Kingsman---a work of opportunity for the overflow of male hormones! !

Alice 2022-12-21 01:56:31

Kingsman---the dream of every young boy
(more precisely: the dream of every confused young man, or the dream of all people! Chollima often has it, but Bole does not often have it.)

(No serious spoilers, please feel free to watch )

Really, really recommend this film! ! ! For the first time, I really watched the fire in my heart for the first time, and it keeps burning! I keep saying that I must watch it again! ! ! ! ! As a result, I have watched it three times so far and I am also drunk! ! But really, really, super, super recommended! ! ! ! !

I accidentally saw the trailer for this film in the movie trailer of The Hobbit before the screening.
So, I began to look forward to it.
Yesterday I finally saw this movie in the first field, which is not lower than my expectations! !
(Digression, these Kingsman wear a suit, tie, drink a little wine, and have a small rack, so chic and so charming!! ————This should be Uncle Barney's favorite movie!)
100% of Rotten Tomatoes Score, IMDB priority score 8.3! ! !

Maybe because of Saturday, maybe because of the priority, maybe because of the big city. Last night was the first time I saw so many people in a British cinema (a movie). There were young people, middle-aged and old. I was surprised at that time!

The film’s opening staff introduced it with a very 3D effect (which also made me wonder why this action movie was not made in 3D, because it has full potential). But the kidnapping scene on the top of the mountain revealed some bloody and violent plots in the movie (the person was split in half in front of the camera, and there was blood! Oh my God, this might be the reason why we didn’t do 3D...———— That lady is sick!) The

Kingsman group, on the whole, is more high-tech than 007, smarter than S.H.I.E.L.D., more diligent than the Hong Kong police, and more difficult than the FBI. I'm really sighing that these English gentlemen can fight so, so, so, so smart! ! OMG! ! And this is also perfectly explained in Uncle Ke's tavern play (see the trailer)! "Manners maketh man!"————GOD! ! ! !

Uncle Ke is definitely working hard this time. Didn’t I think he could act in action movies before, because kings, poets, lawyers, and professors seem to be ≠ being a star? But this time, he trained for six months just to shoot Kingsman, which made me lament the actor's hard work. The key is that British actors always have a gentleman temperament, but they are beaten and bombed. Uncle Ke has a sense of integrity, calm, and politeness!

Newcomer Taron Egerton------As soon as I appeared in the trailer, I knew that this actor and this role were my favorite type, the kind that didn’t look good at first sight and was naughty, but in fact it was very potential and ambitious. Boys. He reportedly received the audition notice and script the day before, and went to the audition the next day without reading or understanding. But, after all, I also came out of RADA, where is the human potential, and I got the audition smoothly. The director compared him to Oscar actress Jennifer Lawrence in an interview: he was a newcomer during the audition, but as long as the camera scans him/her, he will know how to act and release. (He previously played a small supporting role in a BBC drama after graduating from RADA. Without this movie, he would probably still be in a TV drama or even have no job. Recently, because he has been checking this information and listening to his classmates and teachers. They are all sighing: it is difficult to enter the drama school, and it is sad to enter Oxford Cambridge; and after the drama school comes out, it is difficult to find a job. Many people have the strength and have no chance, and they may stay in the same theater for their entire lives. Therefore, Taron was at the London premiere. I almost cried and said: I am very, very, very grateful to the director for choosing him and giving him a chance-at this point, my classmates who want to read drama are even more impressed than me. Come on!) I really like his interpretation of Eggsy. The role, like other ordinary people before becoming a hero, he fights, drinks, fucks, loses himself, family problems, has no chance of ambition, and more, I have seen many young people from this role. Insufficient, confused, and unable to get a chance), Harry, played by Firth, commented on him: "I see a young man, with potential, who wants to do something in his life." (Probably it means) Indeed, we should all have potential , I want to be ambitious, I want to live a good life, but life is often not as I want, how many people can get a Big Break, how many people can become top-notch people? ————Taron got it, Eggsy got it too, and these two people/characters proved: Opportunities are really for those who are prepared and have potential! Chollima may often have it, but Bole does not often have it: this role echoes this actor, I think it is a lesson for us! (Personally, I don’t like to say that he is a little fresh meat. I feel that this word is more suitable to describe a Korean star! But it’s just a young actor.)

