She played with the public, but couldn't play with the darkness she didn't know

Clarissa 2022-03-20 09:01:08

Gone Girl (Disappearing lover)

1. The police station asked

Where were you before that? Just to cross that out. Where were you before that? Just to rule out your suspicion.
I kind of go to Sawyer beach for the solitude. I went to Sawyer beach for the solitude.
Ivy league? Rubs people the wrong way? Ivy League graduation, annoying others but not knowing it?
Abandaon all hope ye who enter ❤
I'll balance on the exact fucking edge of your emotional razor. I'll balance on the edge of your emotional razor.

2. Press conference

As you know, my wife, Amy Elliott Dunne. Disppeared from our home on the morning of July 5th Under suspicious circumstance. If anyone out there has any information. Please come forward.
I'll walk you out. 我送你出


Clue One
Although this spot couldn't be any tighter. It's a cozy room for my favorite writer. After school meeting, don't mind if I do. Maybe I'll teach you a thing or two.

Clue Two
Hey, handsome man, let's go undercover. (Spy game) You'll be the spy, and I'll be his lover. Let's head on over to the little brown house. We' ll play hot, doting husband, sweet, loving spouse.

Clue Three
Picure me , I'm a girl who's very, very bad. I need to be punished, and by "punished," I mean "had."
It's where you keep goodies for anniversary five. So open the door, and look alive. (seriously)


Want to test your marriage for weak spots? Want to test your marriage for weak spots?
Add one recession.
Subtract two jobs.
It's surprisingly effective.

5. At first, the dialogue of "bad couples"

Promise me we'll never be like them. ❤
Like who?
All those awful couples we know.
Those wives who treat their men like dancing monkeys. To be trained and paraded.
wives who treat their wives like the highway patrol. To be out-foxed and avoided.
And those who treat their wives like the highway patrol. Doo Yong husbands avoid contact

we have each other. Everything else is background noise. ❤
we have each other, all others are background noise
by You are Exceptional.

6. the first quarrel (dialogue very Aspect)

More games?
by Yeah , I just wanted to shoot some folks.
What's the laptop for?
Oh, I see. You can give your parents $879,000 without talking to me. But God forbid I buy a video game without getting your permission.
You are spening a lot.
You don't trust me. You don't trust my judgment. You certainly don't trust my intention. ❤ (Why the male lead thinks like this)
What are you talking about?
That's the basic tenet (principle) of a prenup (prenuptial agreement), isn't it?
Why are you throwing that in my face again? Why did you mention this with me
because it's easy to throw. Because it's easy to think of
Nick, I don't get it.
I don't get why you're daring me to be someone I don't wanna be. The nagging shrew. The controlling bitch. I'm not that person. I'm your wife. ❤

I'm sorry. I kust don't know how to do this. I've never not had a job.
I flipped burgers, I pained houses, but...
You'll get another job.

And suddenly. I knew everything was about to get worse.

7. Looking for "Amazing Amy" volunteer gathering

Don't worry. We videotape everybody that comes in and out of thses things.

We might say hi to them on the street. But "best friend"? No.
He acted like Noelle was a complete stranger.
Of course he did.

8. Talk with sister

Ever since you walked into the bar that morning Amy went missing, you seem off (
无心焉的) Everybody's examining me and projecting their shit on me. Everybody's examining me and projecting their shit on me.
All I want is to come over here, have a beer with you and not be judges. Can we do that?

It's our last time together. Let's make the most.

9. Wife's narrative & fierce quarrel

I don't mind. I just wish he'd asked.
Nick is happy to be home, But I don't know if he's happy I'm with him.
I feel like something he liaded by mistake. Something to be jettisoned (discard), if necessary. Something disposable (disposable).
I feel like I could disappear.

We took a hit on the brownstone. And I used the last of my trust fund (trust fund) to buy him a bar. So far, it's just costing money.
Nick uses me for sex when he wants . Otherwise, I don't exist.
Last night, I went from desperate to pathetic (悲的).
I became someone I don't even like. ❤ The kind of woman I used to mock (笑笑).

Do our code. No bullshit. (Don't bullshit)
I thought we weren't gonna be that couple.

