Demons are rampant, religions no longer exist

Giovani 2022-03-21 09:01:06

This is a movie that has a strong reference to religion. Naturally, every work of PTA will actually rely on religion, and what it extends is the actual value of the existence of religion, and the analysis of the relationship between people and religion. Irony,
for example, in PTA's previous works, such as "Magnolia", we saw miracles but did not see God, and coincidences have explanations, and the explanation is whether the atheist’s self-deception or the theist’s worship, all of this Is it really meaningful? Kneeling to the gods, worshiping, or standing, insulting, what we think and what we want, and whether we trace the results in the process of worship. Will the short hundred-year-old light-year have the opportunity to find the ultimate s answer.
The film "Blood is Coming" directly tells the audience that everyone can become a prophet. Everyone is a true prophet of the masses even if they are a fake prophet of God. The masses are extremely dependent on religious beliefs and are always attached to the Asian society. Healthy development; sometimes, the establishment of an ideology will soon be overthrown and rebuilt, and it is very easy for people to find the coordinates of judgment. The pioneering era of the United States believes in the spirit of adventure, just like the son of Daniel in the film, it represents He has a vigorous pioneering spirit that does not mean pollution; his defects make him less than the interference from the outside world, not only to escape the control of his father, but most importantly, he has to start from scratch, establish his own company, and continue The western exploratory spirit of that era. And Daniel, an oil tycoon, as smart as him, has already completed the transformation quickly with the pace of the times, becoming a new-born capitalist, sitting on a mansion, but has exhausted his soul.
His soul has penetrated into the oil, turned into gold, and turned into blood.
Eli, built the Third Revelation Church, relying on his own charisma. This is not divine power. It is just a kind of eloquence. You can’t say whether the religious carnival he established is good or bad, but for Eli, it’s wonderful. Daniel’s work needs people’s support, and Eli’s church also needs it. Their conflict is based on this relationship. How to extract more wealth, or fame, from this land or this piece of people. One party must succumb. In the half of the movie, it seems that Eli has won. Daniel will beat Eli for the oil pipeline. What he didn't expect is that time has passed and Eli encounters an economic crisis. He betrayed his dogma for money. The myth of austerity, and then he was beaten to death. When he took revenge on Daniel in Texas, he never expected this day to come.
Who is the true prophet? No one, only a myth created by man, there is no miracle that has ever existed.
If there is a God, will he let Daniel lose his soul step by step? "I'm guilty of digging oil?" This is Daniel's question to the church. From the beginning of the digging oil, his leg was broken and his loneliness was endured. Companion died in front of him, his son was deaf, and his brother died of tuberculosis. A cowardly guy deceived his money with his identity. The entity was buried in oil. His life's achievements and oil money, but his soul was lost on the road. He could see the evil of human nature in the world, but he could always give back. He uses more brutal methods to stifle things that are not good for him. What he strikes is like a seven-stroke punch, hurting himself first and then hurting others; in the climax part of the movie, when he casually confronts vulnerable people He hit the heaviest punch and killed Eli, and the ending was just as he said: he was over. He is already the incarnation of the devil, and he is also Job. Are all these tests God gave Job? Where is the tornado of the conversation?
The prevalence of religion has a lot to do with the hard life. When people can’t find the goal of life, they have to believe in something to support their continued living. This is religion, which only serves as a soothing effect, and the disease has not been cured. , The soul was not saved, and even in the end, Eli lost himself in the rapidly developing capitalist society. Who guided the people in the direction of belief in the beginning is a lost missionary, not God.
What we see are people who are incomplete or missing, people who are fighting for their lives, we see useless religions, and what we see is a miserable life. Some are self-defeating, some are abandoned, some are still alive, but we have not seen God or miracles. I only saw people who claimed to be prophets, saw the devil, and saw the world full of pain.
The whole style and script structure, including the soundtrack, is completely leaning against Kubrick. The soundtrack uses a very compact symphony, mainly cello and violin. The photography uses a lot of wide-angle symmetry to balance the composition. The story tells. He's also very stable. You can call it dull at a glance, but you don't feel bored. We are drawn into the deserted western world and can't get out.
The description of Daniel's life is more like the structure of "Children in Troubled Times". For this reason, PTA has also specially strengthened the line of Daniel and deaf-mute children. It’s a pity that this emotional clue is placed in the third paragraph, after the relationship between Daniel and Petroleum and between Daniel and Eli. The young man can’t match Lewis’ acting skills. In fact, it’s far from the end. It is a bit confusing and boring to talk about the reasons for his son's departure for a long time, so it is a bit rush and thankless to compare his and Eli's 8-minute contest as the ending.
PTA wanted to tell a story as complicated as "Children in Troubled Times", but forgot to distinguish the story from the priority, probably because of insufficient experience; but this is not only the reason why Oscar left the PTA and chose Cohen. PTA, who is only in his 30s, is already good enough, but because he is young enough, there are always sayings that the younger generation should always give enough respect to the seniors. Only for this, Oscar at least gave the Cohen brothers a favor.
In fact, a burst of blood pointed out that the uselessness of religion is the real reason for not being liked by the judges. This point was extended to PTA's recent new work "Master". The discussion on religious issues is more profound and intense, but the answer is becoming more and more vague. .
Is it true that PTA will become the most regrettable uncrowned king in history? I look forward to next year's "Sexual Evil" and see what progress he has made. Looking at the title, you will probably guess what kind of story PTA will tell.

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.