A failed winner

Kamryn 2022-03-21 09:01:06

This film describes how a man digs from a pit.
Relying on chance, unique vision and commercial skills, he
takes off his dirty work clothes and puts on a suit. The process of becoming an oil tycoon
is inspirational enough. It is an American dream. Really process.

What does this rise represent?
Represents an increase in wealth?
On behalf of the harmony of the family?
Represents self-realization?
Or does it represent the essence of human nature to climb upward and pursue a more complete state of existence?
Only direct sales will tell you that this is a system that will be achieved together, and other achievements will be achieved along with the increase in wealth,

but this film will not.
At the end of the film, when the man climbed to the top, in
addition to making money, his interpersonal relationship was completely destroyed. The
family was shattered, helpless, and lonely,
but his clothes were upgraded, he was sitting on a mansion, and he was arrogant.

He was actually still in that dark pit.

The opening of the film is a classic with more than ten minutes of dialogue without dialogue.
Through the transfer of the two scenes, the
background of the times, the original life state of the protagonist, the danger of work, the process of rising, etc. are completely explained, and there is
no need to repeat the sharp shots. It captures the various expressions of men,
ranging from fortitude, loneliness, and struggle, to confidence, joy, and the gleam in the eyes when looking at the baby.
Then instantly jumped to the man putting on a suit and
giving a business speech fluently, and
the cut was very impressive.

The main axis of the film is that men go to the small town to develop oil wells,
but the focus is not on the cliché business stories about the difficulties encountered in the process, how to overcome them, and so on.
Instead, it focuses on the interaction between the protagonist and the three characters.

1. The protagonist and the boy (HW)
initially interacted in a father-son and partner relationship. The
boy is the only companion around the
protagonist . What the protagonist teaches to the boy is not the "reasonable values" taught by ordinary fathers,
but business How to deceive the rancher and how to calculate the cost.

When the accident happened, there was a subtle clue that highlighted the fragility of the relationship.
Although the protagonist hurriedly took the boy who was blown up by the shock into the house,
but when the oil well caught fire, he ignored the boy’s cry for help and ran to the oil well to put out the fire. ,
the next time the two men appear in the same picture,
two oil stained, lying on the floor,
the boy has only issued ah a whisper strange noise,
the boy's face has changed, the emergence of an indescribable look.

The boy lost his hearing and refused to have a dialogue with the protagonist.
This made the protagonist lose patience with the boy. The relationship between the two gradually tore apart
and intensified with the appearance of the "brother" role.
After the younger brother appeared, the first moment
he met HW's eyes was when he talked about his past with the protagonist and HW at the table.
He said "shouldn't be talked about" and glanced at HW
. The scene immediately jumps to the protagonist who feeds HW's milk for a meal, and puts him to sleep
(the breastfeeding section is very delicate, and the sentence is an imperative "drink, drink",
ignoring the sadness of the boy's face, and constantly pushing the cup up. ,Infuse white milk)

I think it’s not from being sent to Qi Cong school, nor from severing the parent-child relationship from the ending actor,
but from the appearance of the role of the younger brother, HW was abandoned.
Become an existence that the protagonist doesn't need, and an object that can't communicate.

The irony is that when HW came back from Qi Cong school, the
protagonist was just constructing the oil pipeline that he mentioned with HW on the opening hill. The
protagonist took HW’s hand, crossed the pipeline, and gave The boy
gave a hug, and he said "I love you, son." What he
got was not a gentle response, or the joy
of a dream come true, but a slap, punches and kicks.
Then the audience knew that the boy had lost more than just his hearing.

2. The protagonist and younger brother (Henry)
After the protagonist lost the ability to communicate with HW,
he suddenly appeared in front of the protagonist’s house. With a thin letter, he gained the protagonist’s trust and
entered the house. , Became the existence of "replacement" HW.
(It makes me tremble, whether any "family" can be replaced by the protagonist)

But the role of the younger brother allows us to see the protagonist’s first emotional monologue in the play,
"I have a competition in me.
I want no one else to succeed.
I hate most people."
("I am born to be a limelight, I don't want other people to succeed, I hate most people")

"There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking.
I want to earn enough money that I can get away from everyone."
("Sometimes, I look at people, but I don't see anything worthy of liking.
I want to make enough money so I can stay away from everyone.")

"I see the worst in people.
I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need.
I've built my hatreds up over the years, little by little, Henry...
to have you here gives me a second breath.
I can' my oN the Keep doing the this t own with THESE ... people. "
(" I saw the people worst part, I do not know that they know.
I'm a little bit, I hate the long years of accumulation of Italy, Henry ......
you come let me be born again, I could not continue on my own, talk to these people bad mix. ")

That night, HW Henry tried to set on fire,
the next day, from infancy Along with her protagonist is HW Sent away.
The protagonist's role at the negotiating table is replaced by his younger brother.

