text / [United States] James Cameron
translation / Lin Ruiyi
1. After the darkness,
two faint lights appeared, and the lights moved closer to each other... more and more bright. They turned into two deep-water submarines and descended towards us without scruple, like express lifts.
One of the submarines opened their way in front and approached almost to cover the screen, looking like a spaceship with an insect-shaped joystick inserted upside down and carrying thunderbolt flames.
Looking down the camera and shooting it, it sinks into the boundless darkness. Like fireflies, like stars, and then without a trace.
(Cut to)
2. Exterior/Interior Mir 1/Depth of the North Atlantic The
camera pushes towards a descending submarine, named Mir 1, and the lens is raised to its rotating observation hole to explore its owner.
There was only a narrow seven-foot space inside the submarine, full of equipment. The submarine pilot Anatoly Mikelavich sat down and manipulated his controller... and sang in Russian in a low voice.
Beside him is Brock Lovett. He is over forty years old, tanned, and likes to wear his Nomax suit, with his arms wide open, revealing the gold medal from the famous wrecked ship on the gray chest hair. He is a cunning, fast-talking treasure hunter, a superstar salvaging a sunken ship, he is a half-brazed historian, half-brazed adventurer, and a half-brazed vacuum cleaner salesman. Right now he was sleeping leaning on the C02 brush.
On the other side of Anatoly was a big bearded man named Lewis Bodin who was squeezed in the remaining space, and he was also sleeping. Lewis is an operator of a remote control device and a resident expert on the Titanic.
Anatole stared at the submarine sonar and adjusted the stability of the submarine.
(Cut to)
3. Location·The bottom of the sea is a
dull, absolutely flat and cold scene. Because there are lights on it, it lights up here. The submarine descended to the bottom of the sea in a downward cyclone caused by the thruster. After two hours of unconstrained landing, there was a loud bang when it hit the bottom of the sea.
(Cut to)
4. Interior view. When Mill 1 touched
the ground, Lovet and Bodin were awakened.
Anatoly (strong Russian accent): Here we are.
(Cut to)
5. Exterior/Interior. A
few minutes later, the two submarines swept across the seabed to scan the sound of the sonar and the monotonous sound of the thruster.
6. Under the light of the submarine, the gray dirt on the bottom of the sea unfolded. Bodin was observing the display of the side scan sonar and saw the outline of a huge target with sharp corners. Anatoly leaned over and piloted the submarine, his face pressed against the porthole.
Bodin: Slightly to the left. She is just in front of us, 18 meters. 15, 13... You should see you.
Anatoly: Did you see it? I didn't... there!
In the darkness, the ship’s head appeared like a ghostly ghost, and its blade-like bow headed straight towards us, as if to plow the sediment on the bottom of the sea into splashing waves. It towers high on the bottom of the sea, just like it stood there eighty-four years ago.
The Titanic, or what remains of it. Mir 1 rose up, over the railing of the bow, and saw that the huge ship was intact except that it was covered with a layer of rough and rough things like altered Spanish moss.
The lens is aimed at the eyepiece monitor of the TV video recorder. Brock Lovett's face is full of black and white.
Lovett: It still shocks me every time.
The image panned to the forward viewpoint, viewed from Anatole's shoulder, and panned to the bow railing illuminated by the light above. Anatole turned around.
Anatoly: This is how you feel guilty of stealing the dead.
Cut to the larger frame, seeing Brock operating the camera himself, he turned it so that the lens was facing his own face.
Lovett: Thank you, Tolia, for coming here to work with me.
Brock became serious again, looked out the front porthole in thought, and pointed the camera at himself within the length of his arm.
Lovett: It still shocks me every time. … Seeing this tragically damaged ship sitting here, it sank from above, at 2:30 in the morning on April 15, 1912.
Anatole rolled his eyes and whispered in Russian. Boding rejoiced and looked at the sonar again.
Boding: You are such a scumbag, boss.
7. Mill 2 pushed the stern down to the starboard side of the giant ship. At the same time, Mill 1 passed the seemingly endless bow deck. The large anchor chains on the deck were still lined up in two clear rows. Its bronze The cap of the windlass glowed. This 22-foot-long submarine is like a white bug around a large wreck.
Lovett: Sinking 9. Now, we are on the deck of the Titanic again...and we walked down two and a half miles. The pressure is 3 tons per square inch. If our hull ruptures, it is enough to crush us like a flying train passing by an ant. These windows are 9 inches thick, and if they collapse, they will be goodbye in two microseconds.
8. Mill 2 was parked on the deck of the ship, next to the ruins of the official living quarters. Mill One stopped at the top of the deck, near the deckhouse.
Lovett: Accurate. Let's start working.
Boding hurriedly put on a pair of three-dimensional electric goggles, and grasped the joystick that controls the remote operation device.
9. Outside the submarine, remote control operation device. A small orange-yellow-black robot called a snooping grapple rose from the support frame and flew forward.
Bodin (outside the picture): Mobile snooping grappling hook.
The spying grapple started working from the submarine, with a control cable connected behind it, like a toy robot, and its two identical stereo video cameras were spinning like insect eyes. It sinks through an open well, which was originally the grand stairwell of the luxurious first-class cabin.
The snooping grapple went down a few decks, and then moved across to the first-class reception room.
Spy on the video point of view of the grappling hook: it travels through the porous interior. The remaining luxurious hand-made wood carvings occasionally show the exquisite elegance of the giant wheel in the past, but its structural lines have been slowly eroded, making it appear crude. Layers of rust and slag are hung like stalactites, so it looks like a natural cave at the moment, and then the scene changes, and you can once again see the outline of the submarine mansion where ghosts live.
Montage style: When the prying grapple passes by, the ghostly images of the Titanic are colorful:
10. A grand piano unexpectedly intact, one side of which hits the wall. Under the light, the piano keys faintly glowed in black and white.
11. A calendar is still hanging on a line hanging from the ceiling... When the prying grapple rotates around it, it reflects a faint light.
12. The light that spied on the grapple shone across the ground, illuminating a champagne bottle, followed by white star-striped porcelain, and a luxurious "grandma's shoe". Then there was something abominable: what looked like a child's skull, turned into the fragile head of a doll.
Snooping on the grappling hook into a corridor, which is much better maintained. A door here or there is still hung on the rusty hinge. A gorgeous cast model, a candlestick on the wall... alluding to the grandeur of the past.
13. The spy grappling hook turned and drilled through a black door hole, and entered Room 52 on the B floor, which is the living room of the promenade suite. It is one of the most luxurious special cabins on the Titanic.
Bodin: I'm in the living room. Going towards the 54th bedroom on the B floor.
Lovett: Don't touch the floor, don't mess it up like yesterday.
Bodin: I will try my best, boss.
Flashing in the light are the copper fixtures of the fireplace, which are almost intact. Grady, a son of the sea god, crawled on his side. There is a couch and remnants of a writing desk nearby. The snooping grappling hook walked through the ruins of the once prominent room and walked to another door. It squeezed in through the door frame and knocked off the rust and wooden blocks on both sides. When it came out with a cloud of rust, it moved on.
