Road of hope

Marcelino 2022-03-17 09:01:02

The following is the burst of 1 brush............. 2 brushes below... The

Women’s Federation is very excited in an instant... It
was three or four months before the trailer was played before watching other movies. What happened before, I feel shocked, is this steam shaken? Looks so hi~ Wait, this is not my queen! hold on! Isn't this my little fresh meat!
Today (yesterday afternoon...) I bought a ticket at four o'clock, and I hurriedly carried my things into the arena and already missed the beginning. On the screen, Max was caught making a blood bag.
One word is cool.
Two words are so cool!
Im live! Im die! Im live again!
Character modeling
locomotive tanks SUV
bomb firearms gear knife
small meat goddess inch bald head
as well as big legs Victoria Secret supermodel rosie the
back wall of red guitar sound
overwhelming dust storms (storms it should be ...)
In other movies, it was definitely holding back for an hour, and then the content of the climax scene turned out to be not long before the beginning!
That view of the effects that
sand Xue Wu
video camera viewfinder scheduling crazy special effects and beautiful cave you have to admire the director's brain and fantastic setting and most of the screen shots that are just large range of children than forecast but it set off trailer some casual and casual
trailer is not the entire film into a shock and magnificent.
The wives first appeared when they climbed out of a moving car and climbed into the queen's cab.
The bee waist and long legs set off the rough sand and icy wagons, looking silly at me!
The casual screenshots of the five wives washing their bodies in the sand are all fashion movies without any sense of contradiction!

See the microblogging say a word now finally keep up with the effects of brain-dong director and set this sentence one hundred praise
the whole movie from the beginning to the end of fried crisp cool rugged like a hand into a box of broken bottle Shao Daozi group The man with a sword and iron horse laughed and scolded and booze in the middle of the road.
Super 7 is squatting next to a small straw holds the outlet sissy ... Women's Federation in waving a toy gun tweaking da da da Pa Pa Pa
big claw machine can not sleep at night incoherent think I look handsome or queen quietly ...
--- ---------------------------------------
Bring a second friend to brush the 3D
title and type it out The previous chase has caused the movie theater to drop a bus. The title bia came out, and there was a panting.
The story begins when Max is arrested, and the fate of the universal O-type blood mobile blood bag begins to provoke.
After the end of the world, the warlord called Undead Joe once again intends to let his men plunder resources.
The general Queen Theron's motorcade turned to run away shortly after the departure. Undead Joe found out that his wives had been abducted by the general, and angrily led the soldiers to chase.
The mobile blood pack Max was taken away by one of the minions, Nax, and was forced to participate in the journey of chasing the wives of the boss.
The general drove the chariot with the bunker and killed the vultures (small tribe) all the way, passing by a group of mountain bike enthusiasts, time-space gloves, white wolf, let the enthusiasts help them to intercept the undead Joe's army eloped by his wife, and blacked the enthusiasts-said The good gasoline was blown up instead of being given to others, and several people were killed easily.

Enthusiasts' interception is really foolproof! ? too milk Yiwu! Immortal·Wife is gone·X5·Qiao has a lot of resources! Heavy locomotives, off-road vehicles, modified vehicles, BGM vehicles, Guniu bullock carts-as a woman who understands cars, I can only say that these cars are handsome and blow up tires larger than people's. This jumping ability, shock resistance, this modified weapon explosive accelerator , This is the car, this is the chariot! Immortal·Wife is running·X5·Joe’s cars partially overcame the obstacles of the enthusiasts, and gradually they are about to catch up with the running generals.