You really wanna be the couple that has a baby to save their marriage?
Reboot, retool, rekindle, whatever!
And you're gonna walk out the door now?
You're a fucking coward (戦夫).
No, it can't go on like this.
I won't.
You won' t? You won't? Why, it's not good enough for you?
It's not even close! Not good at all! (The wife pushed him a bit)
You stupid bitch! (Put his wife to the ground)
What scared me wasn't that he'd pushed me. What scared me was how much he wanted to hurt me more. What scared me was that I 'd finally realized I'm frightened of my own husband. ❤

10. Black market

You really think this is anything? Do you really think there are clues here?
Cross it off the list. Eliminate all error clues.
She wanted buy a gun, I told her it's not my thing.
Sh said it needed to be small, so she could keep it close. Can carry it with you

For Valentine's day, I thought I'd buy a gun. That is how crazy I've become.
Nick wants me gone but he won't ask for a divorce.
In his mind, I'm the owner of his bar, his only line of credit. The bitch with the prenup.
I could go home to my parents. But I'd have to tell them the truth and I don 't even know if I believe the truth.
Can I really think Nick woule hurt me?
I'm being paranoid (Suspicious). Crazy
It's just...
I'd sleep better with a gun,

11. My sister found

It wasn't 't like that, okay? You have no idea how shitty it was with Amy. How fucking terrible she made me feel.
"Flyover boy".(山沟沟里来的小子) I would get knots in my stomach just coming home, knowing she woule be sitting there. Dissatisfied, before I even walked in the fucking door.
Nick, I was scared for you before , and now, I'm fucking petrified (
被催傻). We're having a vigil (prayer) tonight for your missing wife. And this morning, you're kissing your college girlfriend goodbye!
Have you image? Have you watched television lately?
Cable News is all over your shit! Cable News is all over your shit.

12. Cable News

Listen, just because this guy isn't walking around weeping that doesn't mean that he's not hurting.
But the truth is , you'd have to be a sociopath (anti-social person) to behave normally in this situation because it's the most abnormal situation in the world.
I'm so sick of being picked apart by women. I'm so sick of being picked apart by women.
Innocent until proven guilty.

13. Police investigation

So, luminol lit up the kitchen like the 4th of July. Luminol in the kitchen turned out to be as bright as Independence Day fireworks
. The blood is profuse.
It is Amy's, type B, and we shoule have DNA soon.
Thoughts on a weapon?
Trajectory indicates blunt force. The shape is suspected to be caused by
a blunt instrument. Maybe a club or a two-by-four. It may be a stick or a wooden board.
She fell there, but I doubt she got back up.
Amy's medical records come in? Did you get Amy's medical records?
No , we'll have them later tonight.
My wife says he's a killer.

14. Courtyard volunteer gathering

Thank you folks. Thank you for being here tonight. It just means the world to our family. And to Amy.
As you all know, my wife, Amy Elliott Dunne disappeared three days ago.
And I want to impore (求) anyone who has any information at all. Please come forward. Help us.
I wanna say something, because I think some of you might be wondeing and are too polite to ask.
I had nothing to do with the disappearance of my wife. I'm cooperating with the police. I haven't hired a lawyer. I have nothing to hide. Amy is my soul mate. She is brilliant. She is charming, and wise. I love Amy, I love my wife so much.
And I may not behave for the cameras the way they want me to, and if they wanna punis me for that, that's okay. But I just wanna ask you in the media, please ,harass (harassment) me but don't harass the people of this town. If you need to mock somebody, mock me. Please don't turn this investigation into a circus (儿戏). Let the police do their jobs.
Thank you for your support tonight, Let's find Amy.

15 . confrontation

This area right here, it looked wrong from the second we saw it. the whole thing looked staged. looks like the whole arrangement had
Watch this. (WPC stamping the ground, leaning against a wall photo frame on drained
了) And yet, they remained upright throughout this life-and-death struggle
Did you do any housekeeping the day your wife went missing?

No blood and no body suggests kidnapping (Kidnapping). It tells us, look at people outside the house. Like these homeless you keep mentioning. A pool of blood and no body suggests homicide (murder). It tells us to look at people inside the house.Which is what we're doing here, Nick.
What pisses you off?
All money, lack thereof.
This is identity theft! This is a felony! This is identity theft! This is a felony! This is identity theft, this is a felony!

16. The truth Amy's diary

I would practice believing myhusband loves me and will love this baby. That this child might really save our marriage. But I could be wrong. Because sometimes, the way he looks at me. I think, man of my dreams , father of my child. This man of mine may kill me. He may truly kill me.
Wtf? What the hell?
I am so much happier now that I'm dead.
Technically, "missing". Soon to be presumed dead. To be precise, it is "missing" and will soon be recognized as death.
And my lazy, lying, cheating, oblivious (unwittingly) huaband will go to prison for my murder.
Nick Dunne took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money.
He took and took from me until I no longer existed.
That's murder.
Let the punisment fit the crime.

