I'm pulling a bit far

Al 2022-03-21 09:01:07

After a week of mid-term exams and six or seven essays, I finally went home and ate 12 pan-fried buns and drank four or five cups of Long Island iced tea to watch the movie in bed. In fact, I usually watch most movies at twice the speed. I'm so tired today. I honestly spent two hours watching this little golden man.

This movie will be used by a man in our class to give a speech next week. The teachers in class today praised this movie, but it is still said that this movie is too American.
You don’t have to think about it. You don’t need to think about it. It’s not the United States that saves all mankind or how much Americans are worthy of sympathy.

In fact, I don’t want to say too much about the content of this film, because regardless of the development of the film, the rhythm, the soundtrack, and the plot, I am an outsider of the film. No one can fault it. But just like other Hollywood pipeline movies, you will feel relieved at the end. Fortunately, they all escaped from god bless america. Oh, by the way, when you watch a movie, you might think that the people in the Middle East are really terrible. Up!

In fact, aren't all Hollywood movies like this? Take a small hammer and hit it bit by bit, so that you can't see what he wants to deliberately influence you or say "touch" you. But at the end, you realize that he already exists in your aunt's mind. As for our movies, the slightly better ones are like the Long Island iced tea I made at home. Although it tastes a bit like, I can only drink it at home. Others are not willing to take a sip. As for the bad movies, you just bark the dog every time you hit it with a big hammer, and you will almost vomit when the movie is over.

In fact, this is the culture war. There is a saying that Hulu has no luck for a century. In fact, the Han culture in the ancient dynasties and dynasties of China is the cultural power. This is why not only many countries in Asia have been more or less Sinicized, but even the invaders were eventually pulled down or assimilated. In modern times, China was invaded by Western culture bit by bit, and the way to deal with it was to resist, imitate, and open up new routes. I won’t say much. However, the Meiji Restoration in Japan took advantage of this time to completely change its own. destiny. Until today, we can only be raped by Hollywood blockbusters one after another but are unable to resist, but Neon is far ahead in all aspects.

China is not without good directors, many of their early works are also remarkable. But let alone the over-commercialization of the past few years, many domestic films have been nauseous, even third-rate American films can be brought in and raped. In fact, I have also watched some new directors' films in the past two years, and found that many of them are sincerely taking a down-to-earth and prudent route, but they are also brilliant. But every time the level of performance is uneven, I just watched the two films and found it to be good. As a result, it was released a while ago and it made me feel like drinking foot wash after watching it. . . . . Hope it can develop steadily, and then movies with commercial, box office and word-of-mouth coexistence like Hollywood can also be shot. Let's have an anus!

In fact, what I'm talking about is not for this movie, it's just the sorrow of watching so many American movies over time.

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Argo quotes

  • Jack O'Donnell: [dropping Tony off at the airport] I'm required to remind you that if you're detained, the Agency will not claim you.

    Tony Mendez: They barely claim me as it is.

  • Tony Mendez: If we're caught, you and Pat go on trial for harboring the enemy. You know that, right?

    Ken Taylor: Pat and I have discussed it. It's the risk we took.