How is Turing made

Enid 2022-03-21 09:01:13

For the researchers of Alan Turing, "The Imitation Game" may not satisfy them: this film, which uses Blanchelli Manor to decipher the German Ingmar cipher machine as the main line, only enlarges Turing's career. Fragments of Turing, and made drastic adjustments to Turing’s many deeds and even his personal personality. However, for the audience, the film’s surgery on historical facts is not only necessary, but also extremely successful. After all, what you want to see in the movie theater is the story, not the history lesson PPT.

Although the deciphering section is a rich and legendary chapter throughout the history of World War II and Turing's personal experience, it is not difficult to express exaggerated and rich words in the text. The difficulty is to realize the realization of imaging. Imagine a group of mathematicians cracking the code. It sounds amazing, but would you like to watch a bunch of otaku squatting in the room with a sad face in front of the big screen doing Mathematical Olympiad for two hours? The key is how to extract a clear clue from it. Take a look at the movies of the same theme: 2001's "Code Intercept" directly fictionalized a suspenseful and love dog-blood story; an earlier year's "U-571" directly ignored the deciphering of the German password captured by the submarine. The machine process was the main event, and it suddenly became an action war movie. It is said that it also caused complaints from the British side-all the credit was taken by the Americans. In this comparison, the beauty of "Imitation Game" is highlighted. Because its focus is not on things, but on people, not even the Turing in history, but on the artistic image of Turing that it intends to show you.

The film draws three lines directly: Turing who was still in high school in 1928, Turing who broke the code during World War II, and Turing who was downhearted due to homosexuality after the war. The persecution line started with a crime. First, suspense was used to draw the audience's curiosity, but the line was quickly pressed down and it just kept appearing in progress. The policeman handling the case is like a reporter in "Citizen Kane". It is not so much a role in the play, as it is to say that he represents the perspective of the audience. The questions he puts at each investigation node are exactly what the audience wants to understand. Through his Step by step, effective tightening between paragraphs. After the suspense is slowly cracked, the audience's interest has changed from solving puzzles in the past tense to asking the fate of the concerned characters in the future. At this time, the police made a timely statement and played the role of the audience commenting on the soundtrack, and pushed it hard at the end, triggering a tragedy climax.

Turing’s early academy career was the answer line corresponding to the persecution line. It appeared the latest in time. In a sense, it can be regarded as the favorite "childhood shadow" of biopic screenwriters. The origin of Turing's personality and sexual orientation can be seen in this line. However, compared with the persecution line, this line is not just the "puzzle" and "puzzle-solving" in Conan's animation. Don’t look at the plot design, just look at the tones of the two lines. The contrast is clear enough: the persecution line is gray-blue and dark, and the college line even has the plot of Turing being bullied, but it does show the bright yellow and orange colors, and the two lines alternately appear. From the rosy spring dream filled with sunlight and memories to the tragic end of the cold and wet, the injustice encountered by the protagonist is ready to come out. This academy line is not critical in the plot, but the filming is extremely lyrical, because the more you exaggerate the pure beauty of this section, the more you can highlight the warmth and warmth of the genius with the other two with full plot.

One of the most critical puzzle-solving lines, the key point is definitely not honestly write how to solve the puzzle. Who wants to look at solving math problems? Even the elementary school students wrote in their essays that they knew the boring mental activities of the fortress and even made up a fictional piece of how to overcome the demon and not copy the bad bridge at the same table, not to mention the movie-even if the subject is Benedict with a lot of fans. Cumberbatch. Therefore, the end of the film is the evolution of Turing's relationship with everyone around him. This is why the straight girl Joan Clarke was picked up and became the number one female in a gay protagonist film. This is why Hugh Alexander, who has a good relationship with Turing, was dragged out and sang for a long time. , That’s why the Cambridge Five’s espionage blockbuster has to be moved from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Academy to Blanchelli. The tragedy of Ventry further strengthens the relationship between the characters, composing a heart-battering drama that sacrifices the individual for the sake of the overall situation and bears the "necessary sin" alone. As for the real puzzle solving, the film only uses a wonderful montage to clearly express the influence of intelligence on the battle situation. At the same time, it also expands the film pattern by the way with the sea, land and air war scenes. In this process, Turing’s interaction with the surrounding characters is not so much about explaining mystery stories, but rather showing that the surrounding environment is incompatible with him, how to push him step by step into the abyss of disaster-in fact, except for the really unlucky ending. , Turing is far less sad than the protagonist in the film. Apart from the poor performance of solving puzzles, are there other reasons to do this? Of course, the design of the opposite. Why is the anti-Japanese drama popular? Because there is a "day" as the opposite that allows you to keep "resisting" without getting tired. But no matter how bad the Nazis are, they can't compete with Turing in their internal power, right? Therefore, in order to achieve the ultimate in splendor, it is necessary to design an antithesis for Turing. As a result, he designed a tragic and heroic pattern in which he struggled with heaven, earth and people—the opposite was no longer specific people and things, but misunderstandings. At this time, he contrasted his poor communication with people with the puzzle-solving, which he communicated with numbers like a fish in water, and suddenly, the genius of pride and loneliness stood up. However, this is not enough. There has to be a more materialized point. The film falls on this point in the persecution of homosexuals. It just so happens that historical facts have also found evidence. In this way, the film goes up as a lonely hero who is not tolerated by the world. The classical tragedy of "I have done nothing wrong in my life, why is this", goes down to observe the reality of same-sex discrimination, which is on the cusp. Several paths, there is always one that can conquer you.

In this way, once the three lines are spliced, Turing's tragedy will be presented to you logically. The film’s handling of historical material is extremely neat and precise, and every step of the plot advancement is made to the right degree. Although in the end there will be inevitability of "conformity" and "labeling", it can push this type of film template to its peak. It's an amazing craftsmanship. Objectively speaking, because the theme comes first, there is a big difference between Turing in the movie and the genius who is exceptionally talented but never unpleasant in reality, but this is a movie! Trying to learn history through movies is not a serious learning attitude in itself. Having said that, I think there will be many girls who watch the blessings. After watching this film, they will temporarily forget the blessings and learn about Turing’s real experience. In this way, fiction stimulates the search for reality. Is the meaning of the movie!

(Originally published in the "Iris" official account, please specify when reprinting)

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Extended Reading

The Imitation Game quotes

  • Alan Turing: [voiceover] There were 159 million, million, million possible Enigma settings. All we had to do was try each one. But if we had ten men checking one setting a minute for 24 hours every day and seven days every week, how many days do you think it would take to check each of the settings? Well it's not days, it's years. It's 20 *million* years. To stop a coming attack, we would have to check 20 million years' worth of settings in 20 minutes.

  • Alan Turing: Sometimes we can't do what feels good. We have to do what is logical