JG's play is getting more and more Jim Carrey!

Ibrahim 2022-03-19 09:01:02

1. I want to shake hands with the design of this movie, and successfully portray Jake, a healthy and sunny man, into a lean and greasy neurotic Lou. An old-fashioned village party secretary shirt, a big back with a little curl on the end of the hair, thin and bare cheekbones, and greedy and fierce donkey eyes (by mistake), even if there is no physical disgust, at least he is an unpleasant person. At the beginning, without covering up, the smile like a dog-skin plaster and the same rhetoric as an endorsement, I will tell you at the beginning that this product is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

2. "What is this stuff for?" As soon as I sat down in the theater, I started to ask this question unconsciously. And it just so happens that this movie is talking about what the hell is doing.

A few wonderful scenes
3. In fact, you can clearly touch the emotions of the viewers. When the producer took Lou on a TV tour for the first time, Lou stared at the TV broadcaster in fascination and made a generous statement. The main idea is,'I take distance education online, I study very seriously, I graduated, and all my skills are taught by myself on the Internet, do you know that as long as you work hard, you can learn anything from the Internet. 'He is like a lost deer. Suddenly his previous unscrupulous follow-ups, skilful stealing, swindling into gangs, and breaking into the TV station without knowing the heights, all became traceable, and he began to wonder if the screenwriter was motivated. Toward. At the same time, he felt ridiculous for his pity that was so easy to loosen. Let Lou hide behind you to defend him like a three-eighth. It's not easy to think about this kid, isn't it balalalala.

4. Next, we were all wrong. We were beaten in the face by the hesitation of judging the character in the last second. Hahaha, a person with superb acting skills doesn’t care about only acting in one role. He can be a pitiful career Xiaobai, an intern savior who is generous like Bole, or a male cowboy who "flirts" with a female producer. Find material for shooting. The job doesn't even care about the fact that the front line receives more fuck off from colleagues and the scolding of police sir. He did it so reasonably and so skillfully that you can rationalize those boundaries, move the corpse at the scene of the car accident, and use the brakes of strangers to make news scenes. What happened? I arrived earlier than 911. In a few minutes, what's going on with some bloody material in the murder case? What's wrong with the murderer's license plate number by the way? I don't believe that you can be uncomfortable when Lou is panting and raising the corner of the camera's mouth and smiling like evil talisman. No one is better than anyone in the moment of vain, morally.

5. Who can believe it? nobody. At the end, when I brainwashed the new team collectively, didn’t I also say to the employees, “I will not ask you to do anything that I would not do myself (think of the cold back, the former partner even the basic employment partnership Neither), anyone who can ride on his head or try to ride on his head, both! have to! die! that's all.

6. The best few dramas with high lines were made by the female producer and Lou. That time the old lady and us mistakenly thought it was the Cowherd Lou's invitation to ask for the unspoken rules, and it was forced to become'fearless'. Negotiations for the battle book in person, “Sister, I’m not asking you to introduce me to work. I’m not that low. Although I can’t give much, but if your ratings go down, you’ll get fucked. Cooperate with me, you have no other choice, do you? What, you think I'm scary, do you want to go? Balabalabala's female producer has a crazy rhythm. I originally planned to relax with the young man on the weekend night and enjoy the idol gaze of the young boy. Anyone who wanted to be led by the generals turned into a tremblingly restrained by Lou, and became a grasshopper on a rope. The other was a scene where I talked with the female producer about the price of the murder case after watching the samples. I went every step of the way and didn't give any chance to refute (he said it made sense, but I was speechless). From the moment he got the material, he also shuddered, avoiding his partner editing at the rear of the car (crime news was broadcast in different groups in order to beat the ratings), until he had the intuition that "the opportunity is here" in one go. Hesitate, hurry up! allow! ruthless! (Really talented in journalism, brother!). I’m very surprised why the screenwriter didn’t join him in studying how to circumvent the law. Perhaps the screenwriter wanted to say that his existence in the real world is actually indispensable. Only if someone pays the bill, he can exist reasonably. Existence is reasonable. No There is no killing in business. If female producers greedily care about journalism ethics from the beginning, this sales chain will not exist, and Lou will not be prosperous at all. The screenwriter asked him to avoid possible legal sanctions time and time again, and he never lost. This is a more shocking reality.

7. Every time Lou waits in the car, his ears are erected, his eyes are like torches, and he waits for a chance that the radio station may pop up. I feel that this demon is stunned, like a jaguar waiting quietly in the jungle, attacking at any time, he Need prey, need this kind of speculative lifestyle. I have never wanted to praise such a character. Those paranoid movies with scarlet eyes are not too much, but most of them are playful. Lou is a good grasp of it. He does it on his own. If I don’t know how to learn, I never care. I'm inferior, and I never thought that success is to satisfy one's own dreadful self-esteem. What I fear most is the conceit of successful people, using that kind of retaliatory success to erase the original sin of their little people, just like Gatsby. Lou doesn't. This kind of person has no self-esteem at all. He is the kind of punk who can feel comfortable in the stinky ditch. In the end, I didn't know the reason for the ruthlessness that was growing in his bones. He never treated himself cruelly, never wronged him. Unlike some hard-working success learners, they are blind and desperate. Lou will do it. 'He has a good eye.' Maybe everything is dictated by nature. They are too familiar with the laws of the jungle and human nature, knowing that the things they sell will definitely be bought, and more importantly, there is nothing they can't sell.

8. Who said Lou is like Jim Carrey? Wait for me. From then on, Jake will say goodbye to the previous scenes and keep on making comparisons. . . . . No, give me the warmth of the "Brokeback Mountain"

9. Regarding the rhythm: It's
still a climax, no accident, but full of reasonable excitement. Some film critics said that the character of Lou lacks the mentality to follow the story, that is, there is no blood. Later, I think about it, such a person does not need to be mentally three-dimensional, the whole action is very explanatory, the explicit "I want",'I want ','I want', this behavior pattern is enough to tell a wonderful story. I can't tell how changing it can make it better, but I was really shocked by Lou's large chicken blood lines.

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Nightcrawler quotes

  • Lou Bloom: My motto is if you want to win the lottery you've got to make money to buy a ticket.

  • Lou Bloom: The price hasn't been negotiated yet.