To those who have and will pass away

Frieda 2022-03-20 09:01:12

I watched the film in a small well-known bookstore and cafe in the imperial capital, without any distractions, fast forward, and looking up at the beauties. When the pot-bellied chef at the end of the film finished the last beat, I looked up, and the thunderstorm had been pouring down since I didn't know it.

When I was in Beijing, I didn't like rain as much as when I was in my hometown, because rain meant traffic jams, damp and distant bus cars and sweltering cubicles. When I’m home, I like to cross-legged on the balcony whenever it rains. There are mostly Bach or some classical music that I don’t mind in the empty room. I can take a few things and go out with an umbrella at will. But the usually crowded city in the rain is another washed-out look, the look I miss.

There are too many elements in the movie that I like, for example that a few people don't care about. For example, after Gustave went to jail, Zero went to visit him, and he said that he was fighting with pink to prove that he was not a softie. Then he picked up the cup and drank water. When he put it down, there was blood in the cup, and I was so happy when I saw it.

Regardless of the sense of rhythm, narrative, symmetrical to persistent composition, inexplicably restrained and deadly details, it is a typical Taurus. Well, in fact, I can feel that the director really wants to say a lot, and 90 minutes can't carry the things he wants to pay tribute to, those brilliant and luxurious appearances, and those words, they are all things he wants to say in his heart.

These things may be called feelings. It may be that even if Shawshank comes out, he still has to spray perfume. It may be realized as a bottom of society who is actually very good and has no morals, even 80+ women. After getting a lot of wealth, he will still come for a person with zero value. Defend and protect him with life.

zero. The name is really appropriate, because he had nothing, he and his late wife might have had a happy life, even if only a short period of time, but he is still the writer's eyes "has a sense of isolation from others who have not had the"

whole I don’t know what emotions to watch in this movie, with mixed flavors, I seem to have seen myself in the past, present and future.
Yes, I am a weird person. No matter how maverick I am, I am a person who will not be defined after contact.

I will also pay attention to a lot of strange skills, and I never have too much empathy. There is no madness for it, but it always pays a lot for a small thing, and in the end it is often not understood. It is impossible to get pleasure at the point where everyone is happy, there is no way to feel the joy of a new toy like a child, and there is no way to identify with many people's life goals.

As a seemingly artistic IT person (yes, I am an IT dog now), I really can't do much now, I never say much about myself, and I never hear others evaluate myself.

I think I will live in my own Budapest Grand Hotel, quietly waiting for the old, waiting for those who will eventually pass away.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel quotes

  • Agatha: [about M.Gustave and Zero] Whence came these two radiant celestial brothers, united for an instant, as they crossed the upper stratosphere of our starry window, one from the east, and one from the west.

    M. Gustave: VERY good.

  • M. Gustave: [pointing at an armful of flowers] These are NOT acceptable.

    Hotel Employee: [bearing flowers] I fully agree.