Bodin: I'm walking through the bedroom.
Remains of a pillared canopy bed. Broken chair, a dressing table. Entering the collapsed bathroom wall, the porcelain washstand and bathtub looked almost new, glowing in the dark.
Lovett: Okay, I want to see what's under the closet door.
There are several angles: the remote operating device dispatches its manipulating arm and starts to push the debris away. A lamp was lifted, and its ceramic color was as bright as it was in 1912.
Lovett: Don't worry, Lewis. Take it slowly.
Lewis grabbed a closet door crooked in the corner and pulled him with the clip of the snooping grapple. It moved with difficulty in a mass of mud. There is a black thing under it. After the mud was cleared, the camera spying on the grapple showed what was under the door...
Bodin: Oh, my god! Are you looking at what I am looking at?
A close-up of Lovett, he is observing his monitor. From his expression, it seemed that he had seen the Holy Grail.
Lovett: Oh, my dear, my dear, my dear. (Grabbing the speaker) It's a happy day, guys.
On the screen, under the light shining, they were tracking and searching the target: a small steel combination safe.
(Cut to)
14. Exterior view Keldish stern deck. During the day, the
safe was dripping in the afternoon sun, and the rope of the noose lowered it to the deck.
We were on board the Russian search ship Akadi Mistislav Keldes. There was already a group of people gathered there, including most of the crew of the Keldish, submarine sailors, and a money extortion guy, Bobby Bill, who represented the senior staff. There is also a news video crew here, hired by Lovett to cover his triumphant moments.
The whole group surrounded the safe, and in the background was the Mir II, which had been lowered onto its shelf on the deck by a giant hydraulic arm. Mill One had been restored by Lewis Boding, following Brock Lovett, who hopped to the safe like a child on Christmas morning.
Bodin: Who is the best? Say it.
Lovett: It's you, Lewis. (To the video team) Are you filming?
Photographer: It's taking pictures.
Brock nodded to the robots, they were going to drill through the hinges of the safe. In the process, Brock was up and down, fiddling with the camera to pass the time.
Lovett: Okay, now is the crucial moment. We will know here the time we spent, the sweat, and the money we spent on renting this boat and these submarines, and running to the mid-Atlantic...whether it is valuable. If the things we imagine are in the same...in this safe...it's worth it.
Lovett is still smiling greedily at his great discovery. The door of the safe has been pried loose. It fell on the deck with a sonorous sound. Lovett moved closer and peered into the wet box. After a while... his face revealed all his true feelings.
Lovett: Damn it!
Bodin: You need to know, boss, Raldo has encountered this kind of thing before, and his business has been ruined because of this.
Lovett (to the videographer): Put it in my face.
(Cut to)
15. Interior view. The research room deck, preservation room, and daytime
technicians carefully took out some papers from the safe and put them in a basin of water in order to peel them off safely and reliably. Not far away, the rest of the art in the special class cabin is also being washed.
Bill is speaking with investors via satellite phone. Lovett yelled at the videographer-
Lovett: Whenever I order, you can take out what I want. I pay you. I can't let me wait for sixty minutes. Connect the cord to me now.
Bill covered the microphone and turned to Lovett.
Bill: The partners need to know what happened?
Lovett: What happened? It seems to be the first date in prison, what do you think?
Lovett grabbed the microphone from Bill's hand and immediately calmed down.
Lovett: Hi, hello, is that Dave? Barry? You see, it's not in the safe... No, don't worry. It still has many possible hiding places... in the ruins on the floor of the suite, in the mother's room, in the safe deposit box of the C-level deck chief... (seeing something) Please wait a moment.
A technician used a clamp to deftly push a few letters in the basin to the edge of the basin, revealing a crayon portrait of a woman.
Brock looked at the painting closely. It was extremely complete, although some of the edges were a bit broken. The woman is very beautiful and beautifully portrayed. She was about eighteen or twenty years old, with her head bare, and even though she was posed, she was still a little carelessly shy.
She was sitting in a beam of light on an imperial couch, and the light seemed to radiate from her eyes. There is a scribbled date in the lower right corner of the frame: April 14, 1912. There is also the initials JD.
This woman is not completely nude. There is a string of diamond necklaces in front of her neck, with a large diamond in the middle.
Lovett grabbed a profile picture from the mess on the test bed. It was a black-and-white photo from a certain era with a string of diamond necklaces on a black velvet display stand by the jeweler. He took the photo next to the portrait. This is obviously the same necklace... It has an intricately inlaid base, and in the center is a huge diamond, almost heart-shaped.
Lovett: Oh my goodness.
(Cut to)
16. Insert the lens
CNN news report: On-site satellite broadcast on the Keldish deck and CNN broadcast room.
Announcer: Treasure hunter Brock Lovett was famous for looking for the gold of the Spanish sunken galleon in the Caribbean. Now he uses deep water diving techniques to go down to 2.5 miles deep to find another famous shipwreck... Titanic. He is currently with us via satellite on a Russian search boat in the mid-Atlantic...Hello, Brock?
Lovett: It's me, hello, Tracy. You know, the Titanic is more than just a shipwreck. The Titanic was a shipwreck. It is Mount Everest in a shipwreck.
(Cut to)
17. Interior view·House/ceramics studio
shots were pulled back from the screen, showing that this was a CNN program on the TV in the living room of a simple and unpretentious small house. The living room is full of ceramic products, small pottery statues, small porcelain statues, ethnic handicrafts, and the walls are covered with portraits and paintings... it is a lifetime collection.
Pan a glass-enclosed studio connected to this house. Outside is a quiet morning in Ojay, California. In the studio, among the incredible clutter, there is an elderly woman who is making a pot on the wheel of a clay maker. The mud of red clay flows on her hands...Her hands have been twisted and deformed, with age spots, but they are still surprisingly strong and agile. A woman in her early forties beat her.
Lovett (on TV screen): I have been planning for this expedition for three years, and we have found some amazing things here...these things are of great historical and educational value.
CNN reporter (outside the picture): But everyone knows that your main purpose is not to educate, you are a treasure hunter. So, what baby are you searching for?
Lovett (outside the picture): I would rather show it to you than tell you. I think we can do this almost immediately.
The name of the old woman was Rose Calvert. She was wrinkled, her figure lost appearance, and she was wearing an African-style printed dress.
But her eyes were as bright and vibrant as those girls.
Rose got up and walked into the living room, using a rag to wipe the clay from his hands. A Pomeranian dog stood up and followed her in.
The young woman named Lisa ran to help her.
Rose: Please turn your voice higher, my dear.
Reporter (outside the picture): Your expedition is at the center of the landscape of disputes over the right to salvage the shipwreck, and even ethics. Many people call you a tomb robber.
The lens is firmly pointed at the screen.
