The audiovisual feast of old age horror films

Marianna 2022-03-21 09:01:08

The story of "Calling the Soul" is adapted from real people and real events, and the pseudo-documentary-style shooting technique is used to make this kind of fake and real effects.

As a typical American horror movie, moving, haunting, and exorcising all seem quite satisfactory. In recent years, the horror film market has gradually declined. Not only the main theme is no longer clear, but there are more and more pure physical thrillers, which cannot cause psychological resonance and ideological extension. For example, the Thai horror film "Old Love Is Still", in order to make people think about a deep theme about "whether there is free choice in love", a horror film was made, but a bad script was handed in, which made people regretful. When it comes to the horror films of last year and this year, it is even more horrible, with only special effects and poor makeup techniques. There are very few that can stand out.

In contrast, the well-regulated answer sheet of "Calling the Soul", on the contrary, allows people to see the sincerity and diligence of the production director and crew. This is where the impetuous horror film market and even the film industry need to learn. If you can't make a novel and unique film, you can also pay tribute to the classic films of the old era and show your sincerity to complete the shooting of a tribute film.

This is an old-age horror film shot with modern methods. While we are frightened, we can also appreciate the dressing style and living habits of American people at that time, which is a bit like time travel. The actors' acting skills are remarkable, and the lineup is also considered strong.

Regardless of the era, filming techniques, or story structure, "Calling the Soul" is like a classic horror film deliberately revisiting and memorizing. So this audiovisual feast of old-age horror films is definitely not to be missed.

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The Conjuring quotes

  • [first lines]

    Debbie: It scares us just thinking about it. When you hear it, you're gonna think we're insane.

    Ed Warren: Try us. Please, from the start.

  • Drew: It did that to your face?

    Brad: I'd take a guy with a gun any day.