To fake a convincing murder, you have to have discipline (training).
You befriend a local idiot. Harvest the details of her humdrum (monotonous) life. And cram (infusion) her with stories about your hunsband's violent temper. Secretly create some money troubles. Credit cards, perhaps online gambling. With the help of the unwitting bump up your life insurance. Purchase getaway car. Craigslist. (Craigslist.). Generic (no registration required). Cheap. Pay cash.
You need to package (disguise) yourself so that people will truly mourn your loss. And America loves pregnant women. As if it's so hard to spread your legs. You know what's hard?
Faking a pregnancy.
First, drain (to drain) your toilet.
Invite pregnant idiot into your home and ply her with lemonade (Lemonade). Steal pregnant idiot's urine (urine). Voila (just like this)
A pregnancy is now part of your legal medicl record.
Happy anniversary. Wait for your clueless husband to start his day.
Off he goes. And the clock is ticking.
Meticulously stage your crime scene
With just enough mistakes to raise the specter of doubt. The police suspicious
by You need to bleed. A Lot. Lot A, A Lot.
A head Wound kind of bleed. like a badly beaten
A crime scene kind of bleed. like a crime scene
You need to clean poorly. then lightly rub Like he would.
Clean and bleed. Bleed and clean. And leave a little something behind.
A fire in July?
And because you're you. You don't stop there. Because you are different, so this is not over
You need a diary.
Minimum, 300 entries on the Nick and Amy story.
Start with the fairy tale early days. Those are true. And they're crucial (very important).
Nick and Amy want to by You BE likeable.
The After that, you Invent.
At The Spending. At The abuse. At The Fear. At The the Threat of Violence. And Nick of He WAS by Thought at The Writer.
Burn the Just at The right IT AMOUNT. The diary was roasted
Make sure the cops (police) will find it.
Finally, honor tradition with a very special treasure hunt.
And if I get everything right, the world will hate Nick for killing his beautiful, pregnant wife.
And after all the outrage (anger), when I'm ready. I'll go out on the water with a handful of pills and a pocket full of stones.
And when they find my body, they'll know Nick Dunne dumped his beloved like garbage. And she floated down past all the other. Abused, unwanted, inconvenient women.
Then, Nick will die, too.
Nick and Amy will be gone.
But, then, we never really existed.
Nick loved a girl I was pretending to be. "Cool girl." Men always use that as their defining compliment.
"She is a cool girl." Cool girl is hot. Cool is game. Cool girl is fun. Cool girl never gets angry at her man. She only smiles in a chagrined, loving manne and then presents her mouth for fucking. She likes what he likes.
When I met Nick Dunne, I knew he wanted cool girl. And for him, I'll admit, I was willing to try. I wax-stripped my pussy raw. I drank canned beer watching Adam Sandler movies. I ate cold pizza and remained a size two. I blew him semi-regularly. I lived in the moment. I was fucking game. I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it. Nick teased out of me things I didn't know existed. A lightness, a humor, an ease. But I made him smarter. Sharper. I inspired him to rise to my lever. ❤ I forged the man of my dreams.
We were happy pretending to be other people. We were the happiest couple we knew. And what's the point of being toghther if you're not the happiest?
But Nick got lazy. He becam someone I did not agree to marry.❤ He actually expected me to love him unconditionally. Then he dragged me, penniless, to the navel of this great country. And found himself a newer, yonger, bouncier cool girl.
You think I'd let him destroy me and end up happier than ever? ❤
No fucking way.想都别想
He doesn't get to win. He never succeeds
My cute, charming, salt-of-the -earth, Missouri guy. He needed to learn, he needs to learn.
Grown-ups work for things. Grown-ups pay. Grown-ups suffe consequences.
Adults must do things purposefully. Adults must learn to pay. Adults will bear the consequences.

17 big gift

Dear husband, I know you think you 're moving through this world unseen. you think well hidden
Do not believe that for a second. I know where you've been, and I know where you're going.
For this anniversary, I've arranged a trip. Follow the river, up, up, up.
Sit back and relax, because you are done . Follow the river, up, up, up. Sit back and relax, because you are done. "Prison) means going to prison.
That's what this is.
She's framing me for her murder. She's framing me for her murder.

I couldn't fake it for another year, another day. Even one day I didn't want to pretend
Before I could say anything, she said "I need you to go somewhere and really think about our marriage."
Part of me was relieved when I thought she was gone.