Lovett: No one calls the collection of art from the tomb of King Tut in ancient Egypt a tomb. I have experts who have received museum training to ensure that these materials are kept intact and cataloged strictly. Take a look at this portrait, I found it today... The
camcorder switched from Brock to the portrait, and it was in a basin of water. The image of the woman wearing the necklace is full of paintings.
Lovett: ...a piece of paper that has been soaked in water for eighty-four years...my staff was able to protect it immediately. When we can see it and appreciate it now, should it always stay on the bottom of the ocean without seeing the sun?
This image stimulated Rose. Her mouth opened in surprise.
Rose: Oh my god.
(Cut to)
18. Location · Keldish Deck ·
Cut to Keldish at night , two Mir submarines have been put into the water. Mill One was already in the water, and Lovett, who was ready to go, was about to climb on Mill One, but Bobby Bill ran to him—
Bill: There is a satellite phone looking for you.
Lovett: Bobby, we are about to launch, have you seen these submarines being launched? Leave a message.
Bill: No, trust me, you should answer this call.
(Cut to)
19. Interior·Research Room Deck/Keldish·Night
Bill handed the phone to Lovett and pressed the flashing line. This is a call from Rose. We can see the people talking on both sides. She was in the kitchen with Lisa, who was puzzled.
Lovett: This is Brock Lovett. What can I do for you, madam...?
Rose: This is Rose Calvert.
Lovett: ... Mrs. Calvert?
Rose: I just want to know if you have found the "Heart of the Sea", Mr. Lovett.
Brock could barely hold the phone secure. Bobby saw his shocked look...
Bill: Well, what I told you, you should answer this call.
Lovett (to Rose): Okay. I'm listening to you now, Rose. Can you tell me who the girl is in that portrait?
Rose: Oh, yes. The woman in the portrait is me.
(Cut to)
20. Location·Ocean·During the day, I
cut to a giant ocean stallion direct plane, which flew over the ocean with a roar. As it roared and took off, the camera panned 180 degrees. There is no horizon to land anywhere. The Keldish could be glimpsed in the distance.
A close-up shot of the window of a giant helicopter. Seeing Rose's face, she looked out peacefully.
(Cut to)
21. Location·Keldish·Daytime
Brock and Boding looked at the Mir 2 and turned to the side to start diving.
Bodin: She is a nasty bullshit, a fool. Like that...what's her name? This little Anastasia chick.
Bill: They have entered the country.
Brock nodded, and the three men walked over to greet the people.
Bodin: She said her name was Rose Dewitt Bucart, didn't she? Ross DeWitt Bucart died on the Titanic. Died at the age of seventeen. If she really survived, she should be more than a hundred years old now.
Lovett: One hundred and one years old next month.
Bodin: Okay, so she is a very old nasty bullshit. I can trace her back to the twenties... She is an actress in Los Angeles. Her name is Rose Dawson. Later, she married a man named Calvert, and later fell into the arms of Seid Lapis. She had two children. Now Calvert is dead. I later heard that Seid Lapis was also dead.
The ocean black bird flew toward the ship, forcing Brock in the background to yell at the horizontal rotor.
Lovett: Anyone who knows this diamond is considered to have died...or died in that boat. But she knew it. I want to hear what she has to say. Understand?
(Cut to)
22. Location·Keldish Heliport
In the thunderous down whirlwind, the wheels of the helicopter bounced and landed on the helicopter field.
When the leader of the helicopter crew handed out about ten suitcases, Bill and Boding looked at them. Then the Keldish sailors put Rose in a wheelchair on the deck next. Lisa then took the Pomeranian dog-Freddy out with Rose, dodge unnecessarily under the horizontal rotor. The captain handed the puzzled Keldish sailor a goldfish bowl with some fish in it. Rose did not travel lightly.
The camera stops at the disharmonious image of this thin old woman. Among a large number of high-tech transmissions, strong sailors and huge equipment, she seemed indescribably weak.
Bodin: I'm sorry, I have to check the supply of materials we need.
(Cut to)
23. Interior Rose’s cabin/Keldish Daytime
Lisa opened Rose’s luggage in a small economical and practical room. Rose put a stack of framed photos on the stage and carefully arranged them next to the goldfish bowl. Brock and Bodin were in the doorway.
Lovett: Is your cabin okay?
Rose: Yes, very good. Have you met my granddaughter, Lisa? She takes care of me.
Lisa: Yes, we met a few minutes ago, grandma. Remember, right on the deck?
Rose: Oh, yes.
Brock (looking at Bodin): ...oh.
Bodin rolled his eyes. Rose has set up her picture. We look over it roughly: ordinary snapshot photos...children, grandchildren, and deceased husband.
Rose: That's great. I must bring my photo when I go out. Of course there is Freddie. (To Pomeranian) Am I right, baby.
Lovett: Do you want something?
Rose: I like to look at my portraits.
(Cut to)
24. Interior view·Research room deck·Preservation area
Rose looked at the portrait immersed in the basin, facing himself who had spanned eighty-four years. This is because unless they can find a better way to maintain it, it must be immersed in water.
The portrait floated in the water, making a faint gurgling sound, as if it were alive.
The lens was fixed on Rose's old eyes staring at the portrait.
25. Flash cut into a man's hand, holding a crayon to paint a shoulder skillfully, and using two very powerful lines to outline the shape of her hair.
26. The face of the woman in the portrait is dancing in the water.
27. Flash cut the eyes of a man, which can only be seen from the top of the sketch board. They suddenly looked up at the camera, their eyes soft and gentle, but they looked straight without fear.
28. Rose smiled, thinking back. Brock held the profile photo of the necklace.
Lovett: Louis XVI once wore a huge diamond called the blue diamond in the crown. It disappeared in 1792, about when Louis lost everything above his neck. Theoretically, this crown diamond was also chopped open... it was later polished into a chicken heart shape... it became the heart of the sea (French). The heart of the ocean. Right now, it may be more valuable than the "hope" diamond.
Rose: It's a scary heavy gem. (Looking at the portrait) I only wore it this time.
Lisa: Do you really think that person is you, grandma?
Rose: It's me, dear. Am I not a passionate woman?
Lovett: I tracked it through the insurance company's records... and past claims are strictly confidential. Do you know who can file a claim under the right; Ross?
Rose: I think it should be someone named Hawkley.
Lovett: Nathan Hawkley, that's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon. A week before the Titanic set sail, his son Caledon Hockley bought a string of diamond necklaces for his fiancee...you...in France. The claim clause was finalized just after the shipwreck. So this diamond must be buried on the bottom of the sea with the ship. (To Lisa) Have you seen this date?
Lisa: April 14, 1912.
Lovett: If your grandmother was the person she was talking about, she was wearing the diamond on the day the Titanic sank. (To Rose) And this incident made you a new friend of mine. I am happy to reward you for telling us anything that will help guide the recovery of this diamond.
Rose: I don't want your money, Mr. Lovett. I know how difficult it is for people who care about money very much to get money out.
Bodin (suspiciously): Don't you want anything?
Rose (referring to the portrait): You can give me this if there is any value in what I tell you.
Lovett: That's it. (Across the room) Here are a few things that have been rediscovered from your cabin.
