same time imprisoned himself, imprisoned himself in boundless guilt and self-blame. This is Cobb and Mal, the pioneers of dreams in dreams, who use their lives to find real people. ·····The Principles of Dreamland and the Eight Questions: Joint Dream Mechanism·Sharing dream Joint Dream Machine was invented by the military and is a device that can connect the dream consciousness of several individuals. In shared dreams, multiple people can share one's dreams, and the person who is shared by others is called the host. In the joint dream, people can have dreams in dreams, and dreams can be grafted. For example, the dream owner of the first dream is A, and in the second dream, the dream owner can be B. In Cobb and Arthur's first inception of Saito (Saito), the dreamer of the Japanese-style architectural dream was Arthur, because after Arthur woke up, the dream began to collapse. Question one is raised at this time. >>>>>Question 1: Why did the dreamer gradually collapse when he woke up instead of disappearing suddenly? This is the result of the dream cache effect.In shared dreams, Lianmeng just connects the consciousness of multiple people, and everyone’s consciousness still exists in their own brains. Those who share the dream of the dreamer just load the dream of the dreamer into their brains. After the Lord wakes up, there will be no real-time dreams transmitted into the brains of others, and the dreams previously stored by others will gradually disappear over time (the speed of disappearance may also be related to the ability of the individual to remember the dreams), and other people will continue because of the dreams. Woke up after the collapse. We continue to talk about the dream master. In the action against Fisher, the dream owner of the driving dream on the first floor is Yusef, the dream owner of the hotel on the second floor is Arthur, and the dream owner of the snowy area on the third floor is Eames. Mus). The dream owner of each level of dreams cannot enter the next level of dreams, one is because they have to stay on this level and be responsible for kicking others, and the other is because once they enter a dream, this level of dreams will collapse because there is no dreamer. The dreammakers of the above three levels of dreams are all Ariadne , and the dream masters of each level need to be familiar with the structure of the dreams so that they can transform and use the dreams under special conditions. In the film, we can also see Ariadne introducing the dream structure to Arthur and others. In shared dreams, everyone who shares the dream will involuntarily bring their subconscious into the dreamer’s dream to perfect the dream . Therefore, people who have not been trained will not know that they are in other people’s dreams or realize that they are in the dream. dream. In the first dream, Cobb unconsciously brought his subconscious train into the dream. In the third dream, he brought Mal into the dream again, causing Fisher to die unexpectedly and fall into limbo. Speaking of Mal, we will not only ask: She is Cobb's wife, why does she always undermine Cobb's actions? >>>>>Question 2: Why does Mal always undermine Cobb's actions? Mal is a subconscious projection of the original Mal produced by Cobb. She has the basic characteristics and ideas of Mal in reality.Mal loves Cobb so much, she always wanted to be with Cobb forever, and in the dream, Mal can only be with her by keeping Cobb in the dream, so once Mal appears in the dream, her purpose is only one—— Destroy Cobb's actions and let him stay in his dreams and grow old with himself forever. When it comes to Mal, we always think of Limbo. We are not sure yet. With the deepening of dreams and the blurring of the subconscious, the fourth level of dreams is limbo. What we can be sure of is that limbo is not a person's subconscious edge, but an eternally existing conscious edge world independent of our world. It is an untapped dream, where there are only things left by people who have entered . The only people who have entered limbo are Cobb and Mal. They used their memories to transform limbo, so limbo is almost the world of Cobb and Mal. There are two ways to enter the limbo, one is to enter the limbo actively as the dream deepens, and the other is to fall into the limbo when dying in the dream under the action of a powerful potion. In limbo, people will lose their memory and consciousness, and then grow old alone in the eternal limbo. We believe that the fourth level of dreams is limbo, and we will gradually give the arguments for this point of view below. But when it comes to people losing their memory and consciousness in limbo, we ran into question three. >>>>>Question 3: Why does Saito lose his memory and consciousness until he grows old after entering limbo, while Cobb, Mal, and Ariadne are all awake after entering and know what they are going to do? This is because they enter limbo in different ways. Saito enters limbo to die in a dream. Death means the disintegration of consciousness. At this time, the human brain has only a small part of the remaining active