Woman's victory

Marley 2022-03-21 09:01:08

Although the world seems to belong to men, men talk about tens of millions of dollars in important matters, and women only know how to discuss the scent of nail polish, but men cannot do without women.

The two women in the film are smart and stupid, but in my opinion they are both winners.

Edith won Irving's love and respect. Although he seemed a bit erratic and unbalanced when facing his young stepson, when Edith was sad, he immediately fell into the arms of the agent and found his next home immediately! And the two flirted and scolded in front of Irving, which really dealt a heavy blow to Irving. Nice job! When Edith revealed his identity to the agent, the two were torn apart when Irving broke into the door and pointed a gun at the agent who said not to hurt my woman. At that moment, Edith might be as cool as I am!

Rosalyn is a beautiful rice worm and expensive, nagging and moody, and threatening Irving with her son is also making this extremely smart big liar helpless. Who says she is stupid? Feeling that her husband's heart is not on her own body, she cried and played both soft and hard, and at the same time actively showed her face and rushed to get together with her family, ah, this is an American woman. Loyalty is a joke, it's true that my old lady is so cool!

If there are only men in this scam, how can it be beautiful? Men conquer the world, but women hook their fingers, and men stick out their tongues like a puppy.

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.