There are about fifty things on the workbench, some are mediocre, some are precious. Rose is sinking deep in her chair, it is difficult to see the table top. She trembled and picked up a hand mirror with a tortoiseshell handle studded with snails. She stroked it in amazement.
Rose: It was originally mine. How unexpected! Compared to when I saw it, it hasn't changed at all.
She turned the mirror to look at her old face in the cracked mirror.
Rose: The person in the mirror has changed.
She looked for something else, a new and unique brooch with silver moonstone.
Rose: This is my mother's brooch, she is going back to find it. This caused a lot of turmoil.
Rose picked up an exquisite and original comb with a fluttering emerald butterfly on the ebony handle. She turned it slowly, thinking back. We can see that when Ross played with this butterfly comb, he experienced the impact of images and emotions that had been buried for 80 years.
Lovett: Are you ready to return to the Titanic?
(Cut to)
29. Interior·Imaging Room/Keldish
A dark room with many TV screens. The screen is full of images of shipwrecks, provided by Mill 1 and 2 as well as the two remotely operated devices, the detector and Duncan.
Bodin: From the 12,000-foot site.
Rose stared at the screen intently. She was particularly attracted by one of the screens, which was an image of the bow railing. It clearly meant what it meant to her. Brock carefully studied her reaction.
Bodin: Due to the collision, the bow was knocked through from the bottom, like an axe. Here...I can put an analog video, which we made on the monitor.
Lisa turned the chair so that Rose could see Bodin's computer. He talked while adjusting the file storage.
Bodin: We have gathered the world's largest data about the Titanic. Okay, here...
Lovett: Maybe Rose don't look at this, Lewis.
Rose: No, no, that's good. I am interested.
Bodin started a computer-synthesized lifelike picture on the screen, synchronizing with his machine gun-like quick instructions.
Boding: Its starboard side hits a big ice block, bumpy... the hole it poked out was like Morse code... beating down. Now, the airtight chamber in front of her is filled with water. The sea water splashed onto the top of the bulkhead and developed towards the stern of the ship. When the bow sinks, the stern tilts upwards... very slow at first... and then faster and faster, until it lifts its full weight, maybe 20,000 or 30,000 tons... It leaves the water, but the ship Can't eat the shell...so it crashes! (He makes a sound that cooperates with the simulated Yingyu movement)...It's cracked! It cracks down to the keel, like a big hinge. Now the bow was thrown down, and the stern fell back to its original level, but the weight of the bow pulled the stern into a vertical shape, and then the cross section of the bow was broken. Has been broken to the end. The stern jumped up and down like a cork and filled with water, and sank at about 2:20 in the morning. It was two hours and forty minutes after the collision.
The simulated image is followed by the fractured surface of the bow of the giant ship when it sinks. Rose was indifferent to the calm interpretation of the disaster.
Bodin: After the bow stopped sinking, it slid sideways. It slid for almost half a mile. When it hits the seabed, it may be 12 miles per hour. Click.
The bow slammed into the bottom of the sea. At this time, the simulation is following the stern.
Bodin: When the stern was sinking, it exploded due to pressure. When it fell, it fell apart due to the force of the current. When it reached the bottom of the sea, it was like a pile of rubbish. (Referring to the analog image) Isn't it exciting, eh?
Rose: Thank you for your superb methodical analysis, Mr. Boding. Of course, its experience is not so calm.
Lovett: Would you like to share with us?
Her gaze returned to the screen, and she saw the pain of disaster hidden in the depths of the pair of eyes.
The viewpoint of a certain submarine was slowly followed on the deck. Ross recognized a Willing davit, which was still in its old position. She heard waltz music with ghost sounds. A faint echo from an official with a British accent yelled: "Only women and children".
30. Flash Cut: Some running and screaming faces. Chaos and panic. People knelt on the deck, howling and praying. Just some impressions... flashed in the dark.
31. Rose looks at another monitor. The spy grappling hook moved down to a rusty and rubble corridor. Rose watched the endless rows of doorways slip past, like black mouths.
32. An image of a child, about three years old, standing in an out-of-sight corridor, with the water reaching his ankles. The child got lost alone and cried.
33. Rose was shocked by the turbulent memories and emotions. With tears in her eyes, she lowered her head and wept quietly.
Lisa (pick up the wheelchair): I want to take her to rest.
Rose: No!
Her voice was unexpectedly strong. The gentle little old lady no longer exists, and she is replaced by a woman with strong eyesight. Lovett motioned for everyone to silence.
Lovett: Tell us, Rose.
She scanned the screen one by one, showing the images of the shipwrecked.
Rose: It's been eighty-four years...
Lovett (raising his hand for silence): It's been eighty-four years... but I can still smell the paint. Porcelain has never been used. No one has ever slept with the sheets.
He turned on the small tape recorder and put it next to her.
Rose: The Titanic is called the "Dream Ship." Yes. It is indeed...
When the underwater camera rises past the rusty ship railing, we turn/correspond to the same railing in 1912...
34. Exterior view, Southampton Dock · Daytime
Titanic The gleaming white super building rises up like a mountain and surpasses the railings for continuous shots of flowers blooming. The chimney painted in pale yellow on the ship stands against the sky like pillars of a large temple. The sailors walked across the deck and looked very small in front of the awesome scale of the steam engine.
Southampton, United Kingdom, April 10, 1912. This is almost an auspicious day. Hundreds of people crowded the dock where the Titanic was anchored, as if ants were crawling onto the jelly sandwich.
In the foreground, a red luxury coach of Renault brand hung on the loading crane and staggered into the picture. It landed towards the second hatch.
On the pier. Horse-drawn carts, cars and platform four-wheelers moved slowly among the crowd. The atmosphere was exciting and enthusiastic, dizzying. People hugged and said goodbye with tears, or waved to relatives and friends on the upper deck and chanted blessings for a safe journey.
A white Renault led a silver-gray Daimler Benz to separate the crowd, leaving a tail of smoke in the crowd. Around these beautiful cars, people continued to board the ship, pushing and shoving with the crowded seafarers, firemen, porters, and officials of the White Star and Stripes shipping company.
The Renault car stopped, and the driver in livery hurried to open the door for a young girl who wore a very beautiful white and purple suit and a large feather hat on her head. She was seventeen years old, with a natural beauty, a dignified posture and sharp eyes.
She is the girl in the portrait, Rose. She looked up at the ship, her expression calm and cold.
Rose: I didn't see anything to fuss about. It doesn't seem to be bigger than Mauritania.
A personal bodyguard opened the door for Caledon Hockley on the other side of the car, he was the thirty-year-old heir to the old Hockley. Carl is handsome, arrogant, and undoubtedly rich.
Carl: You may be tired of other things, Rose, not the Titanic. She is 100 feet longer than the Mauritania and much more luxurious than it. There are rubber tennis courts, Parisian cafes... and even Turkish baths.