consciousness, and has lost basic memory and the ability to wake up. Cobb, Mal and Ariadne all actively entered limbo, that is, they entered as the dream deepened. In this case, they will still have a clear consciousness and memory when they wake up in the limbo, but as time goes by, they will gradually lose their memory and consciousness and get lost in the limbo. Again, this explains question four. >>>>>Question 4: Cobb said that he and Mal spent 50 years in limbo. Why were they young when they committed suicide by lying on the rails? In fact, Cobb and Mal did live in limbo for 50 years, where they grew old together. Later, Cobb made the first inception to Mal. They woke up from suicide in limbo, but because they had lived in limbo for so long, after waking up, they could not fully remember the past in limbo. They also forgot to be in limbo. The fact that they grow old together, and mistakenly remember that they committed suicide when they were young. At the end of the film, Cobb held the shot Mal and said to her: We have grown old together, but you don't remember. At this time Cobb finally remembered their real past in limbo. He has fulfilled his promise in limbo. Therefore, Cobb opened his heart and was willing to let Mal really leave. At the end of the film, the previous scene of two people holding hands in limbo when they were young turned into a scene of a pair of old people holding hands. We also saw those old hands for the first time. Kick Next we talk about Kick, it would be better to translate it into excitement. Kick means to stimulate people in dreams such as immersion, electric shock or weightlessness to wake them up from the dream. Under normal circumstances, Kick only has an effect on the person in the nearest layer of dreams. As the dream deepens, the effect of kick will gradually weaken, thus losing the effect of awakening people. For example, the kick of a car hitting a bridge in the first layer of dreams will have a small avalanche in the third layer of dreams. Synchronized kick, synergistic stimulation, that is, the person in charge of each layer simultaneously kicks the people in the next layer of dreams, so that the people in the deepest dreams wake up from the dreams in turn. Kicking people in limbo will also wake them up in the upper level of dreams. >>>>>Question 5: After Cobb and Mal committed suicide, and finally Cobb and Saito, after they woke up from limbo, they returned to reality instead of returning to the previous dream? The collapse of dreams. When Cobb and Mal entered the limbo for research, no one was responsible for kicking them, so they can only rely on the failure of the medicine or suicide when they wake up from the limbo (there is no explanation in the film, here is a personal guess). When they enter the limbo, they rely on the deepening of the dream, which means that they are online at the same time to enter deeper dreams. When they wake up from the limbo, the previous dream has collapsed because there is no dream owner, so they just Back to reality directly from limbo. Similarly, when Cobb and Saito woke up from limbo, the others had already woke up, and their previous dreams had also collapsed. After rescuing Fischer, Ariadne committed suicide by jumping off the building in limbo. At this time, her dreams still existed, so she returned to the upper level of snow. >>>>>Question 6: How many dreams are there in the movie? This is the most controversial issue. Some people believe that Fischer did not die after being shot in the snowy area, he just fainted temporarily. The talented Ariadne proposed to connect with Fischer and force him to join Cobb's dream to rescue him. They think that the dream when they rescued Fischer was Cobb's. But in the film, we can find that Cobb and Ariadne did not connect with Fischer to save Fischer into the next level of dreams. In this case, it is impossible for them to enter the same dreamland with Fischer, unless the next level of dreams is limbo. Fischer was indeed dead after being shot. Ariadne said in the film: Mal killed Fischer. After entering the next layer of the dream, Saito died immediately, while rescue Fischer, Cobb said Ariadne: Saito has dead, he must be down here somewhere ( Saito was dead, he must be somewhere here), which has Suffice it to say that the place they rescued Fischer was limbo. >>>>>Question 7: Since the fourth dream is limbo, then Cobb should enter before Saito. Why is Saito so much older than Cobb in the end? Cobb entered limbo twice. The first time Cobb and Ariadne took the initiative to enter the limbo, this time he was conscious when he woke up from the limbo. After he and Ariadne rescued Fischer from limbo, Cobb held the dead Mal and closed his eyes, followed by the shot of the first dream car crashing into the river. Cobb knew that everyone else would wake up, the previous dream was about to collapse, and he would die when the dream collapsed, so he would be forced to enter the limbo again. At this time, Saito had been in the limbo for a while. Entering limbo for the second time, Cobb was discovered by the Japanese at the subconscious