Back to the plot:
Uncle Ke’s play is very exciting (also mentioned above), and the dialogue with Eggsy is profound, but it is always full of laughter: in the tavern, people underestimate Harry (Uncle Ke)'s strength, everyone in the movie theater Laughed; Harry was looking for a movie review of the situation Eggsy was facing (My Fair Lady), and the audience laughed wildly again. (I haven’t watched King Haibian, but I believe that this kind of script, this kind of lines, this kind of cold humor should be the director’s style! Well Done! (I shouldn’t need to say it!)) I’m

very impressed. It was the ** diving training (swimming training? Or what training?) that made me feel that Kingsman is really dangerous (I think of the police ambition, but Kingsman is much more dangerous than that), and 5 out of 6 My parachute, I really got goosebumps and I got nervous. (I happened to go hiking today, thinking of the parachute scene-how important teamwork is!)

Earlier, I thought the director deleted the very interesting and funny part of the show room (dressing room) of Harry and Eggsy in the trailer. I was a little disappointed in my heart, but in the end there was still something! ! very happy! ! That scene is very love: Uncle Ke is upright but with a little humor, Eggsy is naughty and funny (That is SICK!! Hahaha)

In addition to the tavern play, Uncle Ke’s play in the church is also very exciting.
At the beginning, I was completely wooden. I didn’t see why these people started to kill each other. I felt that I wanted the director to express some connotation with this, but I used an extremely violent technique (this is the first idea). )
Later, I understand, everything is understood! This play was really exciting and violent, but it completely expressed the madness of the two villains: violence is definitely not a means to solve problems, let alone a means to wipe out the population! Everyone has the right to live in the world. To live or die, he must make his own choice instead of being manipulated by one person! ——This passage was also mentioned by Eggsy later.

(After this paragraph, you must be mentally prepared... because when I was the third time, my friends were scared to say nothing!!)

Then Eggsy was bursting! He also wears a suit and tie! (Although I really think he looks better in Adi. By the way, I have to complain! Why do they wear Onesie in school clothes! Why?)

Finally at the base (don’t know how to describe it, the words are poor) That part of the episode is a combination of play, comedy, and tension! Although I think Eggsy is a bit too strong (the protagonist's undead halo), it's still great! Potential, opportunity is for people with potential and preparation, this section really comes out! He has a great play and integrates high technology into one! I really got goose bumps and sweaty palms, so I was very nervous for him! Saving mankind cannot be careless!

Love the director who joined Eggsy's mother and daughter/son? The plot that must be killed can better demonstrate the inhumanity of the destruction plan. At that time, many people in the cinema took a sigh of relief for the children!

Eggsy's final fight with Gang Feet was very exciting! (I seem to use too much "wonderful", I can't find the word..) There is also "Sorry, gotta save the world." for a certain princess-"If you save the world, we can do it in the ass hole?"————The whole audience laughed and turned over! By the way, you must never forget the firework head! ! Damn, all my tears of laughter came out, and so did the lady next to me, her stomach hurts! ! ! Now that I think about it, I still want to laugh! ! ! ! And the final ending, Eggsy went to find the princess, and was caught by the camera... It was too funny! ! (Anyway, this movie really has too much laughter!! There are many more in front!! I like it so much!!) The final echo is also the audience laughed!

Well, in a nutshell: I believe this movie will be popular when it starts painting! (Don’t say that the British only make literary films, three-episodes, and romantic films. They still nail it in high-tech action films! Moreover, they are more sincere than American blockbusters!) Uncle Ke opened a new drama road, and Taron’s newcomer absolutely fire! !
It's really passionate. For people like me who will be very passionate as long as they see a passionate plot, I really love this movie with passion! ! This movie should be one of the best movies I have ever seen! I really like it!