The connotation is slightly spoiled
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------I have
n't written a film review for a long time, and many words can't be expressed well, only
Let’s talk about your feelings according to the current thinking. If you talk about Beng, it’s because I’m still bombing. The
story is simple. The only woman is also the Queen Theron who drove the most chariot and rebelled . She drove the chariot with the warlord’s wife. We fled to the oasis where our mothers lived and survived. Under the influence of the end of the world, the original oasis also became a swamp. With the encouragement of Max who fled on the road and met, five wives and elderly grandmothers decided to kill the warlord. Stronghold, fight for the pure water and hope.
Is the story simple? Very simple. Fleeing from A to B, the hope is not broken and then returned to A.
Is the plot fulfilling? Very fulfilling. Hunting, chasing cars, chasing lives. Hope, Despair, redemption.
Some people say that they have surpassed "Pacific Rim" in the first 30 minutes alone.
Some people say that the Super 7 is a big shot compared to this movie.
It is said, can not wait to go next door T field to get the Women's Federation to Imax let out.
Some people say that if the film compared to a Mercedes-Benz Ferrari, vegetarian chicken count at most wheelchairs
It is said that the way back to the mother of humanity after the collapse.
High external network Evaluation, the enthusiasm of the Cannes premiere, are these all over-famous? The answer is no.
Starting from the trailer, I saw the trailer in the theater four or five months ago. At the time, I only thought the style of painting was great, cult film wow! Industrial punk? Steampunk? The end of the world?
During the online viewing and feedback exchanges, most of my friends said that the trailer is great, but it is completely incomparable with the feature film. There is even a kind of surprise that "director, your brain, your picture is different from the trailer", and Most of the entire movie focuses on the trailer, which makes people sigh that this is probably the director who cuts it at will to perfuse the distribution company. The same is true for the promotional posters. The most and the biggest is the male and female owners and the car in the desert. , The sky with a blue filter above. To be honest, if it weren’t for the heroine and the heroine, you would really think it was a gunfight western movie by just looking at the poster. It’s easy to miss the masterpiece of the year. In the second brush, 3D The screen is a circle smaller than 2D, but even so, my friends kept sighing about this scene. Take out a random frame of the scene, which is the beautiful crying and shocking posters, which completely exploded the ones on the outside. Let’s talk about the
rhythm. The
opening Max was Grabbing, being branded by tattoos, escaping, and failing. The intensity can be compared to that of the speed 7 grabbing Naha. When MAX was blindfolded, the name of the MAD MAX movie exploded, and the audience heard the sound of inhaling and picking up the chin. The climax of a lot of "blockbuster films" exploded at the beginning.
Miller knew too well what the audience wanted to watch, and also knew how to play so that the audience could keep up with his rhythm. The rhythm of the
film, some people said to start from the beginning, It’s all climactic scenes until the end. Some people say that Shuang bursts all the way to the blast and kills the past. When I
was learning to write and direct, the instructor gave us a summary of the plot, set a goal at the beginning, and then the protagonist had to achieve the goal, and there would be a countdown reminder along the way. , 10-20 minutes accidentally deviated from the target, and finally returned to the target accidentally. Hollywood blockbusters are basically this routine, countdown bombs, deadlines given by villains, and last-second rescues of despair.
And Miller's giant came up as soon as it came up. Poke the target-the wives with the warlord defected to the oasis, bombarding modified cars, bomb cars chasing blasting and bursting, leaving you no time to watch the watch, let alone reminders and countdowns.
The one that rushed into the sandstorm . The play, it seems to be about 30 minutes from the opening. I'm sorry that I don't have time to look down at the watch and calculate. I probably guessed the feeling of less than 30 minutes. When the sandstorm appeared, the entire theater was shocked.
This scene can be regarded as the climax of a flying car jumping in any movie, but Miller’s giant po came to 1/4 of the film. Are you brave? Are you emboldened? Yes. Because then The scenes that come down, even the most literary section of the scene and the excitement will not be dimmed by the
sandstorm . This scene in the sandstorm is psychedelic with light and shadow, and the killed cars are rolled into the air like fireworks celebrating the splendid explosion. Accompanied by the warboys flying out of the sky, shining with light and heat, witnessing the calm and crazy eyes of Her Majesty the Queen.
Speaking of the character of Theron, I had to lick my face and shout,
" I love you, the queen! " "Who is our general!
Your Majesty the Queen with a three-section chariot! Your Majesty the Queen who has
shaved her head and half of the robotic arm with her left hand painted on her face!"
Your Majesty the Queen who is standing with the supermodel and attacking me with a head high! Your Majesty who
drives the warlord’s worst chariot! You
must know that the entire warlord’s control of the Tucheng, except for the inferior people, and His wives and slave women, Her Majesty the Queen is the only woman!! The
little soldiers are warboys, all the drivers who drive, throw bombs, and hold chainsaws and machetes are all men. A woman is still disabled enough to be able to Qualified to drive the most difficult chariot and be recognized by the warlord as a general. In the case of apocalyptic women being used as crop assets, please join me and call the queen you handsome!" The
entire movie divides the crowd into warlords, warlord’s resources. them.
