Imitation game: extraordinary past of extraordinary people

Arely 2022-03-20 09:01:12

Speaking of Alan Turing, a non-professional person, I don't know much before. But when it comes to computers or computers, everyone knows. Turing is the father of computers. He began to conceive the development of computers in the 1930s, and then developed a preliminary computing machine by participating in the work of deciphering German codes during World War II. Although the first real computer was developed by von Neumann after the war, Turing's contribution was still indispensable.

However, Turing's life experience is not so simple. Because he is a homosexual, homosexuality is illegal in the United Kingdom in his time. In the end, Turing was sentenced in court. The judge asked him to choose between imprisonment and treatment, and Turing chose the latter. As a result, he was "chemically castrated," severely physically and mentally devastated, and eventually swallowed an apple soaked in cyanide solution and died. It is said that Steve Jobs made the Apple logo design into a missing Apple image just to commemorate Turing.

Therefore, when you use Apple or all other electronic products, the roots should be traced back to Turing's original idea, and we should all be grateful to him. "The Imitation Game" is Turing's autobiographical film, but it did not follow the historical facts to shoot, but like "Escape from Tehran", a larger adaptation was carried out to make it more in line with the appreciability of a movie. After all, there is not so much drama in life. It is faithful to shoot according to the real life of the biography. It is not so easy to think about it in two hours, and it is difficult to look good. Even winning the Oscar-winning "Theory of Everything" is not moving everywhere. The strength of the adaptation of "Imitation Game" allowed it to directly win the Oscar for Best Screenplay, and it became the only award it received at this year's Oscar. This alone is enough to prove the extraordinary features of "Imitation Game". What's more, Juan Fu got the first Oscar nomination in his life by virtue of this film, which is also a big gain. Moreover, it turns out that Fu Yan lived this genius mathematician, who was somewhat withdrawn, bad-spoken, and sharp-headed.

"Imitation Game" uses three timelines to continuously intersect to advance the progress of the story as a whole, and focuses on how Turing assisted the Allied forces in deciphering the German military code during World War II. There are light and heavy, urgency and slow, with a clear primary and secondary. It was the act of deciphering the core story that gave birth to the first prototype of the computer.

In World War II, the German army invented a machine for calculation called Enigma, which can periodically change the password of the German army's operations, leaving the crackers with no clue. You know, it takes hundreds of millions of calculations to get the settings of the Enigma machine, and it takes 20 million years to solve all the problems that it generates. In order to decipher Enigma, the Allied forces have gathered the best decipherers in the country to work day and day. Although the deciphering squad can decipher part of the German combat information, there is still a huge distance from fully grasping the movements of the German forces. Turing, as a mathematician, was also invited to participate in the deciphering team, to find a way to decipher the German Enigma. Compared with the other members of the deciphering team, they are all trying to find a way to crack through artificial methods, while Turing tries to crack through the means of machines. In his view, people can fight with people, but people fight with machines are not above an order of magnitude. But since Enigma is a machine, can a new machine be built to defeat it? It is possible and feasible for machines to fight against machines, so this has become his main point of attack. The question is how to make this new machine "think" so that it can be tit-for-tat against Enigma. Since Enigma's algorithm requires hundreds of millions of times, instead of laboriously deciphering, it is better to do hundreds of millions of calculations directly and solve it directly. So he has been working hard to build such a machine, and even when the direct jurisdiction rejected the idea, he sought support by directly approaching Churchill and worked tirelessly to develop this machine. The effort paid off, and it took him two years to finally create it creatively. But how to get this machine to think and quickly calculate the German military secrets is still difficult. The key is to find a breakthrough. At this time, some shortcuts and ideas are needed to open the key breakthroughs in the German military's many confidential documents. Of course, such a thing finally made Turing do it. Since then, the German military strategy commands are as transparent as they can be presented on Churchill’s desk as they are, and help Churchill and the Allied forces complete the strategic layout and achieve the best victory. From the Normandy landing to the various counterattacks on the European continent, Turing's machine developed was inseparable. The name of the machine was named Christopher by Turing. With it, even Churchill recognized that Turing was a great hero who ended World War II early. In 1946, Turing was awarded the "British Empire Medal" for this reason. This was the British royal family's great contribution to the country and people. The honor of the people.