Carl turned and reached out to Rose's mother Ruth DeWitt Bucart, who got out of the station wagon behind him. Ruth is in her forties, a powerful woman in social circles, born in the most distinguished family in Philadelphia. She is a widow who manages the housework with a strong will.
Carl: It's hard to get your daughter's favor, Ruth. (Pointing to a quagmire) Watch out for your feet.
Ruth (staring at the giant ocean-going ship): So, this is the ship that people say will not sink.
Carl: It will not sink. God himself will not sink this ship.
Carl's conversation contains the pride of the owner, showing that he is knowledgeable.
The whole enthusiasm of these big Americans and their servants has been revealed to the fullest, and they are typical samples of the upper class in Edward VII. Carl's personal servant Spicer Lovejoy was tall, with a tight face, dejected as a funeral director. Behind him are two maids who are the servants of Rose and Ruth.
A porter of the White Star Shipping Company hurried to them, suffering the last minute shipment.
Porter: Sir, you have to check your luggage at the terminal, from there...
Carl handed this man a five-dollar bill casually. The porter's eyes widened. Five pounds was a big reward that year.
Carl: I'm all up to you, brother. (Pointing to Lovejoy smoothly) That's my attendant.
Porter: Yes, sir. Happy to help, sir.
Carl has always made money work to the humble mobs.
Lovejoy (to the porter): There are twelve of these big suitcases here on the Daimler car. We are going to put all of them in several rooms.
When the porter of the White Star Shipping Company saw the large stack of light-colored suitcases and small suitcases, including wooden wicker boxes and steel safes, unloaded from the second car, he was taken aback. He whistled vigorously, greeted a few nearby cargo handlers, and they ran over.
Carl strode forward, leaving the minions to fight. He quickly checked his pocket watch.
Carl: We better hurry up. Please here, ladies.
He pointed to the entrance to the first class cabin. They walked into the crowd. Rose's maid, Trudy Bolt, squeezed behind them, holding the big and small bags that her mistress recently bought...these things are too delicate to be handed over to the baggage handler.
Carl leads the way, circling between cars, trolleys, rushing passengers (mostly in second class and cabin), and farewellers. Most first-class passengers avoid the smelly crowds at the pier and use the noble boarding bridge 20 feet above it.
They walked past a line of cabin passengers wearing coarse wool and tweed clothes. They lined up inside the movable railing, like cattle in a chute. A quarantine officer checked their heads, scalp and eyelashes one by one for lice.
They walked past a well-dressed young man who was turning the crank of Biaograv's cumbersome movie camera on a tripod. Daniel Marvin (his father founded Biograf Films) is filming the young bride before the Titanic. Mary Marvin stood awkwardly and smiled, a little shy.
Daniel: Look up at the boat, my dear, that's it. You are amazed! You can't believe how big it is! Like a mountain. That's great.
Mary Marvin, without any performance cell, raised her hands and made a clumsy surprise in Clara Bowmer's film.
Carl was pushed by two cockpit boys yelling and forcibly walking past him. A second later, they were bumped by their father.
Carl: Hold on!
Man: I'm sorry, sir!
The London guy who was a dad followed behind his kid and pushed forward, shouting loudly.
Carl: The underwhelming embryo of the control cabin, obviously did not take his once-a-year bath.
Ruth: To be honest, Carl, if you hadn't booked everything at the last minute, we could have walked through the terminal to avoid running all the way on the pier, like some sloppy immigrant families.
Carl: This is part of all my magic, Ruth. Anyway, it was the dressing ceremony of my dear fiancée that made us late.
Rose: You told me to change my clothes.
Carl: I can't let you wear black clothes on the day of sailing, baby. That's not lucky.
Rose: I originally thought I liked black.
Carl led them out of the horse-drawn wagon lane. It unloaded two tons of wooden boxes of Oxford marmalade, which was for the food supply department of the Titanic.
Carl: I have already used a mixed bag to book the most luxurious ship in history and live in her most gorgeous room... and you behave as if you are going to the execution ground.
When the Titanic's hull was looming in front of them, Rose looked up...an iron wall, painted biblical black, solemn and solemn. Carl guided forward, and she walked into the gangway leading to the D deck, feeling a little overwhelmingly fearful.
Old Rose (outside the painting): It's a dream ship...just for others. To me, it was a slave ship, handcuffed and chained to send me back to the United States.
The camera moves towards Carl's hand, in slow motion, this hand touches Rose's arm affectionately. He led her onto the gangway, and the black hull of the Titanic swallowed them.
Old Rose (outside the painting): From the outside, I should be a well-educated lady in all aspects. Inwardly, I was once perplexed.
35. When it cut a screaming guerrilla wave, it personally bowed the trio of big siren on the chimney of Titanic, and it issued a sailing warning.
(Cut to)
36. Exterior view·Southampton Pier/Titanic·Daytime
shooting from a few blocks away The Titanic stands on top of the terminal building, like the silhouette of a city in the sky. The sound of the ship's whistle echoed over Southampton.
The camera pulled back and found that we were looking out through the window, and then pulled back, revealing the smoke in the tavern. It was crowded with dockers and sailors.
In the window, a game of poker gambling is taking place. Four men dressed as workers fought cards very seriously.
Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi, both in their twenties, exchanged glances when the other two poker players argued in Swedish. Jack is an American, an overly thin and tall tramp with slightly longer hair than the standard at the time. He didn't shave either, and his clothes were crumpled from sleep. He is an artist who has been tainted with the bohemian style of life in the Parisian art world. For a twenty-year-old man, he is also very calm, down-to-earth and stable. He has been working alone since he was fifteen.
The two Swedes are still arguing vigorously in Swedish.
Olaf (insidiously): You stupid fish head. I don't believe you use our ticket to gamble.
Sven (slyly): You lost our money, I just wanted to win it back. Now, shut up and take a card.
Jack (satisfiedly): One more card, gentle.
Jack took the card and slipped it into his palm.
Extra large close-up: Jack's eyes. They did not reveal the secret.
Close up shot of Fabrizio. When he refused to take the card, he licked his lips nervously.
A close-up of Stark in the middle of the table. Four kinds of banknotes and tokens of different countries. This card game has been going on for a while, and on top of the pile of money are two third-class tickets for the British ship Titanic.
The whistle of the Titanic called again. This is the last reminder.
Jack: It's time to see the difference, buddy. Someone's life is about to change.
Fabrizio put down his cards, and the two Swedes also put down. Jack held the card tightly.
Jack: Let me see... Fabrizio is nothing, Olaf, you are nothing, gentle, uh, only... two pairs... huh. (Turning to his friend) I'm sorry, Fabrizio.
Fabrizio: What are you sorry? what do you have? You lose my money? ?
Jack: I'm sorry, you won't see your mother for a long time...
He took a picture of "full seats" on the table.
Jack (laughs): Because you are going to America! ! It's full, guys!
Fabrizio: That's great, Maria! ! Ah-- --! ! !
A hustle and bustle of different languages broke out on the desktop. Jack grabbed the money and the boat ticket from the table.
