The real history of oil in the United States

Marcel 2022-03-21 09:01:06

[Blood is coming] is adapted from "Petroleum" by Upton Sinclair, the most famous American left-wing writer. This work is hailed as "the true history of oil in the United States." Unlike books that focus on criticism, the film puts more pen and ink on the narrative: how a poor man became an oil tycoon, how to deviate from the moral ruler, and how to break with his family. As for the realist meaning behind the story, director Paul Thomas Anderson believes that he will not force the audience to understand it, as long as he can gain something after watching it. For this gain, Anderson took the novel to the western states of the United States, and stayed in Texas where oil diggers gathered at the time for several months, trying to find the best-preserved dry wells to show the most natural ones required in the book. Oil-sucking scenario. Facts have proved that Anderson has brought more gains than everyone imagined: the first batch of audiences to participate in the screening room all gave the film A+. What's more unimaginable is that everyone gives it A+ for different reasons. Some were moved by their friendship when they saw Daniel and Said supporting each other; some were shocked by the unbearable history revealed by the film, as the author Sinclair "expected"; there was even a mother who was experiencing father and son In love with tears, he issued a thank-you letter to Anderson: You let me understand how stupid I was as a mother before.

Anderson knows how difficult it is to make a film that encompasses all social factors as in the book, so he reduces the difficulty and easy access, and focuses on the description of the plot-the most basic and often overlooked content. , Use the smallest brush to paint the largest "oil" painting. It can be understood as a pair of father and son, a pair of partners, a mining, a piece of history... For viewers of different classes, the film is correspondingly affectionate, friendship, adventure, or realistic. , All this is just waiting for you to taste.

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.