people, as part of the resources, there are men, warboy brainwashed war machine who, bullet farmers, the only woman even has a higher status is nothing but a fight to open up only the qualifications of senior chariot.
another part Resources are the inferior people who are ruled. The source of water that drops from the sky is the reward of the warlord. Relying on the control of water resources and force, it rules the group of thin and deformed people.
There is also a part of special resources, women.
Behind the planting of vegetables, the women in the huge safe are tools for fertility, his assets and possessions, and they are cared about whether the boy is healthy or not. Wearing a chastity belt, they are provided to each other for safety and security. Food, you can treat each other as possessions.
Warlord, Undead Joe coercedly controlled a group of wives, and yes, these women are all his own. Words such as Property and things are the names of women. What did this group of women do? They ran away. When they
first saw it, they spent most of the time exploding. The focus was on the desert blood scene, the blasting of the racing car, the manic drumbeat of the BGM, and the goddess stiff In the facial lines.
Two brushes today, I was brainwashed by a woman from the blood all over the world. The
five wives who escaped, the beauty of the supermodel, don't wear more or even less than many show off movies. The
lines are bigger than the appearances. There are too many people. I want to know that my friend still joked today whether there are more than 100 lines in the whole film.
Yes, I am talking about the rosie who runs the whole course in high heels and the twisted breasts in the speed series. Fat buttocks.
They were raised in captivity and controlled as a resource of goods. But they braved the apocalyptic sky.
They said, we are not objects, we are going to the oasis, where mothers. We have hope.
They said, I pray , To anyone who can hear them.
They said, I tried to plant these seeds, although I have not succeeded so far, the land is too sour.
They said, suck.
Rosie, the tight skirt in Transformers is doing it from beginning to end with high heels. The Victoria's Secret supermodel in the background, wearing only white breast-wrapped gauze in this crazy desert, has a belly of 9 months and encourages other wives to go to the oasis.
It is this most popular item of warlords, in a row When a person was overtaken and shot, he opened the door of the car and exposed his belly to block the
front of everyone. It is this most popular item of warlords. With all the excellent fertility tools for baby boys, he insists on going to the oasis. The female protagonist helped her when she first went up and down.
I can't forget the foot of the previous wife who was facing the chastity belt that was cut by the pliers and the sentence of suck. I
can't forget the black-haired girl who helped change the bullets and counted the ammunition with a touch of solemnity on her face.
Can't forget the red-haired girl and Nax’s gentle touch, that sentence I can do it. I ca
n’t forget that the blonde girl hugged her grandma’s bag full of seeds after her grandma’s death.
Speaking of grandma, a group of gray-haired women who have lost hope and lost their home, Riding a motorcycle with guns and weapons to survive in the post-apocalyptic desert. Oasis has become a desert, and mothers have lost their children. But they are still working hard to survive, and hope to try to sow seeds. That is the most precious The treasure.
And our queen, the general played by Theron, was stolen from the oasis with her mother since she was a child. Her mother died on the third day, and she survived and became what she is now. It was
found that the oasis has become After the desert, the mothers were left with only a few white-haired old people in front of them. The woman who lived hard and worked hard to fight for her status and qualifications among men full of violence, blood, and brutal power collapsed.
Kneeling in the desert, she collapsed. The roaring moved everyone.
There are too many classic shots in the film, and there are too many tonal compositions to say. There are three different tones in the film. The first is the sandstorm, the light is scattered, and the firework effect of the locomotive explosion is matched. It’s stunned. The
second place is when it’s just dark and hasn’t reached the swamp. The color is blue and black (seems like this? Non-professionals don’t know it...). The faces of the wives in the seat are illuminated by a portable kerosene lamp (diesel lamp?), emitting a warm but slightly weird orange light. The
third place is the swamp before dawn, full of smoke, and a gray-black fog. Accompanied by the crow's wings and weird screams, the bright contrast with the yellow sand all the way before.
Any scene, the screenshot is a baptism to the eyes. Miller's giant aesthetics is involuntarily admired.
BGM. I can't talk about it today. Up.............. TBC....

View more about Mad Max: Fury Road reviews

Extended Reading

Mad Max: Fury Road quotes

  • Corpus Colossus: [looking through a telescope, to Immortan Joe] Hey pa - you know about this?

    [Joe and Rictus Erectus walk over to him]

    Corpus Colossus: Your produce ain't goin' to Gas Town... She's gone offroad, into hostile territory.

    [Joe looks through the telescope, then runs off, agitated]

    Rictus Erectus: Why would she do that, Dad?

    Rictus Erectus: [trying to look through Corpus' telescope] Lemme see! Lemme see!

    Corpus Colossus: Rictus!

    Rictus Erectus: I wanna see!

    Corpus Colossus: Rictus. Go see what's agitatin' Dad!

  • Imperator Furiosa: [meeting with the Rock Riders] It's all here! 3,000 gallons of guzzoline, just like you asked. I'm gonna unhitch the pod, you drop the rocks.

    The Rock Rider Chief: You said, "A few vehicles in pursuit, maybe." We count THREE war parties!

    Imperator Furiosa: Yeah, well, I got unlucky. Let's do this!

    Imperator Furiosa: [realizing that the Rock Riders have double-crossed her, Furiosa turns to Max] FOOL!

    [chase begins]