Jack (to the two Swedes): I'm sorry, guys. Three cards of the same point and two of the same point, my card is big, yours is small, and (to Fabrizio)...we are going to...
Fabrizio: America! ! !
Olaf clumped up the farmer's big fist. We thought he was going to beat Jack, but we didn't expect him to turn around and beat Sven. Sven fell on his back and sat on the ground with a bad face. Olaf forgot about Jack and Fabrizio, who were dancing in circles, and like a machine gun, he spit out a string of sarcasm for his stupid cousin.
Jack kissed the two tickets, then jumped on Fabrizio's back and rode him around the small hotel as if he had won the lottery.
Jack: Go home...return to the land of freedom and a place with authentic hot dogs! Get on the Titanic! ! We are now on board with high taste! It's fucking noble!
Fabrizio: Did you see it? It was destined by my fate! ! Like I said to you, I'm going to America! ! Be a millionaire! ! (To the hotel owner) Do you understand? ? I go to America.
Hotel owner: No, man, it's the Titanic bound for America. Within five minutes.
Jack: Damn it! ! Quickly, Fabry! (Grabbing their things) Hurry up! ! (Laughs to everyone) This is the most important thing.
They ran towards the door.
Hotel owner: Of course I can assure you that if they know that people like you are going, they will be happy to wait!
(Cut to)
37. Delete the original text.
38. Exterior · Pier · Titanic
Jack and Fabrizio packed all their belongings in the world into a rucksack and rushed to the dock. They crawled through the crowd around the terminal and yelled behind them as they pushed the paced gentlemen. They dodged piles of luggage and circled around piles of people. They arrived at the pier in a hurry, and Jack suddenly stood still... Gazing at the iron-walled hull, which was seven stories higher than the pier, the Titanic was exceptionally magnificent.
Fabrizio turned around and ran to grab Jack, and they rushed to the third-class gangway aft on deck E. When they reached the bottom of the sloping ladder, Moody's, the sixth grade official, unloaded it from the top. It began to swing down from the gangway door.
Jack: Wait a minute! ! We are travelers!
Blushing and panting, he shook the ferry ticket.
Moody: Did you pass the inspection team?
Jack (lied gladly): Of course! Besides, we don't have lice, we are Americans. (Looks at Fabrizio) We are both.
Moody (irritably): Okay, let's get on the boat.
Moody asked the helmsman Luo to get on the ladder again. Jack and Fabrizio got on the boat. Moody looked at the tickets and handed them to Luo. Luo looked at the names on the ticket and put them on the passenger list.
Luo: Gunderson. And... (pronounced Fabrizio's name) Gunderson.
He returned the ticket, looked at Fabrizio's appearance of the Mediterranean, and became puzzled.
Jack (grabbing Fabrizio by the arm): Come on, Sven.
Jack and Fabrizio cheered for victory as they ran down the white-painted corridor... grinning.
Jack: We are the luckiest people in the world!
(Cut to)
39. Delete the original text.
40. Location·Titanic and Pier·During the day
, mooring ropes as thick as men’s arms fell into the water. When Severn Taggs pulled the Titanic away, there was a burst of cheers on the dock.
(Cut to)
41. Exterior view·Stern well deck/Stern deck·Daytime
Jack and Fabrizio rushed through a door to the well-shaped deck at the stern. Follow them by running across the deck to the steel ladder leading to the stern deck. They ran to the railing, and Jack began to wave and shout to the crowd on the dock.
Fabrizio: Is there anyone you know?
Jack: Of course not. Not for this. (To the crowd) Goodbye! goodbye! ! I will miss you!
Fabrizio waved together happily, adding his own voice to the higher and higher noises, feeling the exhilarating moment.
Faquerizio: Goodbye! I will never forget you!
(Cut to)
42. Delete the original text.
43. Location·Southampton Pier·During the day
when a black metal wall moved away from them, the group of people who wished peace and happiness waved their hands warmly. The tiny figure waved from the railing of the ship in response. The Titanic accelerated.
(Cut to)
44. Location · Test River · Daytime
telephoto lens shooting Titanic's bow full of pictures under the dwarfed tugboat towing. As the ship moved towards the River Teste towards the British Canal, the bow of the ship overturned.
(Cut to)
45. Interior · Third-class sleeper / G deck front · During the day
Jack and Fabrizio walked into a narrow corridor, the door is lined inside and out, much like a college dormitory. When people argue in several languages, they are completely lost, or they just wander around in a maze of sutras. They walked past immigrants who were recognizing the signs on the door one by one, or searching for words and sentences in phrase booklets from time to time.
They found their own space. This is a simple small bedroom, painted enamel-white, with four berths. There are exposed pipes above the head. Two other people have arrived. Orpheus and Bjorn Gunderson.
Jack put his canvas tool bag on one bunk, and Fabrizio used another bunk.
Bjorn (in Swedish/with subtitles): Where is Sven?
(Cut to)
46. Interior view. 5256 suites on the B floor. In
contrast during the daytime , the so-called "Millionaire Suite" is indeed a royal style. It includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, toilet, closet room, and a large living room. There is also a 50-foot private promenade deck outside.
A housekeeper poured champagne into a tulip-shaped glass with orange juice, and delivered the "Bukfitz" drink to Rose. She is browsing through her collection of paintings, including Monet's water lilies, Degas's dancing girls and some abstract paintings, mostly unknown paintings...failed.
Carl was on the covered deck outside, where there were potted plants and grape racks. He crossed the doorway and talked to Rose in the living room-
Karl: Don't buy those paintings anymore, it's a waste of money.
Rose (look at a portrait of a cubist artist): You are wrong. They are fascinating, like in a dream... where there are illogical truths. What is his name...? (Seen on canvas) Picasso.
Carl (into the living room): He will never be a big climate, trust me. At least they are worthless.
A porter puts Carl's personal safe (which we recognize) into the room with a trolley.
Carl: Put it in the closet room.
47. In the bedroom. Rose walked in with Degas's large "Dancing Girl", and she sat at the dressing table, near the canopy bed. Trudy was already there, hanging up some of Rose's clothes.
Trudy: It smells very fresh. It seems to be built specifically for us. I mean...just think about tonight, when I get into the sheets, I will be the first...
Carl appears in the doorway of the bedroom.
Carl (looking at Rose): When I get into the sheets tonight, I will also be the first.
Trudy (blushing because of innuendo): Please forgive me, miss.
She bypassed Karl and left quickly. Carl walked behind Rose with his hands on her shoulders, an act of possession rather than intimacy.
Carl: The first and the only one. forever.
Rose's expression showed how bleak the situation was for her.
(Cut to)
48. Exterior · Cherbourg Port, France · After dusk
, the silhouette of the Titanic faces the purple sky after sunset, and she is brightly lit like a palace on water. Her thousands of portholes gleamed and reflected on the calm harbour water. The 150-foot-long supply boat Noudik was moored beside her, which looked like a rowing boat by comparison. The lights of Cherbourg Harbour complete the postcard-like images of this huge ship.
