Deep thinking under the lens

Kathryn 2022-03-21 09:01:13

We live in an era of information explosion. Every day, all kinds of information are delivered to our eyes and ears through various media, even without us actively picking them up, they are constantly rolling around. The transmission and circulation of information has accelerated dramatically, which has also caused drastic changes in the entire media environment.
From a simple point of view, "Nightcrawler" is just a genre film that is not very good in style, from compact and rich suspense stories to directors and actors who are well versed in commercial film routines, as well as fast and neat editing and tightly linked plots. The soundtrack and the combination of these elements make this film a textbook-like suspense film. Going back to the beginning of the article, under such a general background, the film "Nightcrawler" uses shots to record the shots. The problems that exist in today's television media industry and the entire society are reminiscent of what they are. The reality of the place, and then began to think more deeply.
The protagonist of the film, Lu, is a thief who makes a living by stealing. He also possesses rigorous thinking and deep insight. After witnessing the process of freelance journalists shooting emergencies and then reselling the video materials to the TV station to get paid, he began to follow suit. This also triggered a series of chain reactions. In layman's terms, Lu is a "freedom paparazzi" who specializes in selling first-hand news and video materials. From the initial car accident to the subsequent robberies and murders, the news has gradually become heavy, and as a "self-media" Lu also gradually blurred the boundaries between profession and ethics, and even the law. I remember a report a few years ago, saying that there were people in a certain place who were reckless in the scene of the accident and needed rescue. They just buried their heads in filming in exchange for the “reporting fee” from the TV station. This act aroused the condemnation of many netizens. . But nowadays, the popularity of Weibo allows people without professional cameras to become self-media. Simply taking photos and posting on Weibo may be able to make a day’s headline hotspots, and the resulting increase in the number of reposts and fans has caused many people. It is not difficult for rumors to distort the facts in order to gain attention. It is not difficult for Lu to forget his morality and conscience for the sake of real fame and gain in the film.
Another key figure in the film is Nina, the producer of the TV station. This is a woman who gained fame as a reporter in her early years but suffered a setback in her later career. She can only eat at a TV station with low ratings. She is not after The news itself is only the ratings. As long as it can earn enough attention, any material, whether it is bloody, violent, or even illegally captured, will not refuse to come, and the entire TV news industry seems to take the ratings above it as a heart. The unspoken rules of non-declaration, the freelance journalists in the film indulge themselves like dogs fighting for food for the first-hand material, and the TV station is indispensable behind it.
Behind this ugly phenomenon, we can see an unavoidable fact that in this material and impetuous society, the greedy nature of human beings is infinitely magnified, and everything that can be used, whether it is a person or a thing, has its value. It is limited to the material benefits that can be brought. Lu can threaten Nina to be his lover in the name of stopping the supply of materials for money and reputation, or as a monopoly source of materials, hesitate to murder her peers, and even to create conflicts and cover up crimes, conceal the truth, and kill others. This kind of slow, unhurried madness and evil reminds me of Underwood, who is doing everything he can to do everything in "House of Cards", but it is precisely this kind of behavior that can be regarded as "the weak and the strong" and the "non-toxic". Names such as "not husbands" have disappeared into the norm, or perhaps in this era of rapid consumption of everything, even the bottom line of black and white is not so important. People no longer pay attention to the event itself, but only care about whether it is sensational enough, just because The nerves are paralyzed by material desires and require more than conventional stimuli to feel satisfied. At the end of the film, both Lu and Nina were not sanctioned by the law. Lu even further expanded the scale of the company and realized the monopoly of the material sources as he wished, which seems to indicate the prevalence of interest-oriented doctrine. Looking back at our side, the news media seems to be more and more adept at catering to such needs, with all kinds of exaggerated headlines, infringing on the privacy of others under the guise of news shooting, and even breaking through the basic public order and good customs. Taking family members into the morgue to photograph the dead body is an example of the declining moral bottom line of some media practitioners and even the entire industry. This makes people wonder how many things will explode as the information explodes, stabbing the parties or onlookers in it?

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Nightcrawler quotes

  • Lou Bloom: I'm focusing on framing. A proper frame not only draws the eye into a picture, but keeps it there longer, dissolving the barrier between the subject and the outside of the frame.

  • Lou Bloom: [to Nina] I want that with you... Like you want to keep your job and your health insurance.