This isn't a movie review, it's an explanation that you can't calm your mind five minutes after watching the movie.

Zita 2022-03-17 09:01:02

I have really been looking forward to this movie for a long, long time. It will be released in the UK in mid-November, but it will not be released until January 1st in Australia. If there is no one to accompany me to see it, I will be there alone. Who made me like BC? By the way, after this movie, I completely became a fan of BC.

I like BC, of ​​course, because Sherlock started. I think what I like is not BC but the eccentric Sherlock in the TV series. Later, I watched other movies he played one after another, and found that many of them were neurotic geniuses with high IQ and low EQ, such as Sherlock, Van Gogh, Hawking, the white-haired one. Although he is a fairly normal reporter in Rewind Life, the person he interviewed is homeless and has some kind of illness. This time he plays another mathematician with a perverted personality and not good at getting along with others. Sure enough, BC has a genius face.

Others say that I think he is Sherlock in everything watching BC, but I really don't think so. When I saw this movie, I didn't have Sherlock's sense of substitution at all, because these are obviously two roles. Although there are some similarities between the two, I think there is still a lot of difference. Shylock has an older brother who cares about him. He lives in the 21st century and can live a willful life; while Turing lived in a relatively conservative World War II period, facing war and social discrimination, Alexander. How could it be the same.

BC's acting skills in this play are simply amazing. Especially in several crying scenes, the way of presentation is different in different situations. The anger and unwillingness that I was almost ruined when my life's hard work was almost completed; and at the end of the film...

the background of the film was originally very depressing and heavy, but occasionally a lot of British humor was mixed. I watched the second half of the film. I already cried many times, but I was able to restrain myself the first few times. When Joan came to visit him at the end of the movie, I couldn't stop crying. I sat in the dark movie theater and changed to a posture with my arms around my knees, which seemed to be a little better. His trembling hands, rickety back, tears in his eyes, depressed but desperate eyes, and the love and pity in his eyes when he saw Christopher. Ouch, my little heart eh.

This time, it is rare to get up and leave the cinema after watching the end of the movie until the light comes on. In fact, a large part of the reason was because I couldn't stop crying. I don't know what I am crying about, but I just feel that I can't calm down for a long time after watching it. I should be grateful that I only used a faint eyeliner today, otherwise I would be happy after crying.

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Extended Reading

The Imitation Game quotes

  • Alan Turing: [voiceover] There were 159 million, million, million possible Enigma settings. All we had to do was try each one. But if we had ten men checking one setting a minute for 24 hours every day and seven days every week, how many days do you think it would take to check each of the settings? Well it's not days, it's years. It's 20 *million* years. To stop a coming attack, we would have to check 20 million years' worth of settings in 20 minutes.

  • Alan Turing: Sometimes we can't do what feels good. We have to do what is logical