About the scam and the feeling of heartache

Felipe 2022-03-21 09:01:08

I heard the name of "American Scam" early, and it premiered today. Naturally, I couldn’t let it go. I didn’t eat the Mavericks for lunch, so I rushed to it. In order to enjoy the feeling of being reserved, I even chose a somewhat outdated theater. And the time of noon. It's a pity that my abacus was not perfect enough. There was still a couple sitting in the lovers seat in the last row, acting as the big light bulb for me and "American Hoax". I secretly hope that they won't make any noises to disturb my watching of the movie. As for whether they can understand it is their own business.

The opening scene was very similar to "Two Smoke Guns". The slow-motion entrance shots of three scammers full of scheming, very cool and handsome + sexy, and then began flashbacks, beside the tall valley, Tells the story of the scammers in the past.

In order not to remember so many troublesome American names, I will simply call them. If you offend any idol or god, come and bite me.

The protagonist is a big liar, married a young, beautiful and stupid housemaid, and comes with a cute little boy. Ever since they hooked up with a sexy man and successfully cultivated her into a female liar, the two have partnered to commit loan fraud. Originally deceived into the wind and water, day by day to fight for gold, he is free to deal with between the two women, enjoying the blessings of the same people. Unexpectedly, the female apprentice was deeply deceived by the FBI boy, not only deceived her goodwill, but also set a trap to catch the deceiver and master and apprentice into the game together. The good days are over, the fly hits the spider web, can they get out of it smoothly? ——The three swindlers gathered together, and the story kicked off.

The hairy boy catching a liar is a great deed of punishing evil and promoting good. This boy is also considered to have achieved a lot of work, and he should have stopped doing it. But this kid is not small, he also wants to follow the vines and engage in a few swindlers to expand the results. ——This is the first step in Maotou's desire to expand, and the main line appears.

The hairy boy asked the two swindlers who were caught to help him set up a set, and then caught the four criminals. Even if the matter is over, they will be free. ——Although the big liar relies on the female apprentice as a shield, nothing has happened, but the hairy boy continues to use the female apprentice’s goodwill towards him (what a naive female apprentice, I was deceived once, but I still have to continue to be led away) , And the big liar's tenderness to the female apprentice successfully forced the two to bow their heads.

Just when the trap trio was about to successfully lure the first fraudster into the Internet, the bragging brat made a sub-retreat and some "Arab chiefs" made the imagination of the fraudster a qualitative leap-from fake From the certificate of deposit to the fake real estate investment project—Atlantic City, the scammer’s gleaming eyes illuminate the bloated heart of the boy. ——The Maotou boy, regardless of the opposition of the big liar, insisted on expanding the hunting range — from four small liars to the mayor. The strong opposition from the superiors did not work. Instead, they were strongly supported by prosecutors who were eager to be famous. step.

The handsome and ambitious mayor is very open in black and white, with strong support from the Senate and House of Representatives, broad support from the general public, and good cooperation with the Mafia (casino legalization). Obviously, he has a very bright political future. , In addition, there is a very happy big family, 5 children plus an adopted child, living in a standard small villa, lively, happy, happy and happy. In order to invest in the Atlantic City project, the handsome mayor was confused and fell into the trap of the "Arab Sheikh" trap. He not only called brothers to the big liar, drank and danced, but also invited the housemaid of the big liar to sing and drink together.

The big liar saw that the handsome mayor was so interesting to him and he wanted to send him to prison. He was really not satisfied, he wanted to help, but he didn't know where to start, so he scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously. What's more terrible is that the big liar suddenly discovered that the handsome mayor had been familiar with the Mafia. This project was even shocked by the second mafia figure, the cruel killer, and he was so scared that he had a heart attack. Obviously, when this happens, the handsome mayor will go to jail, and the big liar will have to go to hell with his whole family, not to mention freedom, and even his life. This account is too uneconomical to calculate, and this business can't go on. ——At this time, SB Maotou is about to end up with the Mafia, the third step of expansion has reached the point of overwhelming self-control.

In order to engage in the Atlantic City project, especially the key casino projects inside, the handsome mayor needs to open up the relationship between the superiors at all levels to complete the casino license, tax registration certificate, "Arab Sheikh" US ID card and other government permits. The Maotou boy applied for a box of money from the FBI, accompanied the handsome mayor to give it to officials at all levels, and recorded the whole process as evidence of crime. ——The trapping scope of the Maotou boy has been extended to provincial and ministerial leaders. The FBI prosecutors are excited like seeing flies in a dung ball, rubbing their hands and feet, and the Maotou boy even applies for a super five-star hotel. The whole level of the deception scene, yelled at the middle-level leaders, and started a violent beating-look, the small soldiers with the support of their superiors are so arrogant, the middle-level leaders have to swallow their breath after being beaten, sad. ——The fourth swelling of the Maotou boy has reached the point of being frantic.

It is said that if God wants to destroy it, he must make it crazy. What will happen to the crazy creeps, let's talk about it later.

The big liar's wife, Zhainiang, was actually seduced by a second brother of the mafia, and accidentally revealed the secret. The turning point of the whole incident appeared. The big scammer was almost killed by the Mafia, leaving a small life with a promise of two million dollars at a critical moment. With the green hills here, there is no need to worry about no firewood, the big liar made a decisive decision and made a big trap for the SB hairy boy, and successfully scammed two million US dollars. Then immediately reported to seduce his wife's second brother and let the Mafia avoid the FBI.

With the money of the FBI, the big liar and the female apprentice have a bargaining chip. The big liar apologized to the handsome mayor and confessed thoroughly, hoping to be forgiven. And said that the two masters and apprentices have figured out a way to help the handsome mayor get out of this matter. But the handsome mayor completely lost his mind at this time, shouting that I have been in politics for 20 years, when is it for myself? He sacrificed himself for justice, and knocked the big liar out of the house. Disaster hit this once happy big family, and the whole family fell into despair. The big liar was heartbroken and nearly died of a heart attack at the door of the handsome mayor's house.

In fact, we can easily guess what is the way to get the mayor out, as long as the FBI recognizes that they are a "trap of four", only the mayor's political future will be destroyed, but he will not go to jail. But the mayor obviously regarded political life more than natural life, and would rather stand to die than sit to live. This makes me admire the Mavericks, can't bear it, and feel pained.

The ending is, hehe, go to the cinema by yourself, I spoiled by 90%, I am tired, I should go to the kindergarten to pick up the child, goodbye you.

how? Think badly written? It's all about the plot, but you come to hit me.

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.