seaside, because he died in a dream and entered limbo. At this time, he has lost his memory and consciousness. After seeing Saito who was getting older, Cobb still didn't think of his mission. It wasn't until Saito picked up the spinning top that Cobb slowly remembered, "I came here to remind you of something, something you once knew, that this world is not real. I'm here to remind you of one thing, a fact you once knew, that this world is not real", he wants to take Saito back with him. >>>>>Question 8: Did the last top stop? Is the end of the film an open ending? This is not an open-ended movie, the spinning top stopped. Throughout the story, the top is not the real totem of Cobb, the real totem of Cobb is his ring. In the dream, Cobb kept Mal alive forever, so in the dream he was still married and the ring was still on his left ring finger. In reality, Cobb didn't dare to face the past that made him guilty, and he no longer carried the ring that always reminded him of Mal. At the end of the film, when Cobb checked in at the airport, we could clearly see that there was no ring on his left ring finger. Some people think that Cobb failed to return to reality. They said that in the end Cobb's child did not grow up and wore the same clothes, which shows that everything is Cobb's beautiful dream. But a careful audience can find that in the final subtitles, there are two groups of actors from James and Philippe, both of which are two years apart in age. This shows that Cobb has been wandering outside for two years. If you look carefully, you will find that in the end Cobb's child really grew up, but it was too young to be found easily. Regarding the ending and Nolan's first time watching Inception, I feel that it is not as difficult as the media speculation, the story is actually quite simple, I even began to doubt Nolan's skill. After watching Inception for the second time, I was puzzled. The story was not as simple as it seemed. The questions appeared one after another, which made me think about the rules and logic of the world presented to us by the whole movie. After the third and fourth studies, I discovered that the original script that Nolan wrote for 10 years is really not that simple. He completely created a familiar but unfamiliar dream world for us and presented it to us. A novel, logical and very rigorous dream law. The rigorous and meticulous plan of the whole film, the echoes of the plot, the hints and the foreshadowing and the mutual restraint of the plot present us with a rich suspenseful meal. The narrative method of step-by-step flashback and step-by-step deepening allows us to understand the dream world and the protagonist’s past step by step. As the plot deepens, the previous views are overturned one by one, until the protagonist’s showdown, the forgotten broken one The past is re-presented before our eyes in a piece of jigsaw puzzle. This is Nolan’s movie, step by step, with ups and downs, until the end, we can put all the plots together completely, but this is not enough, the film stopped abruptly when it showed its trump card, let us marvel at the power of the story Time gives us space to think and imagine. Seriously aftertaste Nolan’s movie, we will findNolan ending style greatly extend the duration of the film between, but also give us more time thinking and aftertaste, and when we relive his story, we will be shocked by some of these details or moved. At the end of "The Dark Knight", the injured Batman sacrificed himself to maintain the beautiful image that the people believed in. He did not get the praise or praise of the people for his contribution. Behind his staggering steps are the police chase and the world's swearing. , But he still wears a lonely bat suit, shuttles in the darkness that no one can understand to maintain the beauty and justice of society; the two top magicians in "Fatal Magic" have dedicated their lives to us. It’s not until the end that we understand the meaning of a magician’s life: without magic, the world is realistic and cruel. Magic brings people miracles and hopes, and also surprises the audience. When the audience shows their expressions of surprise and wonder , The magician's life is complete, even if the expression is only a few seconds short. Only then did we gradually understand many problems in "Inception", and the final top is really not important. After Cobb was reunited with his children, he enjoyed the happiness and joy of being reunited with the children, and never looked back at the spinning top. At this time, the spinning top is not important to Cobb. He has untied his knots and finally dared to face the real life without Mal and the children who had been separated from him for a long time.In layers of dreams, he learned to trust again, he fulfilled his promise, and found the love he had forgotten. True love is not an eternal staying together, but a tribulation together, an experience together, then a white head together, and finally together towards the end of life. Regardless of the strong dream background in the film, "Inception" is still an ordinary story around the most important