But then at the beach, they chatted about their childhood longings, and the
younger brother’s emotional response. Finally , they broke the topic and buried their heads in their legs. The
protagonist’s smile crumbled little by little, turning into a suspicious look (this Acting!)

That night, the character "brother" was killed by the protagonist.
The protagonist cried. He didn't cry
because he had lost his brother, but because he knew that he was back alone. It was a kind of mourning for himself.

3. The protagonist and Eli
The role of Eli is like a mirror. If HW and Henry reflect the fragile side of the protagonist,
then what Eli shows is undoubtedly the cruel, surly, and unkind side of the protagonist.

The interaction between the two of them was very interesting from the beginning. The
protagonist had to buy land in order to extract oil. He claimed to the owner of the land that he had come to town under the guidance of God
. What about oil?" and bargaining with the protagonist.
The seeds of conflict took root here.
The name of religion is just a guise. The protagonist uses the name of God, and Eli does not believe it at all
, but Eli , who should represent God, cares about the amount of interest,
and then continues to the church to sing the name of God, which is very ironic.

Then the two men vied constantly, as the two agreed on the opening ceremony of the blessing of the abandoned wells,
according to Levin's speech at the church after the oil workers' accidental death,
(he hoarse shouting of "the devil to leave!" Oblique accusations accusing the protagonist.
And protagonist also blamed the accident faithful listening to a sermon and lethargic due.)
in fact, two of them there is no conflict of interest, but can not stand the main character,
not so much superstition, in fact, is to "position" the craving,
he let as The nobles in the well-developed town should naturally be admired by everyone and enjoy the glorious sense of accomplishment being looked up to by the crowd,
but the applause of the crowd gave Yilai, which made the protagonist feel unbearable, and
had to wrestle with Yilai mentally, trying to win Snatch away his presence.

And the section next to the
oil storage tank fully revealed the conflict. Eli quickly walked across the oil storage tank on the ground. The first sentence was "When can we get the money?" The
protagonist gave several ears to him. He fell to the ground, pressed his head into the mud, and his body was dirty,
I think that rather than saying that the protagonist is irritated, it is better to say that the protagonist got an inspiration from that sentence,
that is, "money is power."
It turned out that Eli, who is calling for rain in the church, must also come and ask for money from the
protagonist . The protagonist obtains a sense of transcendence, a kind of ecstasy, intertwined with HW's deaf anger,
allowing him to humiliate Eli as much as possible.

This is the most uncomfortable part of the whole film. It makes me feel that while the
protagonist is climbing up, he is also falling endlessly.
His actions let the audience finally see the essence of this "tycoon", which
is to use the power of money. Obtaining the advantage in the relationship between people,
the material power of money is embodied in the interpersonal relationship, and this is the picture that
shows how humiliation, dominance, and trampling on others, the
gorgeous American dream is torn apart, revealing blood. texture,
from the slap, others are cold, greasy pressed against the face of the earth, the
seen is actually turning the wheel of time,
tycoon representatives of capital are relentless humiliation of the priests on behalf of God,
the old class is disintegrating,
Oil becomes money, and money becomes the overwhelming force,
and the protagonist is driven by this force, allowing the inflated desire for dominance in the body to show on the body.
People are born with the power to climb up. The positive of this sentence is shown in the protagonist’s entrepreneurial success,
but on the flip side, it is also shown in the protagonist’s desire to suppress all "others" and step under their feet.

It seems that the first two interpersonal relationships of the protagonist are also gone because of money.
HW became an adult who "likes to work" and
decided to go to Mexico to continue his oil drilling industry,
but he was regarded by the protagonist as a competitor. The degeneration of family affection became a race for money,
and the relationship between the two was completely broken.

Henry, on the other hand,
yelled "Can you give me money? Can you give me money?" when he lost his temper after drinking,
and the protagonist's suspicion rose to the highest point and was finally seen through.

In the end, the
downfalled Eli bowed his head to discuss the cooperation case with the
protagonist . The protagonist forced him to destroy his beliefs, but at this time the protagonist actually had nothing spiritually, and
Eli became his last prey and last food.
He borrowed The famine's mind was fed by the destruction of Yilai, and
finally the intention of destruction broke through the spirit, overflowing into behavior, and let him kill Yilai.
Winner of the main character from becoming victims of money,
he indulge in the illusion of omnipotence, he shouted, "I'm the prophet! I'm the prophet!"
Finally, he slumped sitting on the ground,
"I finished."
With Brahms sounded, and the last victim of money in the film was revealed.

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Extended Reading

There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.