This is not the story you imagined!

Bailey 2022-03-21 09:01:05

The definition of the butterfly effect is the phenomenon that a very small disturbance of the initial value will cause a huge change in the system. It means that in a dynamic system, small changes under the initial conditions can drive the long-term huge chain reaction of the entire system. This is a chaotic phenomenon.
To be honest, I didn't understand it the first time I saw it. Maybe my IQ was not enough or something. I watched it twice in a row! I go! But what I want to say is! It really shocked me!
If you think it is about a South American butterfly fanning its wings, it may cause a tornado in a far away place. Please! Don't be funny!
In fact, I especially want to tell you what this movie is about! But I turned my head and thought about it! Can't hurt you not! Recommend anyway! (Actually, the main thing I want to see is how many people like me didn’t understand it for the first time) Hahahaha

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The Butterfly Effect quotes

  • Title Card: It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory

  • [time traveling Evan at age 7 threatens George Miller with a lighted stick of dynamite]

    Mr. George Miller: Evan! Put that out, or you'll blow off both your hands!

    Evan at 7: Been there, done that.