(Cut to)
49. Interior · First-class reception room/D deck
There are several prominent passengers entering the first-class cabin from the supply boat. A wide-shouldered woman wearing a large feather hat came up from the gangway, carrying a suitcase in each hand. A porter ran after and took the boxes.
Woman: Hmph, I didn't plan to be there for you all day, little guy. If you think it works, you can take the rest of the way.
Old Rose (outside the painting): There is a woman on the boat in Cherbourg, named Margaret Brown, but we all call her Molly. History will call her the Molly Brown who won't be overwhelmed. Her husband had dug for gold in the west, and her mother said she was the kind of "nouveau riche".
Forty-five-year-old Molly Brown spoke rudely, went straight, dressed gorgeously, and was indistinguishable from the upper class, but would never be one of them.
Old Rose (outside the painting): The next afternoon, we had stopped at the last stop, and sailed straight west from the Irish coast. Before us was a vast ocean...
(cut to)
50. The original text was deleted.
51. Exterior · Bow · During the day
, the ship lights up under the warm cream light in the late afternoon. Jack and Fabrizio were standing at the bow of the ship, holding on to the arc-shaped railing that we are familiar with from the image of the wrecked ship. Jack lay on the railing and leaned over to look 50 feet below. The head of the ship pierced the sea with a sharp blade like him, splashing two large sheets of transparent water.
(Cut to)
52. Interior/Exterior scenes·A series of scenes on the Titanic·Daytime
On the bridge, Captain Smith turned from the compass cabinet to face First Officer William Murdoch.
Captain Smith: Drive her into the ocean, Mr. Murdoch. Let's let go of her hands and feet.
Murdoch shifted the lever of the mechanical messenger to "full speed forward"
53. Now we begin to eulogize the giant wheel. Have a musical/visual image. The music is full of forward rhythm, full of passionate and upward melody, praising the majestic, solemn and optimistic spirit of this dream ship.
In the engine room, the transmission bell rang and moved to "full speed forward".
Chief Engineer Bell: Go ahead at full speed!
In the narrow aisle, Thomas Andrews, the shipbuilder, took a close look as the mechanics and oilers huddled together to adjust the valves. Above them stood a pair of rotating engines, four stories high, and the 10-foot-long connecting rod undulated up and down with the big crankshaft. The roar of the engine is like the footsteps of a giant marching.
54. In the boiler room, the workers shoveling coal in the roaring hearth sing a song monotonously and repeatedly. This "black gang" is full of sweat and soot. When they toil in the hellish heat, they The muscle activity has almost become an integral part of the machine.
55. Underwater, a huge bronze propeller broke through the water, violently pushing the ship forward, stirring up the swirling foam, and extending for miles behind this invincible ship in the world. The chimney emits smoke, and
when— 56. When the ship speeds up, the bow splits the waves, and the churning waves go higher. The camera suddenly pulled up to the bow and found Jack. The sea breeze blows his hair, and at the same
time— 57. Captain Smith walked from the closed bridge to the side, standing with his hands on the rails, exactly like the captain depicted in a novel... an amazing master of the sea.
First Mate Murdoch: 21 nautical miles, sir.
Smith: She is now breaking through the waves, uh, Murdoch.
Smith took a cup of tea from the fifth-class official Luo. He satisfactorily observed the white V-shaped sea water rushing out of the bow, as if showing his personal power. Really invincible, defeating the sea.
58. On the bow, Jack and Fabrizio leaned far out of the barrier and looked down.
In the transparent bow waves, there are two dolphins underwater, swimming fast in front of the steel blade of the bow. They do this for the ultimate joy and pride of the sport. Jack looked at the dolphin and laughed. They jumped, jumped out of the water, then sank again, crossing in front of the bow. Dance in front of "The World is Invincible".
Fabrizio looked forward to the Atlantic Ocean, watching the sun leaping.
Fabrizio: I can see the Statue of Liberty. (Laughs at Jack) Very small... of course.
The camera revolves around them until their backs are facing the ocean.
Now we pull the camera back, across the front deck. Raising the camera as you continue to pull back, the boat moves forward in the camera endlessly. Above the side of the bridge, along the deck of the ship, until its chimney enters the picture from our side, lined up one after another like Optimus Prime. We pull the camera back and lift it up until we can look down at the chimney, and the people on the deck and standing by the railing will then become as small as ants.
We continued to pull back the camera until we saw the whole body of the giant ship, appearing as a black aerial statue, solemn and simple.
Ismay (outside the painting): She is the most magnificent moving object ever built by man. ……
(cut to)
59. Interior view·Palm Courtyard Restaurant·Daytime
Close-up J. Bruce Ismay-Manager of White Star Shipping Company.
Ismay: ...and our master shipbuilder, Mr. Andrews here, started with the sheet metal structure of the keel, and he did all the design.
He pointed to Thomas Andrews, a thirty-nine-year-old handsome Irish gentleman on the right, who belonged to Harlan and Wolfe Shipbuilding.
Pull the angle away and take a picture of a group of people gathering for lunch the next day. Ismay sat with Carl, Rose, Ruth, Molly Brown, and Thomas Andrews in the Palm Court, a beautiful, sunny place enclosed by tall domed windows.
Andrews (don't like people paying attention to him): Well, I might have put her together in a hurry, but it was Ismay's idea. He envisioned a very high-level ship with extremely luxurious and luxurious equipment, so that her hegemony would never be challenged. Now, she is here... (patting the table)... her ambition has become a reality.
Molly: Why do you always call the ship "she"? Is it because men think that half of the women around have big buttocks (Note 1) and should be weighed by the tons? (Everyone laughs) This is just another example of men using their methods to establish rules.
Waiters come and wait for orders. Rose lit a cigarette.
Ruth: You know I don't like this, Rose.
Carl: She knows.
Carl took the cigarette from her and put it out.
Carl (treater): We both want lamb, half-rare and half-cooked, with a little mint sauce. (To Ross after the waiter walks away) You like lamb, don't you, darling?
Molly was observing the actions between Ross, Carl, and Ruth.
Molly: So, you have to cut the meat for her, Carl? (To Ismay) Hey, who named her Titanic? Is it you, Bruce?
Ismay: Yes, that's it. I wanted to express the volume of the sheer arc. And volume means stability, luxury... and safety...
Ross: Do you know Dr. Freud? You may be particularly interested in his views on men trying to conquer women. Mr. Ismay.
Ruth: My god, Rose, what do you want to do...
Rose : I'm deprived of it.
She walked away proudly.
Ruth (wrongly): I sincerely apologize.
Molly: She is a gun, Carl. Are you sure to control her?
Carl (nervous, but pretending not to care): From now on, I might start to care about what books she reads.
(Cut to)
60. Exterior view·Stern deck/back deck·Daytime
Jack sat on a bench to bask in the sun, behind which was the trail of the Titanic stretching towards the horizon. He propped up his knees and supported a leather-bound sketchbook, which was his only valuable property. He used crayons and quickly painted with confident strokes. Cartmel, a Manchester immigrant, took his five-year-old daughter, Cora, standing next to the rail at the bottom of the railing, leaning against her father's beer belly, looking at the seagulls.