18. Lawyer

We'll need to realign (reorganization) the public's perception of Amy. Make them stop seein her as Ameica's sweetheart. And see her for what she is, which a mind-fucker of the first degree.Now, that is a huge realignment. We'll need other voices besides yours. There has to be someone out there that she's screwed with in the past.
I told you, you came to the right guy.

19. To Amy’s evaluation

Could you walk me through what happened? You Can you tell us roughly what happened?
By Thought the I, the this IS Amy. She's graduated from being raped to being Murdered.
Spoiled Rich Girl, Married A Cheating asshole. Spoiled rich white America, married a Fuxin Han
Paid the ultimate price. Can be considered retribution

20. attorneys to discuss countermeasures

Any other stategy is missing the point.
I'' drill you as if you were doing a deposition. What to say,
I will teach you to do the same as testimony, what to say and what not to say.
A trained monkey who doesn't get the lethal injection.
Nick, this case is about what people think of you. This case is about what people think of you. The case depends on public opinion.
Thy need to like you.
Now, you do this and you will reach millions of those people.
Maybe I only need to reach one.

21. Being robbed...

The second you leave, I'm calling the cops.
Your glasses are fake. Your hair's dyed all hamster (染的). You say your name's Nancy, but you don't answer to it half the time. You're hidin. I don't know why, and I don't really care. But you ain't gonna call the cops. And I don't think you've ever really been hit before.
Holy shit. (內包里颅週的钱)
Sorry, but we really need the money.
Next place, be more careful, okay? There are a lot of people out there a lot worse than we are.


After so many years under someone's thumb...
I know just what that feels like.
You wrer never under my thumb.
On your leash. 任你送送
The sooner you look like yourself, the sooner you'll feel like yourself.

23.Come Back

You know me in your marrow. You know me,
you need to tell me exactly what happened.
Take off your clothes. I need to make sure you're not wearing a wire.
You slashed his throat with a box cutter.

I don't want anything to do with your groupies outside.
Once they go, I go.
Give it the night. Sleep on it.

24. chat

the I Swear, you are at The TWO MOST fucked-up people the I've Ever Known and the specialize in the I fucked-up.
At The Time you liked Yourself WAS only the when you were Trying to BE someone like the this cunt Might. The I'm not a quitter. I'm that cunt. I've killed for you. Who else can say that? You think you would be happy with a nice midwestern girl? No way, baby. I'm it.
Yes, I loved you . And then all we didi was resent each other, and try to control each other. And cause each other pain.
That's marriage.
Now, I'm getting ready.

25. Conclusion

What are you thinking?
How are you feeling?
What have DONE to the each OTHER WE?
the What by Will WE do?


This woman is truly unique. Calculating the human nature and emotions that she can control, but the woman who robbed the money was right. She is a spoiled white and rich beauty. What she can calculate is only the ordinary people, and there is no villain like them. The way to deal with it, after being robbed of all the cash, he cheated until the rich man who had always liked him relieved her, even in order to achieve his own purpose, perfectly escaped and returned to the previous life and killed this so deeply. The man who loves her. So her worldview is "If I like you, then you should like me and act as I like; if I don't like you, then you are an irrelevant person, let me play and throw it at any time." Extremely passionate and courageous women, woo and Nick are also nice... They can pretend to be in front of the camera and take care of the baby responsibly, which also means living with his wife after knowing everything.
Hey, as their lawyer said, "you two are the most fucked-up people I've ever known"

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Extended Reading
  • Damon 2021-10-20 18:58:28

    The only thing that puzzles me is why the brilliant and brilliant female protagonist doesn't want to be with the rich second generation who looks like Jack Ma, but wants to return to that stupid husband? Just because I watched TV for a while?

  • Monroe 2021-10-20 18:58:29

    I especially liked the little gangsters who robbed Amy in the motel. They were simple and straightforward. They killed the okay heroine in seconds.

Gone Girl quotes

  • Ellen Abbott: I so appreciate you giving us this time, Nick.

    Nick Dunne: You went on national television and told people that I murdered my wife.

    Ellen Abbott: Well, I go where the story goes.

    Nick Dunne: You implied that I had carnal relations with my sister.

    Ellen Abbott: I didn't use the "I" word. I said you two were extremely close.

    Nick Dunne: You had a pile of nitwits diagnose me as a sociopath.

    Ellen Abbott: Icebreaker.

    Ellen Abbott: [shows him a robot cat toy] To go with your robot dog.

    Nick Dunne: I'll go find Amy.

  • Amy Dunne: [V.O] What scared me wasn't that he'd pushed me. What scared me was how much he wanted to hurt me more. What scared me was that I'd finally realized... I am frightened of my own husband.