emotions in people's hearts. A guilty father who caused his other half to die because of his mistakes. In his wandering life, he constantly struggled with infinite regret and self-blame. He worked tirelessly to see his children. Finally, with the help of friends and partners, he finally Facing the reality, I found the forgotten love and realized the salvation of my guilty soul. At the same time, the group of them also untied the heart knot of the son who had always felt that there was no paternal love, allowing him to obtain the long-awaited paternal love after his father's death and find the belief in self-realization. This is Nolan, the support of powerful stories is always the most important emotion in people's hearts, the person who writes magnificent stories with the most fragile emotions. However, "Inception" is not a good work, because the complexity of the story caused a slight imbalance in the emotional scene of the film. Maybe Nolan overestimated people's IQ, maybe his screenwriting skills are too high, so that people want Burning a lot of brain cells to figure out the outline of the story, and at this time there is no strength to feel its emotions and soul. Nolan's dream-making skills are still unparalleled. Relying on nonlinear narrative techniques, Nolan makes the story more exciting and fascinating. After abandoning this technique, Nolan's story is still full of novelty and surprises, still ups and downs, and unexpected. 2015.8.8 Supplement: Adhere to the film, insist not to explain the ending of the film, insist on the live shooting... This is Nolan’s perseverance and his principle. In the era of various 3D proliferation, the film company finally compromised. "TDK" The Dark Knight, "TDKR" The Dark Knight Rise and "Interstellar" are all presented to the audience in 2D. The shooting method of the real-scene mixed mini model gives his movies a heavy and simple sense of reality, which is unmatched by any CG or special effects. And his preservation of the true meaning of the film left the film with the most precious space of value. However, when he was asked about the ending of "Inception" for the Nth time, he seemed a little angry. When speaking at Princeton University, he finally revealed the answer to the film ("Just like the ending of "Inception," Ke Bo Returning to his child, he no longer cares whether it is a dream or reality."), which coincides with the understanding of this article. Nolan attaches great importance to the point of view of the film, he "does not want to make a film with a neutral attitude." Therefore, unlike some open-ended films, we can experience a profound point of view in each of his films: Although Batman is above the law and uses many astonishing methods to deal with enemies, he does Represents justice and sacrifice in a broken image. The ignorant and prejudiced people in Gotham City cannot accept this hero yet. In TDKR, the last thing left to Serf is the legacy of the Batman spirit. Batman cannot die, only the sacrifice and inheritance under the mask for generations. And Serf will not be Robin, he will only be the next bat. Man. Nolan is one of the representatives of non-linear narrative . Some people say that Nolan always complicates simple things, but at the same time sprays some simple plots with a high-level attitude. Nolan is not complicating the story, but reconstructing the story so that the audience can see the value hidden in the traditional linear narrative with a new attitude, and add his own views to it to influence the audience's attitude.This is the grasp and control of the story, not a piece of form. For example, "Deadly Magic" is interspersed and presented, allowing the audience to experience the twists and turns of the perception of a thing. In TDK and Interstellar, Nolan only occasionally cross-edited two or three stories to create Emotional and plot tension and climax, and all this is for the plot. I like Nolan because of his principle of film, and "brain burn" is just a pseudo concept of media marketing strategy, and it has nothing to do with Nolan. Throughout his work, one can also feel the obvious personal style and the delicate balance between art and commerce. But Nolan is not a student of film or photography, and he has never been treated by art schools. He has never wanted to please a certain school. This is what we respect. He does not rely on technology and does not succumb to big film companies. Not to please any faction, he is just a director who carries a heavy imax film camera and focuses on shooting the next film.

Text/Goddess' Long Pants

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Inception quotes

  • Cobb: Imagine you're designing a building You consciously create each aspect. But sometimes, it feels like it's almost creating itself, if you know what I mean.

    Ariadne: Yeah, like I'm discovering it.

    Cobb: Genuine inspiration, right? Now, in a dream, our mind continuously does this. We create and perceive our world simultaneously. And our mind does this so well that we don't even know it's happening.

  • Mal: [stabbing Cobb] Does this feel real?