That sketch perfectly captured their charm, full of the rich human touch of that moment. Jack is a good hand, really good. Fabrizio looked at the painting from Jack's shoulder. He nodded in appreciation.
A frowning young Irish immigrant Tommy Ryan saw a flight attendant walking on the deck with three puppies. One of the black French lap dogs was one of the ugliest guys on the planet.
Tommy: This is typical. The first-class dog came down here to shit.
Jack looked up from the sketchbook.
Jack: So we know our level in this system.
Tommy: I thought we would forget.
Jack looked towards the well deck. Rose is standing on the promenade of the railing on the B deck at the stern. She is wearing a yellow dress and white gloves.
Take a close shot of Jack, he stares at her intently. The two of them are about 60 feet apart, and the well-shaped deck is like a valley between them. She is on her cape, he is in the abyss. She looked down at the sea.
He watched her pull out the pin on the refined hat and take off the hat. She looked at the ridiculous trim, then threw it off the railing. It fell into the water and floated to the stern. A yellow dot in the vast ocean. He was attracted to her. She looks like a character in a romantic novel, sad and lonely.
Fabrizio patted Tommy, they were all watching Jack staring at Rose. Fabrizio and Tommy looked at each other and smiled.
Rose suddenly turned and looked at Jack directly. His stare was caught, but he didn't look away. She looked away, but looked back again. They looked at each other across the space of the well-shaped deck, and beyond the secular Hongtao.
Jack saw a man (Carl) walk behind her and took her arm. She pulled her arm back vigorously. They disputed with gestures. She walked away angrily, and he followed behind and disappeared into the promenade on deck A. Jack watched her back.
Tommy: Forget it, man, just as if an angel once flew over your head, you can find other girls.
(Cut to)
61. Interior view·First-class dining room·At night, the
camera slowly moved towards Rose. She was sitting upright with people chatting enthusiastically on both sides. Carl and Ruth laughed together, while Mrs. Duff Gordon on the other side kept keeping Lively gesture. We can't hear what they say. Rose stared at her plate, seldom listening to the insignificant nonsense around her.
Elderly Rose (outside the painting): Looking at my whole life, it seems that I am already a person... I will never stop showing off to proms, cocktails, cruising and polo matches... Always the people in the small circle, the same Boring gossip. I feel as if I am standing on a cliff, no one will pull me, no one who cares about me...or even no one who pays attention to me.
The camera turns to the table and pats Rose's hand. She picks up a small fork from her crab salad. She pierced the crab meat fork into the skin of her arm, piercing it deeper and deeper until it bleeds.
(Cut to)
62. Interior · Corridor Level 1B Deck ·
Rose walks on the corridor at night . A flight attendant walked over from the other side and greeted her. She smiled and nodded. She calmed down completely.
(Cut to)
63. Interior · Rose's bedroom · At night
Rose walks into the room. Standing in the room, staring at his image in the huge empty mirror. It was just standing there, and later...
she let out a primitive cry that was extremely painful. She grabbed her throat and plucked off her pearl necklace, pearls jumping all over the room. In a rage, she tore herself, tore her clothes, tore her hair... and then began to throw things. She swept away everything on the dressing table, and the dressing table clattered to the wall. She threw a hand mirror into the air hard and broke it.
(Cut to)
64. Exterior scene·A deck promenade·Stern·At night
Rose runs on the promenade on deck B. Her clothes are messy and her hair is disheveled. She was crying, tears streaming down her face. At the same time tantrums, furious! Trembling for the complex that she doesn't understand...hate, self-hatred, helpless. A walking couple watched her walk over, shocked at her public display of this emotion.
(Cut to)
65. Location·Stern·Evening
Jack was recoiled onto a bench, staring at the twinkling stars above his head. Thinking about artistic ideas, smoking cigarettes.
He turned around when he heard the movement, and Rose was ascending the ladder on the well deck. Apart from the helmsman Luo on the stern deck, there were only two of them. He was 20 feet above them into the narrow lane of the bridge of the dock. She didn't see Jack in the dark, so she ran past him.
Follow her to run past the invisible duck-tailed sledge. During the occasional sobbing, her breath choked. Rose slammed the base of the flagpole on the stern and pressed against it again, breathing heavily. She stared at the black water.
Then she began to climb the railing. She had to lift up the long skirt, and it didn't climb smoothly. She moved slowly and turned around, with her heels on the upper edge of the painted white gunwale, her back leaning on the railing, her face facing out in pitch black. At 60 feet below, those big ship oars were frothing the Atlantic Ocean, and a ghostly ghost's stern wave gradually spread to the sea and disappeared.
Looking up the camera. We in turn saw Rose standing there, like a sculpture on the bow of a boat. Below her is the ship's name "Titanic" in extra large font.
She leaned out, straightened her arms... she could see God down. Looking at the vortex below, her clothes and hair were blown away by the wind caused by the movement of the hull. Except for the sound of sea torrents below, the only sound above was an anxious and stern rebuke from Jack above her.
Jack: Don't do that.
She hurriedly turned her head to the direction where he made the sound. It takes a second to see clearly.
Rose: Go away! Don't come closer!
In the dim light of the turning lamp at the stern, Jack saw the tears on her face.
Jack: Grab my hand. I want to pull you back.
Rose: No! Stay where you are. I was serious. Otherwise I will let go.
Jack: No, you wouldn't do that.
Rose: What do you mean by saying I won't? Don't pretend to tell me what I will or will not do. You do not know me.
Jack: You might have finished it. Now, come on, take my hand.
Rose was confused. Her tears were dim and it was impossible to see him very clearly, so she wiped her tears with one hand and almost lost her balance.
Rose: You are distracting me. Go away.
Jack: I can't walk away, I'm getting involved now. If you let go, I must jump with you.
Rose: Don't be stupid, you will die.
He took off his coat.
Jack: I am an excellent swimmer.
He began to untie the laces of his left foot.
Rose: Just jumping down, you will die.
Jack: It will be hurt. I am not saying that it is impossible to die. To be honest, I am more worried that the sea is so cold.
She looked down. What she was going to do was actually sinking.
Rose: How cold will it be?
Jack (takes off his left shoe): Cold. I'm afraid it's only two or three degrees.
He began to untie the shoelace of his right foot.
Jack: Have you been to Wisconsin?
Rose (stucked): No.
Jack: They have the coldest winter. I grew up there, near Chipova Falls. Once, when I was a kid, my dad and I were ice fishing on Weishaupt Lake...Ice fishing is when you poke a hole in...
Ross: I know what ice fishing is!
Jack: I'm sorry...you look like a lady who stays at home. Anyway, I walked through a thin ice, what I want to tell you is water, that coldness... just like the following... it agitates you like a thousand knives slashing your whole body, you can’t breathe , You can’t think...at least you can’t think of anything other than pain. (Takes off the other shoe) That's why I don't want to jump down with you. But like I said, I have no cho
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