I don't know where to start? Maybe it was from the Kingsman secret showroom in the trailer; maybe it was seeing such a young man's fate can be so changed; maybe it was seeing a confused man who got an excellent opportunity; maybe it was from their first underwater mission ; Maybe it was from their high-altitude parachute mission; maybe it was from their last mission to destroy the "hand" of the big devil... I really don’t know when I started, I really really want to be a Kingsman, Not afraid of danger or sacrifice. But, at the same time, life is not as good as you want. Many times you can't satisfy you too much, and you can't just do whatever you want. It's still the same sentence: Chollima is often there, but Bole is not often. Let me take Kingsman as a dream of me who is currently confused!

Anyway, this movie is definitely worth watching! really! The sincerity of the British! ! I've seen the top 10 movie history personally! ! !

Finally, let’s take a look at the top ten incomplete things for everyone. They should all be mentioned above. They are listed in no particular order:

1. How does Colin Firth play a gentleman and drink smoothly ("Boys, I've had a rather emotional day, so whatever your beef with Eggsy is, and I'm sure it's well founded, I'd appreciate it if you could just leave us in peace." "Are we going to stand around here all day or are we going to fight?" )
2. The church tore and force the play
3. Landing at high altitude, one of the six people did not have a parachute
4. The firework head symphony
5. Samuel Jackson (his accent hahahaha) that caused laughter every time he appeared
6. Countless high-tech Umbrella)
7. One hundred inappropriate but elegant sources and usages of swear words
8. See how the British turned bloody violence into grace and elegance, and tell you: No!
9. Numerous cold, hot, and connotative laughs.
10. Damn, just for these damn gentlemen who wear suits and tie and fight so handsomely and speak elegantly, you must watch! ! ! ! ! !

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Kingsman: The Secret Service quotes

  • [Valentine notices the people in the party room looking gloomy]

    Valentine: The fuck's wrong with them?

    Gazelle: I don't know. Could be something to do with the mass genocide.

    Valentine: Give me the mic.

    [Gazelle hands Valentine a microphone. Valentine stands up]

    Valentine: Hey all! Everybody listen up! What the fuck is wrong with you people? I just want to remind you all that today is a day of celebration. We must put aside all thoughts of death, and focus on birth. The birth of a new age. We mustn't mourn the ones who give their lives today. We should honor their sacrifice, and their role in saving the human race. We must put aside doubts and guilt. You are the chosen people. When folks tell their kids the story about Noah's Ark, is Noah the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Is God the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: How about the animals marching two by two?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Of course not! Yeah, that's it! Let's turn those frowns upside down. Eat, drink, and paaaaarty!

  • Harry Hart: I very much regret that your husband's bravery can't be publicly celebrated. I hope you understand that.

    Michelle Unwin: How can I understand, if you won't tell me anything? I didn't even know he wasn't with his squad.

    Harry Hart: I'm so sorry I can't say more. I would like to present to you this medal of valour. If you look closely on the back, there's a number. And as a more concrete gesture of gratitude, we'd like to offer you a... Let's call it a favour. The nature of it is your choice. Just tell the operator: 'Oxfords, not Brogues.' And then they'll know it's you.

    Michelle Unwin: I don't want your help!

    [Pushing away the medal]

    Michelle Unwin: I want my husband back!


    Michelle Unwin: [Hart walks away and approaches little Eggsy, who is playing with a snow globe]

    Harry Hart: What's your name, young man.

    Little Eggsy: Eggsy.

    Harry Hart: Hello, Eggsy. Can I see that?

    [Eggsy gives Hart the snow globe. Hart gives Eggsy the medal]

    Harry Hart: You take care of this, Eggsy. Alright?

    [Eggsy nods]

    Harry Hart: And take care of your mum, too.