Of course, in order to increase the plot twists and turns in the movie, the military leader of the Turing deciphering team has become the person who constantly hinders the progress of research and development, and two spies are added to the deciphering team. What's even more funny is that at the beginning, when Christopher was still unstable, Turing and the deciphering team actually decided which materials could be provided to Churchill, and those were not. The setting of this adaptation is not rigorous and does not conform to historical facts. Moreover, Turing also compromised with spies in order to conceal his homosexuality, which is not historical fact. However, as a movie, it does add something to watch.

However, because the deciphering work is a military secret, after World War II, Turing returned to the university campus to continue teaching, and almost no one knew what he did. In this gap, von Neumann independently developed the world's first official computer, so that later mentions of "the father of computers" often referred to Turing and von Neumann. Turing continued to do mathematics research and developed his own sports expertise-long-distance running. After training, his best marathon score reached 2 hours 46 minutes and 3 seconds, which was only 11 minutes behind the 1948 Olympic Games gold medal score. In a cross-country race in 1948, he also outperformed Tom Richards, the silver medalist at the Olympic Games of the same year.

But bad luck still fell on him. In 1952, Turing's homosexuals secretly entered his room and Turing called the police. But it may be that Turing found out that his lover did it after calling the police, so the police did not cooperate too much in the subsequent investigation. His bizarre behavior aroused the curiosity of the police. In the following investigation, the police discovered his homosexual behavior. This was illegal at the time, and he was sent to court for this reason. In the movie, a plot is given that Turing tried to conceal his homosexual behavior in order to keep working. In fact, Turing in reality is an upright, even brave person. He has never tried to hide his sexual orientation. In court, the scale of his confession was so large that he even confided the details of sex, making onlookers stunned. But we already know the result. He suffered tremendous torture due to chemical castration, and therefore abolished his long-distance running hobby, and committed suicide in 1954 two years later.

Turing's life is full of legends and ups and downs. His genius calculations and creations have made great contributions to the world, but no one knows because of confidentiality. Waiting for the trial and the castration period afterwards, he received attention due to his status as a professor, and even became a hot spot. The reputation he gained was far greater than his reputation for creating computers. Good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, Chinese and Western are the same. In the boundless world, he ended his life early. It was not until December 24, 2013 that the Queen of England finally pardoned his crime. However, it has been 60 years since his death. To commemorate him, the American Computer Association also specially set up the "Turing Award" in his name to reward those individuals who have made important contributions to the computer industry. This award has also become the most prestigious and noble award in the computer industry. , Known as the "Nobel Prize in the Computer Industry".

Even without these, "The Imitation Game" is still a movie worthy of appreciation, full of suspense, with vivid plots and bright characters. Although the biopic, which is also a scientist, is not as exciting as "Beautiful Mind", it is not far behind. By the way, the original machine Turing developed in World War II is called Christopher, because the name of his first love boyfriend is Christopher. The young man who took care of him when he was young was an eternal pain in Turing's heart due to his early death. Therefore, when he created a child of his own, he immediately named it for the purpose of First love boyfriend.

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The Imitation Game quotes

  • Alan Turing: [voiceover] There were 159 million, million, million possible Enigma settings. All we had to do was try each one. But if we had ten men checking one setting a minute for 24 hours every day and seven days every week, how many days do you think it would take to check each of the settings? Well it's not days, it's years. It's 20 *million* years. To stop a coming attack, we would have to check 20 million years' worth of settings in 20 minutes.

  • Alan Turing: Sometimes we can't do what feels good. We have to do what is logical